女性如何向上司要求待遇 尽管很多职场女性能够游刃有余地代表公司谈判,但她们却不擅长向上司争取自身权益。西北高校商学院教授维多利亚 麦维琪和. 公司总法律顾问维贾亚 嘉德认为,女性要敢于提要求,但也要讲究谈判策略。 女性如何向上司要求待遇 Women are terrific negotiators: for their companies, for their families, but not as it turns out, for themselves. At Fortunes NextGen conference, Northwestern University business school professor Victoria Medvec and .s General Counsel Vijaya Gadde shared their insights on how to be killer at the negotiation table. 1. Ask The biggest mistake women