国旗下的讲话稿英文版范文仅供参考,自行编辑使用国旗下的讲话稿英文版亲爱的老师们,同学们:大家上午好!good morning, dear teachers and classmates.送走了绚烂的5月,又迎来了属于我们少年儿童的6月,六一儿童节过后,我们校园里又增加了100名少先队员,因为一年级的弟弟妹妹们也光荣地加入了少年先锋队。after the colorful month of may, we are welcoming june. childrens day is in it. there are more than 100 young pioneers in our school. they are from grade one.少年文明,则家文明,少年文明,则国文明。在这个属于我们的6月,我们将举行“手拉手,把文明礼仪带回家”主题活动。the civilization of home and country come from the youth. this month, we will have an