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1、 硕 士 学 位 论 文THESIS OF MASTER DEGREE论文题目: 奥运赞助商营销策略研究以搜狐网为例( 英 文 ) : A SOHU.COM Case Study on Olympics Marketing Strategy for Sponsor Companies 作 者: 孙婷婷指导教师: 黄江明 副教授2009年 10 月 28 日论文题目:(中文) 奥运赞助商营销策略研究以搜狐网为例 (外文) A SOHU.COM Case Study on Olympics Marketing Strategy for Sponsor Companies 所在院、系、所 : 商学院

2、企业管理系 专专业、名、称 : 企业管理 指专导专教专师 姓专名、职专称 : 黄江明 副教授 论 文 主 题 词 : 搜狐网;奥运营销;战略合作;隐性营销 学专习专期专限 : 2008 年 3 月至 2010 年 1 月 论 文 提 交 时 间 : 2009 年 10 月 独 创 性 声 明本人郑重声明:所呈交的论文是我个人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。尽我所知,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,论文中不包含其他人已经发表或撰写的研究成果,也不包含为获得中国人民大学或其他教育机构的学位或证书所使用过的材料。与我一同工作的同志对本研究所做的任何贡献均已在论文中作了明确的说明并表示

3、了谢意。签名: 日期: 关于论文使用授权的说明本人完全了解中国人民大学有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,即:学校有权保留送交论文的复印件,允许论文被查阅和借阅;学校可以公布论文的全部或部分内容,可以采用影印、缩印或其他复制手段保存论文。签名: 导师签名: 日期: 1中文摘要中国互联网经过了十年多的发展,走上了快速发展的道路。可以说,中国互联网的发展创造了一个互联网神话,其发展速度在全球同等 GDP 国家中应该是首屈一指的。中国互联网在快速经历了跟随、参与之后,即将迎来主导阶段。百年奥运第一次来到中国,为中国人实现了百年奥运梦,也为中国的经济发展带来了巨大契机。奥运营销是顶级的体育营销,奥运会的举办

4、不仅仅是为了体现一个国家的体育实力,发扬民族的体育精神,更重要的是促进经济社会的发展,为本国的经济,文化,教育等各方面带来综合的促进作用。随着奥运会覆盖和影响的人群日益增多,奥运会成了一个世界性的体育事件,越来越多的企业愿意借力奥运进行营销。2008 年,奥运历史上第一个互联网内容赞助商诞生,为中国乃至世界互联网的发展开拓了一个新的局面。互联网企业在奥运营销中如何发挥自己的优势,如何利用奥运契机提升品牌形象,需要注意哪些事项,如何解决营销中的难题,都是新颖且颇具现实意义的课题。因此,对于互联网赞助商的奥运营销进行理论探讨,以及实际案例分析,找到其中良好的经验,分析失败的教训都十分必要,并且具有

5、很强的现实指导意义。新浪网在诸多领域具有很强的媒体品牌,新浪体育频道就是其中之一。1998 年新浪网的编辑利用 BBS 进行世界杯的报道,一举奠定了新浪在体育领域的领头羊地位。在北京奥运会的项目上,新浪照例运用自己的传统优势,借力奥运会这一大事件进行营销,同样取得了不俗的业绩。腾讯网是国内门户网站领域的新军,依托腾讯公司强大的平台和用户群,短短几年就成为新浪和搜狐最强有力的竞争对手之一。而在大事件报道方面,腾讯网一直缺乏一次被广泛认同的事件和机遇。在北京奥运会的报道中,腾讯做了较为充分的准备,让大众看到了它在大事件报道方面的成长。搜狐公司 2005 年 11 月成功取得奥运赞助商的权益,成为百

6、年奥运史上第一个互联网内容赞助商。搜狐身上承载了一个具有里程碑意义的历史事件。搜狐以互联网企业的身份向世界第一次展示互联网行业的奥运营销,以中国企业2的身份向世界展示中国互联网发展的面貌。可以说,搜狐是 2008 年奥运最特殊的赞助商。有关专家认为,从 2006 年到 2008 年三年之间,谁能抢占先机,摸索出一套属于自己的体育营销模式,谁就抓住了未来。搜狐公司已经成功走出第一步,获取了同行业竞争对手无可比拟的平台优势。在取得奥运赞助商权益后,搜狐全面地分析了 2005 年的行业现状及发展趋势,提出了“网络的奥运看奥运,上搜狐”这一主题战略。这一战略,主要包含以下几个方面的内容。在市场活动方面

