The Internet of Things The Death of a Traditional Database【外文翻译】.doc

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1、外文翻译 原文 The Internet of Things: The Death of a Traditional Database? Materrial Source:IETE Technical Review Author:Joachim:Keith G.Jeffery There is much activity in Europe and the world on predicting the future of information and communication technology(ICT).There are roadmapping exercises for R an

2、d D in various domains to meet that predicted future.The EC has set up expert groups and or projects covering GRIDs,CLOUDs,Service-Oriented Architectures,quantum and bio-computing,new materials,human-computer interaction,and cognitive technology among others.There is much discussion of Web2.0 and be

3、yond. TheInternet of Things(http:/en.Wikipedia.Org/wiki /Internet_of_Things) is a strong theme with a recent EC(European Commission) conference(May 2009)dedicated to it.The formation of the FIA(Future Internet Assembly)underpins the groundswell of enthusiasm for this idea,and Issue 77 of ERCIM News

4、has Future Internet Technology as the special theme,with a foreword by Viviane Reding, EC Commissioner for Information Society and Media, emphasizing the importance.Europe is establishing an e-Infrastructure and the US is establishing its Cyberinfrastructure. Database researchers(with a few notable

5、exceptions) have not been very prominent in these discussions. This is surprising,as the movement toward take-up of these new technologies by the business world pioneered in the research field will require, at the least, interoperation with the existing database technology, and most likely a further

6、 wholesale evolutionary or revolutionary development of the database technology, to adapt to the new environment.Database research has moved to include semi-structured data and its processing and managing of data streams.There is work on schema matching and mapping for interoperation (sometimes in t

7、he context of Dataspaces),and on domain ontologies.There is still ongoing work on web-database interfaces,modeling,and systems development. Work on performance or query optimization with new algorithms continues,as does optimized storage architecture-including P2P (Peer to Peer). Where are the advan

8、ces in database research matching-and/or contributing to-the huge advances in(among others)social networking,content creation and repurposing,gaming,sensor systems,robotics,autonomic systems,visualization,user interaction,systems and software development,and service-oriented architecture? Let us ima

9、gine a possible state in 20 years time.The problems facing Europeand the world (from continent through country to individual person scale) are large, complex,and require unprecedented scientific,mathematical,and IT skills for their solution. There is a fast,reliable,inexpensive e-infrastructure prov

10、iding all communication services.Persons are connected to the e-infrastructure via personal computer devices that are continuously online.The networking components of the e-infrastructure invisibly provide optimal connectivity in terms of performance,reliability, cost,and security.The e-infrastructu

11、re physically senses,detects,records,and curates everything,using all the computers,storage devices,networks,and sensors.Subject to security,privacy,ownership and commercial rights all computational,storage,detector, and communication facilities are available to everyone. Detectors and subsystems wi

12、ll occur in all environments, across all industries and social services,as also in the home environment.Subsystems are embedded within the e-infrastructure-for example control systems for utilities-including personal transport.Other subsystems will be robotic for agriculture,manufacturing,healthcare

13、, and other applications.This e-infrastructure vision has major implications: 1.There is a continuing and accelerating need for ever faster,-smaller,-cheaper,-and-more-energy-efficient- (and less heat-producing)devices.At some point biologically-inspired systems will dominate and will compete/cooper

14、ate with quantum-based technologies. 2.New intelligent materials will be developed,which will allow artifacts to be constructed internet-ready . These will range from agricultural products through to manufactured products. 3.The open availability of everything simplifies the physical access and impr

15、oves the performance, including reducing latency,but will demand ever-increasing performance,scalability,reliability, and self-management. 4.The middleware of he e-infrastructure-bears heavy responsibilities: (a)for providing the self-*characteristics(self-managing,self-tuning,self-repairing)of a re

16、liable e-infrastructure; (b)for identification,authorization,trust,security,privacy,and access control; (c)for hiding the complexity through virtualization and abstraction,thus providing homogeneous access to and utilization of heterogeneous facilities. The i-infrastructure relies on the underlying

17、e-infrastructure and converts the data(structured, semi-structured,and unstructured)to information.The i-infrastructure provides the processing capabilities to collect,structure,manage,describe,and manipulate the information.It provides computational modeling/ simulation facilities to generate new i

18、nformation. The processing capabilities will be Service-Oriented Knowledge Utilities(SOKUs)which are discoverable/ composable and dynamically tunable,based on properties described by their metadata.There is a massive amount of-content:From structured verified data and information through to personal

19、ly authored social networking artifacts,and from data streams generated by detectors through to entertainment and education material.The volumes of data and information will preclude shipping data to processors with appropriate software;rather we shall need to ship software to the data. The k-Infras

20、tructure manages knowledge;allowing differing semantic descriptions over a formal syntax in the i-layer.This is the domain where humans or data mining extract knowledge from information by deduction or induction,where that knowledge is codified and stored for use in optimizing the e-and i-layers,and

21、 for interfacing to intelligent applications and intelligent user interfaces in the overlying application layer. Titel:The Internet of Things Materrial Source:Sciebtific American Author:Joachim:Gershenfeld.Neil Giving everyday objects the ability to connect to a data network would have a range of be

