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1、 外文翻译 原文 The Possibilities for the Identification and Evaluation of Tourism Sector Competitiveness Factors Material Source: ISSN 1392-2785 ENGINEERING ECONOMICS. 2009. No 1 (61) Author: Valentinas Navickas, Asta Malakauskaite Tourism is to be considered a greatly important part of urban development,

2、 as it combines a competitive supply of tourism services, which corresponds to the expectations of tourists, and a positive impact on the development of regions and cities, as well as general prosperity of their citizens (European Commission Tourism Unit, 2008). The competitiveness of tourist destin

3、ations becomes increasingly important to the countries that intend to control a large share of rapidly growing tourism market. That is particularly important to the tourism-dependant countries, which heavily rely on the situation in tourism and travel industry. It can be emphasized that the relevanc

4、e of tourism sector increases in the economy of other countries as well, even if they rely on the development of other industries rather than tourism sector (Gooroochurn, Sugiyarto, 2004). Therefore the analysis of tourism sector competitiveness factors is significant in both scientific and practica

5、l aspects. The Competitiveness Monitor and the system of competitiveness factors When defining and creating the structure of CM, it is important to identify the elements of competitiveness evaluation. According to the study carried out by the authors of this article, the multi-layer nature of compet

6、itiveness is the reason for difficulties in the evaluation process. These difficulties are generally related to the structure of the Monitor, as well as links between the elements of CM. Price competitiveness is considered to be a particularly important tourist destination competitiveness factor, wh

7、ich dominates in the model of CM. Lim (1997), Durbarry and Sinclair (2003).they propose that price has a direct impact on the demand of tourism services. Some authors (Dwyer et al., 1999, 2000) analyze price competitiveness and compare the price of similar goods and services in different tourist des

8、tinations. The studies of that type often embrace two price categories travel prices and ground prices. Travel prices are related to a round trip cost, while ground prices include expenses for a travel guide, souvenirs, entertainment services, hotels, restaurants, night clubs, etc. Crouch and Ritchi

9、e (1999) believe that the evaluation of tourist destination competitiveness might be based on the theory of comparative advantage or the classical Heckscher-Ohlin (H-O) model. According to this model, comparative advantage is dependant on natural and artificial resources of industry (production fact

10、ors) and their efficient exploitation (Gooroochurn, Sugiyarto, 2004 et al.). Crouch and Ritchie (1999) intend to replace these factors with tourism-related factors in their original model. These factors include: human resources, physical resources, knowledge resources, and capital resources. The Com

11、petitiveness Monitor embraces most of these characteristics as they can be measured with the use of mathematical methods. For instance, the base of human and knowledge resources can be expressed by sociodemographic data (population, education level, investment in high-tech sector, etc.). According t

12、o Inskeep (1991) and Middleton (1997), the quality of environment is a crucial factor which determines the attractiveness of tourist destinations. This approach is similar to that of Ritchie and Crouch (1993, 1995), Mihalic (2000), Gooroochurn and Sugiyarto (2004). The theories, published by the afo

13、rementioned authors, propose that environmental factors must be integrated in the tourism sector competitiveness evaluation model. There are three ecology (environment) related indicators that are used in the model of CM: the density of population, which determines the level of pollution and quality

14、 of life, CO2 emission and the number of ratified agreements in the field of environmental policy. Gooroochurn and Sugiyarto (2004) suggest eight main fields of tourist destination competitiveness. All of them are measured in corresponding indicators. It must be emphasized that the authors of this r

15、esearch have followed the classification of competitiveness factors mentioned above (proposed by Gooroochurn and Sugiyarto (2004); yet, they have modified some of the indicators, originally used for the evaluation of tourist destination competitiveness, and they have also included additional indicat

16、ors that have more potential to reflect the contemporary tourism system and preconditions for its competitiveness in the global economy. For instance, the complex of price competitiveness indicators has been complemented with restaurant prices and prices of tourist goods and services (souvenirs, etc

