不锈钢技术及其发展摘要 介绍了不锈钢炼钢的总体概况和品种, 论述了不锈钢在铁水预处理、转炉、电炉、二次精炼、连铸等方面的典型工艺流程,概述了国内外不锈钢的生产和消费现状,提出了不锈钢生产流程未来的发展方向。关键词 不锈钢 生产流程 精炼Abstract: The paper introduced the general specification of stainless steel aking and the varieties of the product, stated the typical progresses flow in hot metal pretreatment、 converter、 EAF、 secondary refining continuous casting etc ,summarized the current status of stainless steel production and consumption and put forward the future development trend of stainless