22、nefits: making it easier for homeowners to configure their lights and switches, reducing the cost and complexity of building construction, assisting with home health care. Many alternative standards currently compete to do just that-a situation reminiscent of the early days of the Internet, when com

23、puters and networks came in multiple incompatible types. To eliminate this technological Tower of Babel, the data protocol that is at the heart of the Internet can be adopted to represent information in whatever form it takes: pulsed electrically, flashed optically, clicked acoustically, broadcast e

24、lectromagnetically or printed mechanically. Using this Internet-0 encoding, the original idea of linking computer networks into a seamless whole-the Inter in Internet-can be extended to networks of all types of devices, a concept known as interdevice internetworking. The solution to building a globa

25、l network out of heterogeneous local networks, called internetworking, was found in two big ideas. The first was packet switching. The second idea was the end-to-end principle. Titel:The Challenges in Teaching About Intelligent Building Technology Materrial Source:The Journal of Technology Studies A

26、uthor:Joachim Dittrichto centralize control of lighting,heating, ventilation,air conditioning,and the like; to conform with supplier contracts in terms of peak energy consumption;to ensure reliable operation of the systems; and to meet security needs with respect to operating hazards,break-in,fire,o

27、r flooding.It also discusses private homes,where comfort,security issues,probable energy savings,and the integration of alternative energies are matters of concern. As indicated,modern information and automation technologies can contribute to the reduction of personnel costs to run a building,enhanc

28、e the operational security of buildings,increase comfort, and ensure that limits on conditions such as temperature,air quality,and peak energy consumption are met.To a certain extent,modern information and automation technologies can also contribute to reducing the consumption of natural resources s

29、uch as fresh water and energy by switching off lights when no one is in the room,by reducing energy input through solar radiation,and by coordinating heating,ventilation,and air conditioning systems.(In the building we work in,for example,we identified energy savings of around 30%for lighting thanks

30、 to automation using brightness sensors and motion detectors.) Recent developments in the construction sector,namely the statutory restrictions(at least in Germany)of energy consumption for heating,have led to the emergence of so-called low energy buildings.Very little heat is lost through the enclo

31、sure,which is beneficial in winter.In summer,however,solar radiation penetrates the building through the windows,heating it up and making it necessary to provide for cooling since there is no heat transfer through the walls at night.Ventilation systems have to be installed because the impervious enc

32、losure does not permit natural air exchange. Renewable energy sources are used to provide the small amount of energy needed for such things as hot water.However, solar energy is also used for heating and cooling(e.g.,by means of adsorption machines).All these processes have to be coordinated.Photovo

33、ltaic systems produce electrical energy in a decentralized manner on the roofs of buildings,thus helping to avoid the use of nuclear or fossil fuel to operate power stations.They have to be coupled to the power net in terms of frequency and phase,and there must be a data capture system installed.Aut

34、omation technology is frequently required to perform these functions in addition to the above-mentioned heat management.In these cases,some tasks cannot be performed by people because they would put too heavy a burden on the user;other tasks are carried out through automation for greater overall con

35、venience. 译文 The Internet of Things: The Death of a Traditional Database? 资料来源: IETE技术审查 作者: Keith G.Jeffery 有许多活动 在欧洲和在预测未来的信息通信技术的 Nd( ICT)的世界。演习有路线图在各领域的研发,以满足未来的预测。教统会已成立专家小组和 /或项目,包括网格,云,面向服务的体系结构,量子和生物计算机,新材料,人机互动,认知等技术。,在 Web2.0 后有物联网( http:/en.Wikipedia.Org/wiki / Internet_of_Things)的讨论,是有最近

36、欧共体(欧盟委员会)会议专门后援的国际汽联组( 2009年 5月)(未来互联网重要主题大会)的基础,这一观点的热情风潮,及发出 ERCIM 新闻 77 具有特别 主题的未来互联网技术,并按维维安,欧盟信息社会和媒体专员强调重要性,前言。欧洲正在建立一个电子基础设施和美国正在建立它的网络基础设施。 数据库研究人员(有一些明显的例外)尚未在这些讨论中十分突出。这是令人惊讶,因为对起飞,由这些新技术的商业世界就率先在研究领域将要求在与现有的数据库技术至少,互操作,以及运动最有可能是进一步批发进化或革命发展的数据库技术,以适应新的环境。数据库的研究已经转移到包括半结构化数据和处理数据流的管理。上有匹配

37、和互操作的映射(有时是在数据空间中)模式工作,并就领域本体。还有基于 Web 数据库接口,建模和系统开发正在进行的工作。对性能或与新的算法的查询优化工作在继续,并优化存储架构,包括的 P2P(点对点)。在哪里可以找到匹配的数据库研究进展和 /或协助,在(其中包括)社交网络,内容创建和重复利用,游戏,传感器系统,机器人,自主系统,可视化,用户交互,系统和软件发展的巨大进步,和面向服务的架构? 让我们想象在 20 年时间的可能状况。欧洲面临的问题和世界(从个人到国家规模大陆)是大型的,复杂的,需要前所未有的科学,数学和信息技术技能为他们的解决方案。有一个快速,可靠,廉价的电子基础设施,提供所 有的

