作者:纪俊宁 王刚 刘宝生【摘要】工程量清单计价模式已成为工程报价的现状和发展方向。在建筑市场竞争日益激烈的当前形势下,如何编制好投标报价,较好运用投标策略,已成为如何获得工程收益最大化中至关重要的一个环节。【关键词】工程量清单计价;投标报价;报价策略【Abstract】Quantity pricing model has become the projects status and offer direction. In an increasingly competitive construction market, the current situation, how to prepare tender offer, a better use of the bidding strategy, how to get the project has become essential to maximize the proceeds of a link.【Key words】Engineering bill of quantities; Tender