17、.). The infrastructure development indicators suggested by Gooroochurn and Sugiyarto (2004) embraced only road index and some other indicators, unrelated to transportation system. The authors of this study propose to improve the Competitiveness Monitor of tourist destination competitiveness by addin

18、g more transport-related indicators: railroad network, the number of airlines and the quality of telecommunication system. The evaluation of human dimension in tourism sector was complemented with population indicator. The authors have also replaced one of the social development indicators the numbe

19、r of personal computers with the number of available internet cafes, since the latter indicator is more suitable for the measurement of social development level, according to the contemporary perception of social development and (or) advancement. Price competitiveness indicators Theoretically, price

20、 competitiveness must be measured by evaluating prices of the most commonly consumed products and services (entertainment services, car rental, trips, hotels and restaurants, travel guide, etc). However, in practice the choice of measurable prices depends on the number of tourist destinations to be

21、evaluated in a research. If the number of tourist destinations is large, prices of fewer items are chosen for the evaluation, as a very detailed research is particularly costly. Moreover, some statistical data is hard to obtain, thus, a research might become less accurate and valuable. The index of

22、purchasing power parity is relevant when comparing the prices in economically advanced and less developed countries. The differences in the level of economic development contribute to price competitiveness, since less developed countries pay an exceptional attention to the quality of tourist product

23、s and services, but also tend to make them more expensive (set higher prices) than goods, designed for local needs (Gooroochurn, Sugiyarto, 2004). International tourists buy both types of goods and hereby distort the actual view of price competitiveness in a certain tourist destination. Infrastructu

24、re development indicators The competitiveness of tourist destinations is related to the development of infrastructure. The development of infrastructure requires a suitable algorithm of government regulation (ibinskien, Navickas, 2005). The level of development can be measured with help of the follo

25、wing indicators: road index, availability of hygiene infrastructure, the quality of water intended for household consumption. Road index estimates the relation between the length of roads and population of a tourist destination/GDP per capita/ the level of urbanization/other regional indices(World B

26、ank,2008).Infrastructure development indicators can be supplemented by additional indices and factors, such as: railroad network, the number of airlines, the quality of telecommunication system, etc. (Manente, 2005). Ecology (environment) related indicators Environmental problems can be described as

27、 issues of a particular concern. Global awareness and consciousness in the field of environmental protection tends to grow, and, therefore, affects the need to include environmental indices in the method of Competitiveness Monitor. Population index estimates the number of citizens per square kilomet

28、er; CO2 emission is usually evaluated with the help of derivative indices (gas exhaust, industrial pollution, etc.). One of the most important indices to be used for the evaluation of ecology-related competitiveness of a tourist destination is the number of ratified agreements in the field of enviro

29、nmental policy, as it manifests the priorities of sustainable development, as well as the level of environmental concern. Technological advancement indicators Technological advancement indicators, including high-tech export, the usage of phone lines, mobile phones, and the internet, indicates the te

30、chnological advancement level of a tourist destination. Internet index estimates the number of computers per 100 citizens that have an active access to the World Wide Web. Phone index estimates the number of phone lines per chosen number of citizens, while mobile phone index shows the number of mobi

31、le service users. High-tech export indicator shows the use of high-tech equipment for the production of export goods. High-tech branches in this context include: aeronautics, IT, pharmacy, electronics, etc. Human resource indicators Human resource indicators are intended to measure the quality of la

32、bor force in a certain tourist destination. Formal education indices are most widely used in this case, as it is presumable that human resources with a higher level of education are capable of producing goods and services of a higher quality. Education index measures the level of literacy and simila

33、r characteristics. Literate individuals are defined as people above 15 years of age that are capable of understanding, reading and writing simple texts of commonly used language. Indices concerned with education levels estimate the number of individuals that belong to certain education levels as com

34、pared with all people that belong to the same age group (UNDP, 2008; Gooroochurn and Sugiyarto, 2004). The importance of human resources as a measure of competitiveness had been analyzed by many researchers (Kochetkov, 2005). Market openness indicators The main symptom of market openness is a free t

35、rade, that is, no limitations to the circulation of goods and services. Most economists propose that market openness is probably the main source of economic development. Market openness indicators embrace visa index, the level of taxes on international trade, the level of tourism and trade openness.

