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1、 1 外文翻译 原文 Logistics as an activity catalyzing the economy Material Source: http:/ Author: Joaquim Coello It is true that the essence, the structure and the consequences of the economic activity of logistics are not at all well known. It has great defenders and critics, who on many occasions use it

2、with partial arguments and often biased in favour of or against the theses that they uphold or oppose. It is true that logistics is an essential and growing need for industry and a central element of trade, but economic advantages and value creation can be derived from this activity which go beyond

3、the accessory and complementary activity which one may at first sight think that logistics represents for trade and industry. Explicit economic advantages are not derived from a road or a railway passing through a territory, rather the opposite, but clear advantages are derived from all the intermod

4、al nuclei, that is to say from the change of transport system, because value can be added to the process and therefore related economic activities can be derived. A port is essentially, although not in all cases, an intermodality nodule: the goods change from land to sea transport, or vice versa. Th

5、e exception is those ports in which the intermodality is only maritime, that is to say the cargo is transferred from a transoceanic vessel to a cabotage vessel. These ports, Gioia Tauro, Tangier-Med and Algeciras in the Mediterranean, have the common characteristic that they are close to the main sh

6、ipping lines, in this case Port Said-Gibraltar, and that they have almost no effect for the territory where they are situated because everything arrives and leaves by sea and there is no perceptible economic effect on the territory. But the ports with a change of transport system, with real intermod

7、ality, have as common characteristics that they are situated around big cities, population nuclei and important centres of economic activity, creating around them centres for processing, manufacture and distribution. In Europe the four main ports are in Hamburg, Antwerp, Rotterdam and Bremen, and th

8、ey are all at the mouths of major rivers - the Elbe, Scheldt, Rhine and Weser - and they are all situated in centres with high urban density with 2 complications for communications, access and availability of space which the activities of stocking, warehousing, distribution and manufacture require.

9、This is a characteristic inherent in the ports, which require specific actions to reduce these difficulties and allow the direct advantages which arise from their geographic situation to be obtained. The complexity of the logistic activity arises from the fact that it cannot be carried out only in t

10、he private or in the public sphere, or in other words that it inevitably requires the collaboration of both sectors. Private activity, which should be the essence of the logistic activity in a free market economy, needs infrastructures and services which only the public activity can provide and, the

11、refore, if there is not close, direct and smooth collaboration between the two sectors it is not possible to develop logistics. If the logistic activity of Rotterdam and of Barcelona is compared, this can easily be understood. The movement of 10 million containers in Rotterdam requires dedicated tra

12、nsport routes, in particular the railway as this is the only means of transport, together with the river, which has capacity both thanks to the lower impact on the territory and the environment and to the cost of the ton per kilometer transported. The Dutch government, aware of this need, recently c

13、reated a two-way railway line for exclusive goods use from the Port of Rotterdam to the German border, which with a distance of only 160 Km had a cost of 6bn in view of the density and fragility of the territory that it crosses. The location of the Port of Rotterdam at the mouth of the Rhine moreove

14、r offers a river route for transport to the densely populated areas of Saxony and Baden-Wrttemberg, the centre of German industrial activity. . is the area of Frankfurt, Dsseldorf, Bonn and Cologne. In Barcelona there is no river which connects the port with the territory and there is no policy of u

15、sing the railway to Europe or inland in the peninsula, despite the advantage represented by the recent construction of the high-speed train tracks which have left free capacity on the existing Iberian gauge lines. The possibility of connecting Barcelona with the border using a European gauge track w

16、hich represents a minimum investment of some 150M has not come to anything either, because the central government has not been convinced of its need. Things as easy as allowing goods trains to be able to have the standard European length of 750m instead of the 400m that the Spanish network has have

17、not even been planned. This change of standard would reduce the transport costs and 3 increase the capacity of the network by 90% with minimum investments, because it only involves the construction of sidings of this length on the main lines allowing slow trains to be overtaken by fast ones. This sy

18、stem on the Madrid to Barcelona journey can be carried out with an investment of just 30M. This action which has not been carried out reduces the capacity and raises the price of the service unnecessarily, or at least in a totally inefficient manner, because the cost-benefit ratio of the investment

19、is extraordinarily low. This example is like a blueprint of what should be done, and has been done, in Rotterdam, and of what should be done, and has not been done, in Barcelona. It is obvious that here the governmental policy of lack of investment and of leadership in support of logistic activity m

20、akes us inexorably lose a unique opportunity, thanks to Barcelonas location in relation to trade from Asia to Europe which currently all comes through the Mediterranean and the Suez Canal and which represents three days less sailing for vessels if they unload in Valencia or Barcelona instead of Rott

21、erdam or Hamburg. There are often complaints in the media and civic spheres about the difficulty represented by the location of an important port such as Barcelona close to a city and the simplifying and short-term solution is that we have to design and condition the growth of the port so as not to

22、affect the city without seeking the way to make an economic activity and source of wealth viable which is only justified by its proximity to the port and therefore by its territorial location. Certain projects require unity of action to improve their coordination and extract the necessary synergies.

