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1、 外文翻译 原文 Enhancing the competitiveness of SMEs through industrial clusters: The Indian experience Material Source: International Journal of Technology Management and Sustainable Development Volume 6 Number 3 2007 Intellect Ltd Author:S. Venkataramanaiah and S.P. Parashar Growth opportunities and cha

2、llenges facing Indian SMEs Indian industry is undergoing a major change due to the liberalization, privatization and globalization (LPG) of the economy. According to a recent survey by McKinsey and the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), many investors and corporate organizations from developed

3、economies are looking at India as one of the best locations for their global operations. Their ole of SMEs is becoming increasingly crucial for meeting the growing demand of both domestic and overseas firms operating in India. The SMEs that survived the downturn in 1990s have emerged as competitive

4、global players. Indian auto component manufacturers have been successfully supplying components to many domestic customers as well as OEMs (original equipment manufacturers) such as Ford, General Motors (GM), Daimler Chrysler and Fiat. Auto component manufacturers (ACMs such as Delphi, Visteon, Cate

5、rpillar and Cummins have started procuring components from many SMEs in India, which they find capable of meeting high quality standards at competitive prices. Many small and medium size organizations are on the way to becoming medium and larger ones. Many SMEs are also trying the initial public off

6、er (IPO) channel to raise funds but the capital market is still not SME-friendly. The inherent strength SMEs and their potential for growth have nonetheless started winning them the sympathy of many banks, financial institutions (FIs), state financial corporations (SFCs) and other support agencies.

7、The factors that account for the strengths and opportunities of Indian SMEs include their high contribution to domestic production; the significance of their export earnings; the low threshold in their investment requirements; their operational flexibility and location non-specificity; their low imp

8、ort content; their ability to develop and use appropriate indigenous technologies and their contribution to import substitution. As part of the policy drive to support SMEs, the Government is currently trying to legislate that public sector units buy a minimum of 20 per cent of their requirements fr

9、om SMEs, and particularly from SMEs run by women as entrepreneurs. A SWOT Analysis with respect to Indian SMEs is pro-vided in Table 4. It is apparent from this analysis that Indian SMEs are having reasonably good opportunities to grow fast and become sustain-able. However, there are few weaknesses

10、and threats that would need to be addressed immediately. Government initiatives and experience of successful auto clusters According UNIDO (2005), there are around 400 industrial clusters and more than 3,000 rural and artisan clusters in India. The clusters are based on important industry groups: ma

11、chinery and parts manufacture (15 per cent); textile (11 per cent) and chemical industry (10 per cent). In terms of regional spread of clusters, the highest concentration is in Western India (42 per cent), followed by northern India (38 per cent), Southern India (11 per cent) and eastern India (9 pe

12、r cent). The concentration of clusters in western and northern India can be attributed to the fact that these areas are rich in entrepreneurial talent and are industrially well developed. Moreover, they are agriculturally developed; and they provide a rich market base for the consumption of goods pr

13、oduced in the SSI sector. Table 6 Region wise clusters and presence of OEMs and SMEs. Sl No. Cluster (Region) OEMs SMEs Turnover(Rs.Cr),Employment(Nos.) 1 Gurgaon/Delhi (North) Honda,YaEicher,Swaraj, LML maha, Suzuki, 20Largeand500 SMEs 3,500; 75,000 2 Chennai (South) Hyundai, Ford, Volvo, BMW, Toyo

14、ta, Enfield, Ashok Leyland, HindustanMotors,TVS, Mitsubishi, TAFE 15large and 340 SMEs 3,300; 48,000 3 Calcutta (East) Tata Motors, Hindustan Motors 5 large and 100 SMEs 500; 20,000 4 Pune (West) GM,Fiat,Skoda,Mahindra,Force,Bajaj,Tata,ManEicher,Kinetic,Renault,DaimlerChrysler 15Large and 350 SMEs 3

15、,000; 45,000 5 Pithampur (Central) HindustanMotors,Eicher, L 45,000 Location-wise distribution of clusters produces four categories: metro-politan city- based clusters; city-based clusters; town-based clusters and small town/rural area-based clusters. It is found that 80 per cent of the clusters are

16、 located either in cities or towns. Only 9.4 per cent (or 13 out of the 138 clusters) are based in rural or small towns. SMEs and SSIs are more dominant around these areas than in other areas. The details of OEMs in these areas are shown in Table 6. It is also important to note that these regions no

17、t only have good support from OEMs and other large SMEs, but they also have good support from local institutes and R Clusters are difficult to create unless they are infrastructure-based and an conducive infrastructure is provided; A structured approach is an essential feature for cluster interventi

18、on; Both SMEs and OEMs should go together to make the intervention successful The product/component that the cluster produces should be viable to manufacture and market under prevailing market conditions. This means that a cluster with positive market scenario can revive itself from maturity stage i

