摘要:本文通过污泥的综合利用、填埋、投海等几种主要的污泥处置方式的分析,指出污泥的资源化利用应立足于各地实际,在兼顾环境生态效益、社会效益和经济效益平衡的前提下,选择最佳处置与利用方案。关键词:污水厂污泥Eventual Disposal and Resource Utilization of Sewage Sludge in Municipal Sewage Treatment PlantAbstract: The Sludge is not only contaminant but also useful resources in Municipal sewage Treatment Plant. It is the best way that combines handling, disposal with utilization of sewage sludge. Through analyzing of several major sewage sludge disposal such as Synthesize utilization, bury, sea dum