内容提要 传播政治经济学的批判领袖席勒,不仅是积极活动型的学者,而且是以学术成果影响传播实践的典范。其著作启发推动了国际社会对世界传播秩序的讨论和对新秩序的呼吁,其思想和见解影响了一些第三世界国家的传播政策和实践。响了世界各国传播政治经济学派的学者,也影响了传播政治学研究本身。关键词 传播政治经济学 批判领袖 席勒Abstract: Schiller is not only a scholar of activities, but also a model who has influenced communication practices with his academic achievements. His works have enlightened discussions of world communication and appeals of new orders from international communities. Some developing countries have absorbed some of his thoughts in