23、 Barcelona is a point of origin for transport but also a passing point for goods from Spain and from North Africa toward Europe. On the railway level there are three good stations in Barcelona: those of Morrot in the Port and of Can Tunis next to the Zona Franca, already in operation, and the new on

24、e from the Port, in the former bed of the River Llobregat. All three are connected with the railway network at a single point, and it is logical to think that coordination of their operation would allow the optimization of both their use possibly Morrot no longer serves any purpose due to its bad si

25、tuation and small size - and the rail traffic toward both Europe and the Peninsula, but this would require a joint action of the Port, Adif and Renfe, which is far from occurring given the respective powers which are dispersed, divergent and not well coordinated due to lack of planning and overall a

26、ction. If the availability and the exploitation of space around the Port and Airport is compared, which would allow the establishment of companies with obvious logistic advantages, as occurs around the Port of Antwerp or of Rotterdam, where there are 4 thousands of hectares available which have allo

27、wed the installation of major industrial activity, we find that in Barcelona this space is much smaller, from seven to ten times smaller depending on the cases in relation to the ports of northern Europe, and that it is administered by three different administrations, Consorci de la zona franca, Por

28、t and Airport. This would have to lead to two rectifying actions to mitigate the current difficulties. A single operator such as the Consorci or the Port and the possibility of increasing the space available, displacing the airport over the sea and allowing the current space of the runways to be use

29、d as a logistic and industrial expansion zone, would generate over 1,000 hectares available for logistic activities. The location of the airport on an artificial island separated from the coast, with runways parallel to the coast, would allow air access without difficulties or noise interference for

30、 the neighbouring towns, and therefore night traffic, which would allow air cargo to be promoted with obvious synergies with the port and in the surrounding logistic and industrial areas. It should be recognized that this actio n is not easy to undertake and that it requires management powers that t

31、he autonomous authorities do not have and a will and a vision to plan and manage that does not exist in the central government, but it is clear that an action of this type would represent a significant boost for the Port and the Airport and the creation of wealth for the exploitation of assets: situ

32、ation of Port and Airport in relation to Barcelona metropolitan area, which few European cities have. If these two projects, availability of an efficient goods railway with the necessary loading and unloading stations and space for the location of companies associated with the logistic activity, bec

33、ome a reality, the will expressed repeatedly and convincingly by the Port to become the gateway for Asian traffic to Southern Europe, with all that this represents, would become a reality. This does, however, justify and require the airport to be able to manage itself in an autonomous and independen

34、t manner without links to a higher body which obviously has objectives on a different level and not focused on the optimization of the airport itself. The same can be said, although to a lesser extent, in relation to the port, as its degree of autonomy is high although insufficient to participate in

35、 a project of this nature. Belgium and also Holland, through Antwerp and Rotterdam, have managed to create a value which in the case of Flanders reaches 6% of its GDP and have achieved the highest degree of internationalization of their economy in Europe. Nothing would prevent this policy from being

36、 implemented in Barcelona and 5 Catalonia and by extension in Valencia, reaching similar milestones, although this requires an economic vision of the public administration which does not currently exist. It is a proven paradigm that with infrastructures the more obvious the realities and the project

37、s are in view of their advantages, the more difficult they are to implement. That is to say, the organization of the Iberian gauge Spanish railway network for goods transport, the creation of European gauge tracks for goods connecting Barcelona, Tarragona and Valencia with France, the concentration

38、and unified management of the goods railway stations, the creation of broad logistic zones in the area surrounding the Port and Airport with single management, the transfer of the Airport in a project like that of Osaka or Hong Kong over the sea with operating and environmental impact advantages, th

39、e coordination of Port and Airport with a concentrated action as regards tourism and goods traffic, are opportunities which could substantially change the level of our economic activity and wealth creation, as has occurred in centres with no more major advantages of location than Barcelona, such as

40、Antwerp, Rotterdam and Hamburg, except for their advantage of all being at the mouth of major rivers. There is a high risk that this will not be carried out in Barcelona due to a lack of joint vision and of public-private coordination. If the project is to be carried out, it is necessary to form a s

41、ingle management body to which all the actions of the different public administrations are delegated. We should not stop indicating and repeating the actions that are necessary to carry this out, but these possibly give rise to the need to study and manage these issues in a different way, as others

42、have done, with principles of profit and economic efficiency and not only in accordance with infrastructures which are often developed independently from the service that they have to offer. Here, as with many other public-private projects, it is true that first the objectives must begin to be clear

43、, and if this occurs the actions that arise from them will be too. There are occasions on which this has been achieved, such as the Olympic Games or even the diversion of the River Llobregat due to the growth of the port southwards, but now a broad, global, transforming and reforming approach is nee

