【内容提要】“条约必须信守”原则要求,承担了执行生效条约义务的国家必须在国内有效地履行所缔结的国际条约。但是,加拿大联邦政府在执行所缔结条约时存在一定困难。通过分析比较发现,加拿大履行条约的最大障碍存在于加拿大联邦制度。因为加拿大联邦制度无法有效解决联邦与地方的权力争端。 【摘 要 题】法学与实践 【英文摘要】 The treaty must be preserved is an old law that requests the nation who undertake the treaty s obligations must perform its international treaty effectively in its territory. But there are some difficulties for Canadian federal government to meet this law completely. Through our analysis in this article we find the most obstacle to impl