摘要:麦克斯维尔麦库姆斯作为议程设置理论的奠基人之一,一直在深入与扩展这项研究,成为该领域的权威学者。目前,议程设置理论已经涵盖了不同的理论范畴,并跨越地域和政治的限制,成为一个被全世界的新闻传播学者关注的研究领域。笔者和麦库姆斯的学术对话,对议程设置理论30多年来的发展作了整体描述和前瞻性分析。Abstract: Maxwell McCombs, a pioneer of the agenda-setting theory, is an example of a prolific scholar who through the years has continued to research and develop in the agenda-setting theory, and who is an authoritative scholar in the area. The theory has drawn on fruits across theoretical domains, gone beyond geographical and political contex