摘要:现在很多居住区中都不乏供人休息的座椅,但是许多座椅经常处于闲置状态,居民在进行户外活动时更倾向于坐在花坛边沿或是台阶这类辅助坐憩设施,而不是专门为居民设置的户外座椅。对这些户外座椅的调查中发现,仅仅座椅是不能够吸引人前往使用的,人们坐憩时不仅仅是需要一张座椅,而是一个舒适的空间环境,这类被闲置的座椅恰恰缺乏空间环境的营造。关键词:居住区; 坐憩空间; 无障碍设计Abstract:Now in communities there are many chairs resting for the human, but some chairs are in the idle condition frequently, the resident carrying on the outdoor activity are favor in sitting the flower-bed border perhaps stair this kind rests the facility, but not specially the outdoor chair that establ