44、ded, and we need leaders who can gather together the will necessary to carry out these projects with the breadth and the conviction necessary. Maybe we tend to define the details and divide the powers too much, instead of defining the general objectives and creating management bodies which allow the

45、m to be attained. 6 译文 物流活动促进经济发展 文献来源: http:/ 作者: 若阿金 科埃约额 物流这一种经济活动的本质、结构和结果确实并不为大多人所知。它有很多支持者和批评者,很多时候他们在为此争论时都或抱着偏袒的观点支持它或反对它。 确实产业对物流有着不可或缺的并且不断增长的需求,物流也确实是贸易中的核心成分。但是这种带来经济优势和创造价值的活动已超越了其原本附属 代表。物流明显详实的经济优势并不 是 来源于贯穿某一地域的公路和铁路,它的明显优势来源于所有联合运输的核心,也就是说来源于运输系统的改变,因为物流流程中会生成价值,而后相关的经济活动 会 应运而生。 港口

46、 在多数情况下主要是作为联合运输上的站点:货物从陆路运输到海陆运输,反之亦然。 另外 ,这些港口中的联合运输都是海事性的,这就是说货物从跨洋航道转到海运航道。焦亚陶罗港、丹吉 尔港和阿尔赫西拉斯港,这些在地中海沿岸的港口拥有共同特点, 它们 都靠近主要航线,即赛迪 -直布罗陀港,还有 这些港口 几乎对它们所在的地域 都 没有影响,因为所有的货物到港和离港都是通过海运来实现的,对当地没有明显的经济影响。 但 当 港口的运输系统 改变,变成了真正的联合运输,那么它 们所在的大城市中的人口核心和经济活动中心也会拥有围绕着这些中心 产生 另 外的加工、制造和销售中心 的 共同特点 。 欧洲四大港口在汉

47、堡、安特卫普、鹿特丹和不莱梅,它们都位于主要河口 美因河、谢尔德运河、莱茵河和威悉河 ,它们都地处人口高密度的市中心,那里交通通道纵横密布,也为货物堆集、库存、配送和生产提供了所需的足够空间。港口内在的特点是需要采取特别的措施减少各种困难,带来直接便捷的优势,而 这些 都是它所处地域城市可以办到的。 事实显示,物流活动的复杂性决定了它不可能单方面从私人或从公共方进行实施,或者说物流活动的开展需要两方的协同合作。在自由市场经济的物流活动的私人活动也只有公共活动才能为其提供所需的基础设施和服务。因此,如果没有两方面紧密、直接和顺利的协同合作,物流是不可能发展起来的。 如果将鹿特丹和巴塞罗那的物流活

48、动进行比较,这就不难理解了。在鹿特丹的 1 千万个集装箱的运送需要 专用的 运输路线,特别是同水路运输一起作为运输方式的铁路运输。因为它不太受地域和环境影响,而且每吨货物 运送每 千米 的 运费较低,所以水路运输是 有肩负运送集装箱的能力的。荷兰政府意识到7 了这个需要,他们不久前就打造了两条从鹿特丹到德国边境的运送专线。由于考虑到该铁路穿过的土地的密度和脆弱性,短短 160 公里的路线整整花了 60亿欧元。位于莱茵河口的鹿特丹港另外还有一条水路运输线运送货物到德国的人口稠密的工业活动中心萨克逊和巴登 -乌腾堡。在巴塞罗那没有将港口和地域相连 的 水路 运输 ,也没有使用铁路通向欧洲和伊比利亚

49、半岛内陆的政策。尽管最近建好的高铁表现出了其优越性,但它也使得本来的伊比利亚铁路线丧失了运输能力。由于中央政府认为没有修建的必要,通过一条修建只要 15 亿元的欧洲铁路线将巴塞罗那和边境相连的可能性也接近为零。 甚至那个运输载货列车通过标准 由 欧洲长度 750 米取代现行西班牙国内路网 400 米的 这样 容易 的 事情也没有计划过。这个标准的改变将减少运费 ,增加90%的路网承运能力,而且投资修改的费用极低。因为这个计划只涉及对主线的长度进行修建,使得慢车能被快车取代。该体系在从马德里到巴塞罗那行运段的实施只要 3 亿欧元的投资。没有实施这个行动使得运载能力下降和服务成本不必要地上升,或者至少说这是完全的无效做法,因为该投资回报率极低。这个例子说的是在鹿特丹不该做的计划 蓝图做了,在巴塞罗那应该做的计划蓝图没有做。很明显支持物流活动的政府性政策缺乏投资和领导,让 西班牙 失去了唯一仅有的利用巴塞罗那得天独厚的地理位置来发展的机会。亚洲与欧洲的贸易都是通过苏伊士运河和地中海航线进行的,而巴塞罗那正处在这条通道上,在巴塞罗 卸载 来 自 亚洲的货物 比在 鹿特丹和汉堡 卸载 , 航运时间会相 缩短 3 天。


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