7、,搜狐的核心诉求点是要将搜狐公司旗下的各项产品与服务,与奥运会建立良性、稳定和持续的品牌关联,为网友提供最全面的参与平台,让搜狐的奥运赞助商美好形象深入人心。不光要培养国内网友的使用习惯,更重要的是需要借助奥运在全球的影响力,为搜狐的国际化整体战略奠定基础,突破赞助权益的地域限制,将搜狐的奥运形象推广到海外。搜狐利用自身的奥运矩阵“五环”模式,将奥运权益范围顺利地冲破仅限于中国大陆境内的限制,使奥运权益扩展到全球。并在活动策划中紧扣重要性、接近性、显著性、趣味性等价值要素,将奥运主题活动开展得有声有色。由搜狐网、北京奥运会官方网站与中国移动、可口可乐等企业联合启动的“中国移动伴你行 奥运家庭游

8、北京”活动就是一个很好的例子。搜狐网通过本次活动,巧妙地突破了奥运权益的地域限制,在全球范围内大大提升了搜狐网的品牌知名度和美誉度,使“奥运史上第一个互联网内容赞助商”的身份被全球更多的人所熟知和铭记。国 际 奥 委 会 主 席 罗 格 对 活 动 给 予 高 度 评 价 ,称 该 活 动 是 “普 通 人 实 现 奥 运 梦 想 的 平 台 ”。在新闻报道竞争方面,作为百年奥运史上第一个互联网内容赞助商,搜狐没有任何历史经验可借鉴,承载这个历史性的重任,搜狐面临着空前的挑战和压力。尽管搜狐在取得奥运赞助商身份之前就已经是中国家喻户晓的知名门户网站,但其网友数量尚不是行业中规模最大的。而且,整



11、的成功,最终保证了搜狐“网络的奥运看奥运,上搜狐”奥运营销战略的整体成功。艾瑞市场咨询、CNNIC 中国互联网络信息中心、CTR 央视市场研究、万瑞数据、DCCI 互联网数据中心、易观国际研究机构、清华大学媒介调查实验室、ChinaRank 等八家研究公司的针对奥运期间的不同研究方法的数据依次证明:网友看奥运首选率及满意度搜狐均为行业最高,搜狐赛事报道粘性高,多项流量指标破世界纪录。赞助商优势明显,品牌价值陡增。搜狐在奥运营销全过程获得了全面胜利。奥运营销项目本身的成功,对于后续搜狐公司执行大型项目有着重要的启示。在大事件营销中,一定要尽早规划,占取先机,且大型项目营销要有持续性,取得赞助商权

12、益后,营销的声音不可间断。这些经验和方法,可以很方便的应用到今后诸如奥运会、世界杯、世博会等大项目上,相信有了奥运项目的成功,在未来大型项目营销中,搜狐的团队都能较好地进行规划和执行。4关键词:搜狐网、奥运营销、战略合作、隐性营销5AbstractThe Internet of China has embarked on the road to rapid development through over ten years development. It can be said that the development of the Internet of China created a m

13、yth of the Internet, and its speed of development should be second to none among global countries with the same GDP. Quickly experiencing the follow and participation, the Internet of China is about to enter the leading stage.The Olympics, with a history of more than 100 years, was held in China for

14、 the first time, making the centenary Olympic dream of Chinese come true, and also bringing huge opportunities for the economic development of China. Olympic marketing is top-grade sports marketing, and the purpose of holding the Olympics is not only to embody the sports strength of a country, and c

15、arry forward the sports spirit of a nation, but also to boost the social and economic development, and promote the comprehensive development of economy, culture, and education. With the increasing of people covered and influenced by the Olympics, the Olympics becomes a cosmopolitan sports event, and

16、 more and more enterprises would like to conduct marketing activities by dint of the Olympics.The first sponsor of Internet content in the Olympic history came into being in 2008, which created a new situation for the development of the Internet of China and even the world. How the Internet enterpri

17、ses give scope to their advantages in the Olympic marketing, how to use the opportunity of the Olympics to elevate the brand image, what needs attention, and how to solve the problems in the marketing are all original subjects of great realistic significance. Therefore, it is very necessary to condu

18、ct theoretic discussion on Olympic marketing of the Internet sponsors and the analysis of actual cases to find its good experience and analyze the lessons from failure, and it has great practical directive significance.S has strong media brands in many fields, and Sina sports channel is one of them.