36、 Visa index indicates if tourists from strategically important tourist countries (UK, Italy, France, USA, Germany, Canada, etc.) can travel to a tourist destination without a visa. The level of tourism sector openness is measured by the amount of tourist expenditure as a percentage of GDP, while the

37、 level of trade openness is measured as a relation between international trade turnover and GDP. Import taxes indicate if a certain country implements a protectionist policy towards international trade. The importance of international trade, as a competitiveness factors, has been analyzed in various

38、 scientific researches (iburien, Zaharieva, 2006). Human tourism indicators Human tourism indicators measure the impact of human factor on the development and competitiveness of a tourist destination. Tourism impact index estimates tourism sector turnover as a percentage of GDP, while tourism partic

39、ipation index estimates the relation between the number of tourists and number of local citizens (World Travel attract potential visitors with the help of their exceptional image (for instance, natural scenery, clean lakes, advanced environmental policy are a perfect niche for ecological tourism and

40、 environment-friendly country image); and provide services of a particularly high quality. The modified version of the Competitiveness Monitor embraces a detailed system of competitiveness factors and indices that can be measured with the use of mathematical methods. The essence of this evaluation s

41、ystem lies in its universal character and amplification possibilities. It must be emphasized that the authors of this research have followed the basic factor classification in Competitiveness Monitor, yet, they have modified some of the indicators, originally used for the evaluation of tourist desti

42、nation competitiveness, and they have also included additional indicators that have more potential to reflect the contemporary tourism system and preconditions for its competitiveness in the global economy. 译文 旅游竞争力因素的鉴定与评估的可行性研究 资料来源 : 工程经济学 作者: Valentinas Navickas, Asta Malakauskaite 旅游业 被视为一个城市发展

43、的重要组成部分,因为它结合了旅游服务竞争力的供应 , 对地区和城市的发展产生积极的影响,以及他们的普遍繁荣公民(欧洲委员会旅游组, 2008)。对旅游目的地的竞争力变得越来越重要,国家有意控制迅速增长的旅游市场中占有很大份额。这一点尤为重要,依赖旅游业的国家,这些国家严重依赖于旅游业和旅游行业形势的依赖。可以强调的是,在其他国家的经济增长,以及旅游业的相关性,即使他们在其他产业的发展,而不是旅游业( Gooroochurn, Sugiyarto, 2004年 )的依赖 。因此,旅游业的竞争力因素的分析是在科学和实践方面都具有重要意义。 竞争力检测和竞争力因素系统 当定义和创建竞争力检测的时候,

44、重要的是要找出竞争力评价中的元素。根据由本文章的作者进行的研究,竞争力的多层次本质,是在评估过程中遇到困难的原因。这些困难一般都与检测的结构,以及元素之间的关联性有关。 Lim( 1997 年), Durbarry 和 Sinclair( 2003 年)指出,价格竞争力被认为是一个特别重要的旅游目的地竞争力的因素,这在 CM 模式占主导地位。他们还指出价格对旅游服务的需求有直接的影响。有些作者(德怀尔 等人。 1999 年,2000 年)分析了价格竞争力并比较了不同的旅游目的地针对相同产品的价格。这种类型的研究往往包括两种价格分类 旅行价格和地皮价格。旅游价格与往返费用相关,而地面价格包括导游

45、、旅游纪念品、娱乐服务、酒店、餐厅、夜总会等费用。 克劳奇和里奇( 1999)认为,旅游目的地竞争力的 评估 可能是 基于 比较优势 和 古典赫克歇尔一俄林( HO)的模型理论 模型上 。根据这一模式,比较优势是 依赖于 自然和人为的工业行业资源(生产要素)及其有效利用( Gooroochurn,Sugiyarto, 2004 等)。克劳奇和里奇( 1999) 试图通过原始模型与旅游相关因素来替代这些因素。 这些因素包括:人力资源,物质资源,知识资源和资本资源。竞争力监测这些特点 用数学方法量化。 例如,人力和知识资源 基础 可 通过 社会人口数据(人口,教育水平,高科技行业等的投资) 等数据