19、nto growth stage; In the Indian case, where infrastructure and provision of finance is still largely provided and regulated through the government, the involvement of government institutions will not only be necessary but also has to be innovative to cater to the specific needs of SMEs or cluster me

20、mbers; The intervention mechanism for each cluster needs to be tailor-made to ensure its success. These lessons are substantiated by the experiences of other clusters in India and elsewhere. The cluster experience discussed in this paper also points to the need for the development of suitable approa

21、ches for sustain-ability of SMEs (Xiong et al. 2006). Conclusions SMEs clusters exist both in developed and developing countries. In many regards, clusters provide ideal setting for SMEs to access support systems. From the experience of clusters, it is apparent that attempts to set up clusters and n

22、etworks from scratch by administrative fiat have rarely succeeded. Mapping of existing clusters and networks is the first step in a cluster development program. The Indian experience discussed in this paper shows that the SME clusters could be significantly upgraded to enhance the levels of cluster

23、productivity and participation in international markets. The geographical concentration of similar or complementary enterprises, and the similarity of needs and support requirements speeds up the dissemination of best practices through demonstration effect. Further, the fixed costs of interventions

24、are distributed among a large number of beneficiaries. It is also found that the successful clusters have been those that are able to respond to the changing demands of globalised markets in terms of quality consciousness, reliability, rapid delivery and price. Several tools such as quality up-grada

25、tion programs; marketing promotion through fairs and missions abroad; and creation of export consortia can be applied to enhance cluster competitiveness. All these interventions were based on a group approach leading to stronger relationships among firms, and thus enhanced social capital. 译文 产业集群提升

26、中小企业竞争力:印度的经验 资料来源 : International Journal of Technology Management and Sustainable Development Volume 6 Number 3 2007 Intellect Ltd 作者: S. Venkataramanaiah and S.P. Parashar 印度中小企业面临的机遇和挑战 由于经济的自由化、私有化、全球化,印度企业正进行着重大的改变。根据最近麦肯锡和印度工业联盟的调查,许多来自发达国家 的投资者和企业都认为印度是最具有发展潜力的地方。为满足印度国内外不断增长的需求,中小企业的作用也显得越来

27、越重要。 印度中小企业能够在 1990 年代的低迷中幸存下来,就说明它已经是世界级的竞争者了。印度的汽车零部件生产商已经能够像福特、通用汽车 ,戴姆勒克莱斯勒那样的原设备生产商一样供给自己的客户。在印度,像德尔菲 ,伟世通 ,毛虫和康明斯这样的汽车零部件生产商开始向中小企业采购。而且在拥有一定竞争力价格的条件下满足高质量标准。许多中小企业正向更大规模的大型企业发展。有些想通过上市来获得资金的融资,但是结果并不怎么乐 观。不过中小企业的本质力量和巨大的发展潜力也获得不少银行、金融机构、国家财政机构和志愿机构等的资助。 印度中小企业强势和机遇包括它对印度国内生产的巨大贡献,大量的出口,低成本的投资

28、设备。他们的灵活性,区位的普遍性,低成本的进口商品以及他们对技术的开发和运用。对于支持中小企业的部分政策,国家的公共产品有 20%是从中小企业采购的,尤其是那些有女性经营的企业。目前,印度的中小企业已经抓住机遇取得了突破性的发展,并且有了一定的稳定性。但同时,也产生了许多的危机和缺陷。 政府举措和成功经验 汽车集群 据工会 组织( 2005年)发布的信息,在印度,大约有 400个产业集群和超过3000个农业和工匠集群。各集群是以重要的产业集团为基础的:机械及零件制造( 15%),纺织( 11%)及化学工业( 10%)。在蔓延的区域集群中,密度最高的是在印度西部( 42%),其次是印度北部( 3

29、8%),印度南部( 11%)和印度东部( 9%)。印度集中在西部和北部的集群可以归因于一个事实,这些地区拥有丰富的创业人才和发达的工业。此外,他们农业上也比较发达,他们在 SSI 区域为商品的消费提供了丰富的市场基础。 表 6 区域优势集群、原始设备制造商和中小企业的发展 现状 项号 集群(区域) 原始设备制造商 中小企业 营业额(铬卢比) 1 古尔冈 /德里(北 ) 本田,雅马哈, Suzuk艾彻,斯瓦拉杰, LML 20家大型 500家中小型 3,500; 75,000 2 晨奈(南 ) 现代,福特,沃尔沃,宝马 丰田,恩菲尔德,阿肖克利兰,印度斯坦汽车,电视,三菱, TAFE学院 15家