38、通信服务。人是连接到电子基础设施通过个人电脑上网设备,不断。在电子基础设施提供的网络组件无形中在性能,可靠性,成本和安全方面的最佳连接。在电子基础设施肢体感官,检测,记录和苏格拉底的一切,全部采用计算机,存储设备,网络和传感器。除安全,隐私,所有权和所有的计算,存储,商业权利探测器,通信设施等,人人都可获得。探测器和子系统将出现在所有环境,各行业和社会服务,这也是在家庭环境中。子系统嵌入在电子基础设施,为公用事业,包括个人的交通控制系统的例子。其他子系统将用于农业,制造业,医疗保健和其他应用程序的机器人 。这种电子基础设施的视野,产生重大影响: 1. 有必要继续和加速越来越快,缩小的,便宜和更

39、节能,(并减少热量生产) 设备。 在某些时候生物启发的系统将主宰,将竞争 /合作与量子技术的发展。 2. 新的 智能材料 将得到发展,这将使文物,兴建 互联网就绪 。这将范围 从农业产品,通过对生产的产品。 3. 一切的开放可用性,简化了物理访问,提高了性能,包括减少延迟,但 会要求不断提高性能,可扩展性,可靠性和自我管理。 4. 他中间件的电子基础设施,负有重大责任: ( a) 提供特点(自我管理,自我调整,自我修复)一个可靠的电子基础设 施 ; ( b) 鉴定,授权,信任,安全,隐私和存取控制; ( c) 隐藏,通过虚拟化和抽象的复杂性,从而提供同质异构访问和设施的 利用率。 我基础设施依

40、赖于底层的网络基础设施将数据转换(结构化,半结构化和非结构化)到我的资料搜集基础设施提供强大的处理能力,以收集,结构,管理,描述和操作的信息。它提供的计算模型 /仿真设施,以产生新的信息的处理能力将面向服务的知识公用事业( SOKUs),也可发现 /组合的,动态可调的基础上,由它们的元数据描述的属性。有一种,大量的内容:从结构验证数据和信息通过亲自撰写社交文物,从流中通过对探测器产生的娱 乐和教育材料的数据。数据和信息的数据量会妨碍航运处理器与适当的软件,而是我们需要运送到数据软件。的 k -基建管理知识,允许在一个不同的 I 层形式语法语义描述。这是人类的域或数据挖掘提取按扣或感应,在那里,

41、知识是编纂和优化电子和 I -层,用于连接智能应用和智能用户界面在使用存储的信息知识覆应用层。 标题:物联网 资料来源:科学美国人 作者: Gershenfeld.Neil 将 日常物品连接到数据网络将有一系列的好处 ,它能够 使业主 能 更容易 控制灯和 各种 开关, 既 降低了成本 和建筑施工的复杂性, 又 协助 了 家庭保健。目前 有许多其他标准竞争, 但是能够 做到这一点 的只有 互联网, 这种 情况令人想起早年当计算机和网络的多种不兼容的类型来。为了消除这种通天塔技术,数据协议,互联网的核心是可以采用任何形式代表把信息 以及 脉冲电,光闪过,点击声,广播或印刷机械电磁。使用这种 In

42、ternet-0 编码 使 计算机网络的连接成一个无缝的整体 。其 最初的想法 “嵌入式” 可扩展到所有类型的设备, 其 作为一个概念称为掐间互联 。该解决方案以建立一个全球网络 和 本地网络的 异构 ,称为互联网络, 则 是在 以下 两个大的想法 中 找到 的 。 其一 是分组交换。 其 二个想法是 端至端 的原则。 标题:在教学中关于智能建筑技术的挑战 资料来源:论技术研究杂志 作者: Dittrich集中控制的照明,供暖,通风,空调,及类似品 ;以符合供应商合同在能源消耗方面的峰值,以确保系统运行可靠,并符合有关磨合,火灾或水浸 的 危险作业 安全需要。它还讨论了私人住宅,舒适,安全问题

43、,很可能节约能源,以及替代能源一体化是令人关注的问题。 最近的事态发展,在建造业,即法定限制取暖消耗的能源(至少在德国),导致了所谓的低能量的建筑物出现。失去的热量很少通过外壳,这在冬季有益的。在夏季,太阳辐射的穿透建筑物的窗户,加热并使其冷却,以提供必要因为没有在夜间通过墙壁的传热。通风系统必须安装,因为防渗外壳不允许自然空气交换。可再生能源是用来提供少量的能量为这样的事情,因为热水需要。然而,太阳能也可用于加热和冷却(例如,通过吸附机系指)。所有这些过程必须 加以协调。在光伏系统产生的建筑物的屋顶上分散的电能,从而帮助避免核或操作使用化石燃料发电站。他们必须耦合的频率和相位上的电网,并且必须有一个数据采集系统安装。自动化技术是经常需要执行,除上述热管理这些功能。 在这种情况下,某些任务无法执行的人,因为他们干脆把用户的负担过重,其他任务是通过自动 化进行了更大的整体的方便。


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