46、来表示 。 根 据因斯基普( 1991)和米德尔顿( 1997 年) 所述 ,环境质量是决定旅游目的地吸引力一个关键因素。这种方法 类似于 里奇和克劳奇( 1993 年, 1995年), Mihalic( 2000 年), Gooroochurn 和 Sugiyarto( 2004 年) 所提出的观点 。由上述 作者 发表 的理论文章 提出,环境因素必须 融合 在旅游部门的综合竞争力评价模型 中 。 当中有 三个生态(环境)中使用的 CM 模式相关指标: 决定 污染和生活 质量的 人口密度,二氧化碳排放的质量和批准协议在环境政策领域的数量级。 Gooroochurn 和 Sugiyarto(

47、2004)提出的旅游目的地竞争力的八个主要领域。他们都是在相应的测量指标。 必须强调,这项研究的作者们遵循了上述的 旅游 竞争力因素的分类(按 照Gooroochurn 和 Sugiyarto( 2004 年提出), 这项研究的作者们遵循的基本因素在竞争力监测分类上。为了旅游目的地的竞争力评估的 使用,也修改了一些指标,同时加入了一些可以更多地反映当代旅游系统竞争力的因素,以便加强旅游本身在全球经济的竞争力。 例如 , 复杂的价格竞争力指标 已 辅之以餐厅价格和旅游商品和服务(纪念品等)的价格 来说明 。 Gooroochurn 和 Sugiyarto( 2004) 建议的 基础设施发展指标

48、仅仅包括 道路指数和其他一些指标, 并没有与 运输系统 联系到一起 。这项研究的作者建议通过增加更多的 与交通 相关指标的旅游目的地竞争力 指标来提高竞争力检测 :铁路网络, 航空公司的数量 和电信系统的质量。在旅游部门的人力资源评价指标体系是 以 人口指标 作为补充的 。作者还 用 现有网吧数量取代个人电脑的数量,因为根据社会发展的时代观念和发展 ,前者更适合测量 社会发展水平。 价格竞争力指标 理论上,价格竞争力需要通过评估最常用的消费产品和服务来衡量(娱乐服务、汽车租赁、旅行、旅馆和餐馆、旅游导向等)。然而,事实上,在研究中衡量价格因素的选择体现于旅游目的地的数量上。如果旅游目的地的数量

49、很大,那么所选择的价格评估项目就应该少一些,因为一份详细的研究是昂贵的。此外,一些统计数据很难获得,因此,研究可能变得不准确的没有价值。在经济发达国家和欠发达的国家之间进行比较时,购 买力平价指数有一定的相关性。经济水平的差异导致了价格竞争力,因为欠发达国家尤其关注旅游产品和服务的质量,同时也使之比它自身更加昂贵(设定更高的价格),为本土需要而设计 (Gooroochurn, Sugiyarto, 2004)。国际旅游者着眼商品的款式同时也扭曲了在一些旅游目的地本身的价格竞争力。 基础设施建设指标 旅游目的地的竞争力和基础设施的发展有关。基础设施的建设需要适当的政府监管 (ibinskien, Navickas, 2005)。发展水平可以通过以下指标来测量:道路指数、卫生基础设施的可用性 、用于家庭消费的水质。道路指数代表路的长度和旅游目的地的受欢迎程度 /人均国内生产总值 /城镇化水平 /其它区域指数(世界银行, 2008)。基础设施建设指标可以通过其它指标和因素补充,比如铁路网络、航空公司的数量、电信系统的质量等等( Manente, 2005)。 生态(环境)指数 环境问题是一个特别受关注的问题。对于环保领域受到全球的关注与担忧,因此,也需要把环境指数纳入竞争力


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