万达广场设计理念来源:搜狐焦点网2005年07月21日11:36 我来说两句(null)摘要:二十世纪进入二十一世纪之交,所研发出来的现代化资讯与通讯技术,提供城市的全球性发展更进一步的动力。万达广场凭借其独一无二的建筑造型,统一性与棱角分明的外观在城市景观中拥有地标式的作用。Abstract: Modern information and communication technologies give this development a further global impulse now at the change-over from the 20th to the 21st century. Wanda plaza, with its unmistakable overall appearance, will be a unity and make up a landmark in the heterogeneous townscape.关键词:万达广场,统一,地标Key words: wanda plaza, unity, land