论提高高职市场营销课程实训教学效果的途径雷海艳 彭石普 何法 摘要 课程实训是提升学生专业技能和综合实践能力的关键环节,而在实际的教学过程中却忽视了课程实训教学的重要性。本文分析了当前课程实训教学的现状,从课程实训的组织方式、项目设计、过程跟踪、成绩考核等方面提出了提高课程实训教学效果的措施。关键词市场营销课程实训现状途径On Improving the Teaching Measures of Marketing Training Course in High Technical EducationLei HaiYan Pen ShiPu He FaAbstract Training courses are to enhance the students professional skills and the key aspect of integrated pratical skills, but in the actual process of teaching we often have neglec