无机化学专业英语词汇1. 化学原理 chemical principles2. 气体,液体和溶液的性质 the behaviors of gas ,liquid and solution3. 理想气体定律 ideal gas law4. 道尔顿分压定律 Daltons Law of Partial pressures5. 液体的蒸汽压 vapor pressure of liquid6. 液体的凝固点 freezing point of liquid 7. 体系和环境 system and surrounding 8. 状态和状态函数 states and state functions 9. 化学热力学基础 the basis of chemical thermodynamics 10. 化学平衡 chemical equilibrium11. 体系与状态 system and state12. 热力学定理 law of thermodynamics13. 热化学 thermochemistry14. 焓 enthalpy