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1、 大庆沃尔沃汽车制造有限公司工作申请表格Daqing Volvo car Manufacturing Co., Ltd.Job Application FormPage 1 of 2简历编号:评估结果:1. 个人信息 Personal Information2. 教育背景 Education Background开始时间 Starting Time结束时间Ending Time学校名称Name of School / University专业名称Major学历Certificate Grade3. 工作背景 Employment Background时间 Period单位名称Company职务

2、名称Job Title月收入(税前)Monthly Income (Gross)离职原因Exit Reason直线经理/人力资源部联系人 Line Manager/ HR ContactBase:Others:Name:Tel:Base:Others:Name:Tel:Base:Others:Name:Tel:Base:Others:Name:Tel:4. 专业技术证书/职称 Professional Certifications专业技术证书/职称Professional Certifications证书编号Number of Certifications获得时间Time of Achievi

3、ng授予机构名称Certifications Issuing Organization5. 语言能力 Language Capabilities第一外语1st Foreign Language掌握水平Proficiency Level 运用自如 Fluent applying 读写良好,听说一般 Good at reading and writing 听说良好,读写一般 Good at listening and speaking 入门阶段 Entry level第二外语 掌握水平 运用自如 Fluent applying中文 Chinese申请职位 Applied Position 1姓名

4、Name英文 English申请职位 Applied Position 2照片Photo身份证号ID Number国籍Nationality出生地点Place of Birth出生日期 Date of Birth联系电话Contact Number家庭住址Home Address电子邮件Email Address户籍地址Hukou Address紧急联系人Emergent Contact婚育情况(勾选)Marriage / Children未婚 离异已婚未育 已婚已育大庆沃尔沃汽车制造有限公司工作申请表格Daqing Volvo car Manufacturing Co., Ltd.Job A

5、pplication FormPage 2 of 2简历编号:评估结果:2nd Foreign LanguageProficiency Level 读写良好,听说一般 Good at reading and writing 听说良好,读写一般 Good at listening and speaking 入门阶段 Entry level6. 是否有刑事犯罪记录6. Do you have Criminal Record?是 Yes 否 No7. 其他信息 Other information1. 请列出您在校学习或工作期间所获得的奖励。Please describe any prizes or

6、awards you have received while at work or in the school.2. 请列出您在工作期间参加过的专业技术培训。Please list any professional training you have attended while at work.3. 您是否曾经因为行为不当或工作表现不佳而被雇佣单位辞退?如果是,请说明原因。Have you ever been discharged from employment because of misconduct or poor performance? If yes, please give de

7、tails.4. 您是否有亲属或朋友正受雇于沃尔沃汽车中国?如果有,请列出其姓名和所属部门。Do you have relatives or friends who are currently working in Volvo Car China? If yes, please list the name and the department.5. 在过去的两年中您是否曾经申请过沃尔沃汽车中国的职位并参加过面试?如果是,请告知您曾经申请的岗位名称。Did you apply and attend interview for any position of Volvo Car China in

8、the last 2 years? If yes, please list the position name.6. 您是如何获知我们的招聘信息的?From which channel did you get this recruitment information? 智联招聘 猎头 Headhunter _(Name of the headhunter) 朋友推荐 Referred by a friend_(Name of the referrer) 其他渠道 Other_7. 如果您顺利通过面试,什么时候可以开始工作?If you successfully pass interview

9、s, when can you start to work?8. 您的期望薪资是多少?What if you salary expectation for this new job? 人民币/月(税前)RMB/ month (Gross)9本人承诺无重大疾病史和传染病史,如有虚假,一切后果由个人承担;本人慎重声明以上所填各项均属实,如有虚报,愿受公司相应处分。I promise no significant medical history and history of infectious diseases and, if false, all the consequences borne b

10、y the individual; I seriously declare that the above particulars given are true and, if false, is willing to appropriate sanctions by the company.我理解并保证我在此工作申请表格所填写的信息是真实且完整的。我知道并同意:任何故意隐瞒或伪造任何事实的行为都会使我不满足聘用条件或导致招聘方终止对我的聘用。I, the undersigned, certify that the statements made by me on this Job Application Form are complete and true to the best of my knowledge and belief I understand and agree that any willful misstatement may lead to disqualification for employment, or for dismissal if already employed.申请人签名 Signature: 填表日期 Date:


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