30、大型 340家中小型 3,300; 48,000 定位明智的集群分布有四类:以大都市为基础的集群 ;以城市为基础的集群 ;以城镇为基础的集群与以小城镇 /农村地区为基础的集群。结果发现, 80%的集群都是集中在城市或城 镇。只有 9.4%在农村或小城镇。中小企业和 SSIS 比其他领域更是围绕这些优势领域。这些地区的原始设备制造商的详情载于表 6。必须注意的是,这些地区有大量中小企业和原始设备制造商很好的支持,而且当地的本地机构和研发机构也是相当支持的。 政府倡议加强中小企业制造业的竞争力 工会 组织在协助中小企业集群时应该具有识别和提供服务的丰富经验。到目前为止,大约有 350个印度中小型企

31、业集群,这有助于印度出口的大约 60%。印度政府已采取了若干措施,以提高中小企业的竞争力。 2004年 1月,指定的进口汽车零件原料关税是从 30%降低到 10%。成立国家制造竞争委员会( NMCC)来负责提供基础设施,便利产业集群的发展。产业促进部门在中小企业的产业集群里完成了基础设备的安置,使这些群集成为一个大的独立区域。 特别经济区(特区)、出口加工区 /出口商群集倡议及特殊优惠和设施像离岸银行单位的创立,使出口商尽量减少了交易成本,还可以在一个轻松的环境里工作。例如在进口关税从 2001年的 35%减至 2006年的 12.5%,以及执行增值税风靡印度所有州县的情况下,关税减让已经使资

32、本货物的进口成本降低。没有收到当地要旨监管,汽车制造业在其工业领域中蓬勃发 展。 “进出口”政策促进了印度对主要车辆投资的二手资本货物进口。随着新的工业基础设施,分级卢比计划部工业政策提出和晋升, 6750万美元的数值总额被划拨在 19个中小企业集群里。 印度政府已与日本签署了一个关于供应各种类型汽车及相关产品和服务的备忘理解书。一些日本公司如三菱,本田,尼桑,丰田已经在哈里亚纳邦与当3 加尔各答(东 ) 塔塔汽车公司,印度斯坦汽车公司 5家大型 100家中小型 500; 20,000 4 浦那(西 ) 通用,菲亚特,斯柯达,Mahind 部队,巴贾杰,塔塔,民艾彻,动力学,雷诺,戴姆勒克莱斯

33、勒 15家大型 35家中小型 3,000; 45,000 5 皮萨姆浦尔(中) 印度斯坦汽车公司,艾彻, L T 公司为例,动力学,力,基洛斯卡泵 10家大型 300家中小型 2,500; 45,000 地中小企业形成了一个集群,用于向印度和其他地方的日本企业提供所需的产品和服务。除了日本公司,许多来自马来西亚,德国,韩国,英国和美国的其他企业已经在印度建立设施,在印度和海外工厂使用许多印度中小企业为他们提供的服务。印度政府已经把小汽车消费税从三分之一降到 16个百分比,目的是为了鼓励当地以印度和出口为市场的制造业。 实施集群的教训 群集可以帮助中小企业提升竞争力,通过他们相互提供优惠来提高和

34、巩固他们的关系 ; 集群是难以形成,除非它们是以基础设施为基础并提供了有利的基础设施 ; 结构化方法是集群的基本特征 ; 中小企业和原始设备制造商都应该共同努力,使干预行动获得成功 ; 产品 /组件集群应该是在当时可行的生产制造和市场条件下进行。这意味着拥有一个积极的市场集群可以使自己从成长阶段进入成熟阶段 ; 在印度的 情况下,如果基础设施和提供融资的是在很大程度上仍然通过政府提供和监管的,政府的机构的参与,不仅是必要的,但也必须创新以迎合或群集成员的具体需求; 在每个群集干预机制需要度身订造,以确保其成功。 这些教训是印度和其他地方一些集群的经验。群集的经验论述在这还指出,根据中小企业维持

35、发展的需要,做出适当的途径分析。 中小企业集群存在于发达国家和发展中国家。在许多方面,集群为中小企业提供经验支持系统的访问。从集群的中小企业理想的设置,尝试建立以行政命令集群和网络从无到有是很少成功的。现有的网络映射集群,是一个集群发展计划的第一步。印度的经验论述表明中小企业集群可以大大提高在集群的生产力水平,更好得参与国际市场。 地理相似或互补的进入,以及需求的相似性,通过示范是加快传播效果最佳做法。此外,干预的固定成本可以带来大量的利润。同时也认识到,那些成功的集群都是在质量方面能够成功的应对国际市场的。快速交货和价格的可靠性,像质量更新项目的的集中工具。通过海外展会和宣传进行海外营销,与出口财团合作可以增强集群的国际竞争力。所有这些对集群的干预使他们巩固彼此的关系,增强社会资本。


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