19、 Editors of S reported the World Cup by BBS in 1998, which established the leading position of Sina in the field of sports at one stroke. In the 6events of the Beijing Olympics, Sina exerted its traditional advantages customarily, carried out marketing by means of such a great event like the Olympic

20、s, and made notable achievements.T is a new force in the field of portal websites at home, which has become one of the strongest rivals of Sina and Sohu depending on the powerful platform and user groups of Tencent Company within just a few years. However, there has been a lack of a widely accepted

21、event and opportunity for T in terms of reporting great events. Tencent made full preparations for the report of Beijing Olympics, letting the masses see its growth in the report of great events.Sohu successfully acquired the rights and interests of Olympic sponsor in November 2005, and became the f

22、irst sponsor of Internet content in the centennial Olympic history, which marked a historical milestone. Sohu displayed the Olympic marketing of the Internet industry to the world in the capacity of an Internet enterprise for the first time, and showed the state of Internet development of China to t

23、he world in the capacity of a Chinese enterprise. It can be said that Sohu is the most special sponsor of the 2008 Olympics.Relevant experts believed that the one took the preemptive opportunities and tried to find out a set of sports marketing modes of its own during the three years from 2006 to 20

24、08 would grasp the future. Sohu Company has successfully taken the first step, winning an incomparable platform advantage over the rivals of the same trade. After obtaining the rights and interests of the Olympic sponsor, Sohu made an overall analysis of current situation and development trend of th

25、e industry of 2005, and put forward the theme strategy of “Olympics of the NetworkWatch Olympics, Visit S”. This strategy mainly includes the following aspects.In terms of marketing activities, the core appeal point of Sohu is to establish optimum, steady and sustained brand relationship between var

26、ious products and services of Sohu Company and the Olympics, provide the most comprehensive platform of participation for the netizens, and let good image of Sohu as the Olympic sponsor go deep into the hearts of the people. What Sohu should do is not only to cultivate the use habit of the netizens

27、at home, but also to lay the foundation for the 7overall internationalization strategy of Sohu by dint of the global influence of the Olympics, and break through the geographical limitations of the sponsorship rights and interests to promote the Olympic image of Sohu abroad.Sohu made the sphere of O

28、lympic rights and interests break down the geographical limitation of Chinese mainland by its own “Five-Ring” mode of the Olympic array smoothly to expand the Olympic rights and interests globally. In addition, focusing on the importance, closeness, conspicuousness, interest and other value factors

29、in activity planning, Sohu carried out varied and colorful theme activities.The campaign that “China Mobile with youOlympic Families Tour Beijing” launched by S and the official website of the Beijing Olympics in cooperation with China Mobile and Coca-Cola is a good example. S tactfully broke throug

30、h the geographical limitations of the Olympic rights and interests through this campaign, and greatly raised the brand popularity and reputation of S around the world, making its capacity of “the first sponsor of Internet content in the Olympic history” be known and remembered clearly by more people

31、 worldwide. Rogge, President of the International Olympic Committee, spoke highly of the campaign, commending that it was “a platform for the ordinary people to realize Olympic dream”.In terms of the competition of news report, as the first sponsor of Internet content in the centennial Olympic histo

32、ry, there was not any historical experience that could be used for reference by Sohu, which faced unprecedented challenges and pressure because of bearing the heavy historical responsibility. Though Sohu was already a well-known portal website of China before obtaining the capacity of the Olympic sp

33、onsor, its number of the netizens was not the largest in the industry. Moreover, news of the whole Internet faced the serious problem of homogeneity, and the same was the case with the competition of the Olympic news report.Aiming at the two difficult problems of the Olympic news report, Sohu built the strong lineup of “Olympic Five-Ring Array”, with China Interactive Sports (), Sohu Olympic channel (), Olympic official website


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