摘要 在加入WTO以后,我国在防止外国污染物跨境输出方面将面临十分严峻的挑战。本文试对这种现象进行,指出其产生原因、基本形式及趋势,并从微观的层面上,以我国现行规定为基本制度背景,对三种典型的外国污染物跨境输出行为予以重点关注,并给出相应的法律应对策略。关键词:污染输出 跨境 WTOAbstract Our country is now facing a serious challenge that so much pollution coming abroad has been arriving . theme is going to analyze this phenomenon, points out the reasons, basic forms, and the developing trend of that. Also, it will concern the three typical “international pollution displacement” behaviors backgrounded by the present law arran