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1、弟 1 页/(共 14 页) 弟 2 页/(共 14 页)重庆市巴蜀中学 2015-2016 学年度上期第一学期月考考试初三英语试卷注意事项:1. 试题的答案书写在答题卡上,不得在试卷上直接作答。2. 作答前认真阅读答题卡上的注意事项。第 I 卷(共 90 分)I. 听力测试(共 30 分)第一节:情景反应(每小题 1.5 分,共 9 分)听一遍,根据你所听到的句子,从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最恰当的答语,并把答题卡上对应该题目的答案标号涂黑。1. A. No , I didnt . B. Yes , I have . C. Sounds great .2. A. By reading n

2、otes . B. In the classroom . C. For two weeks .3. A. With my mother . B. No way . C. Thats a good idea .4. A. Two days ago . B. For one month . C. In a week .5. A. Its Oct. 8th . B. Its Thursday . C. Its 7 oclock .6. A. Sure , its on the second floor . B. Thats right . C. Yes , please .第二节:对话理解(每小题

3、1.5 分,共 9 分)听一遍,根据你所听到的对话和问题,从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最恰当的答语,并把答题卡上对应该题目的答案标号涂黑。7. A. Board games . B. A toy bear . C. A dress .8. A. By subway . B. By bus . C. By bike .9. A. Math . B. Chemistry . C. Physics .10. A. 70 dollars . B. 40 dollars . C. 20 dollars .11. A. Read books . B. Do homework . C. Go to the

4、 movies .12. A. Sunny . B. Cloudy . C. Rainy .第三节:长对话理解(每小题 1.5 分,共 6 分)听两遍,根据你所听到的长对话,从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出正确答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。听下面一段材料,回答 13 和 14 小题。13. Where did Tiffany go first ?A. Her hometown . B. Mount Emei . C. Her school .14. How long did Tiffany stay at Mount Emei ?A. For two days . B. For th

5、ree days . C. For four days .听下面一段材料,回答 15 和 16 小题。15. What is Tom doing now ?A. Watching a football match .B. Watching a movie .C. Watching a basketball match .16. Does Toms mother allow him to go to bed in ten minutes ?A. Yes . B. No . C. I dont know第四节:短文理解(每小题 1.5 分,共 6 分)听两遍,根据你所听到的短文内容,从 A、B、C

6、 三个选项中选出正确答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。17. Which flight is now boarding(登机)at Gate 6 ?A. Flight FA 320 . B. Flight BA 958 . C. Flight FA 233 .18. When will the Flight BA 958 take off ?A. At 10:00 a.m. B. At 5:00 p.m. C. At 3:00 p.m.19. What will be offered to the passengers of Flight BA 958 ?A. Milk , bread

7、 and snacks . B. Water , fruit and a meal . C. Coffee , fruit and a meal .20. What color it the lost handbag ?A. Red . B. Blue . C. Green .II. 单项选择。 (每小题 1 分,共 20 分)从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。21. We saw _ full moon on _ Mid-Autumn Festival .A. a , / B. a , the C. the , / D. / ,

8、/22. People often make some mistakes _ grammar when they are learning a foreign language .A. about B. in C. at D. to23. The number of the students _ increased _ 200 to nearly 3000 so far .A. has , by B. have , by C. has , in D. have , in弟 3 页/(共 14 页) 弟 4 页/(共 14 页)24. _ useful advice it is !A. What

9、 a B. What C. How a D. How25. Linda , whats the meaning of the word ?- Well , you can _ in the dictionary .A. look it up B. look up it C. look them up D. look up them26. After the Spring Festival , I _ 3 jin when I returned to school .A. put away B. put up C. put in D. put on27. Ma Lan has improved

10、her English a lot since she joined the English club .- It was _ _ her to choose to join in at first !A. wise , of B. wisely , of C. wise , for D. wisely ,for28. All the teachers considered _ impossible to get a pay raise .A. its B. that was C. that D. it29. I wonder if I can learn English well - _ .

11、 Try to practice more A. I am afraid so B. Youre slow C. It takes time D. Its a piece of cake30. _ the bookstore _ two noodle houses .A. Besides , are B. Beside , are C. Beside , is D. Besides , is31. When you visit a museum you should _ the instructions and dont be against them .A. compare with B.

12、look forward to C. pay attention to D. try out32. How long has this Starbucks _ ?- For about 2 years . We sometimes drink afternoon coffee here .A. been opened B. been open C. opened D. open33. Scrooge was forgotten by his relatives after he _ because he was quite mean .A. died B. dead C. death D. h

13、as been died34. Who knows if Linda _ next month ?- Be patient . If she _ , I will phone you .A. will come , comes B. comes , will come C. will come , will come D. comes , comes35. Peter _ out the quilt(被子)on the floor and _ down to have a rest .A. lay , laid B. laid , lay C. laid , lied D. lied , la

14、y36. - _ ! Do you know which is the way to Bashu Secondary School ?- Go straight along Beiqu Broad and its 500 meters away . You can see it on your left .A. Pardon B. Pardon me C. I beg your pardon D. Nice to meet you37. If you , the one who he likes best , suggest _ smoking , he may have a try .A.

15、he to give up B. him giving up C. he gives up D. him to give up38. When you walk _ a garden , just turn _ , you will see it on your left .A. passed , left B. past , to left C. pass by , left D. past , left39. Do you have any idea _ ?- Most people think it is the terrible weather And I think so .A. w

16、hich is the way to the library B. when is the perfect time to visit the museumC. why did he stay there D. what often causes an accident40. Im too nervous to give a talk before so many people .- _ , Bob . You can do it .A. Thats true B. With pleasure C. Come on D. Youre rightIII. 完型填空(每空 1 分,共 10 分)C

17、harm of the MinionsThe Minions are originally comedic background characters in the film called Despicable Me 卑鄙的我 . These yellow pill-shaped screwballs , 41 Stuart , Kevin , and Bob among others , have completely 42 the show and turned into a popular icon . 43 USA Today , this summer , the character

18、s have the second biggest opening weekend of all time for a cartoon film . Recently , McDonalds has been including Minion toys with kids meals in some places , causing fans 44 into the restaurant to collect them all . Related(有关联的) video games , clothes , toys and others are sweeping the world .The

19、movies large popularity even surprised its writer . “ We never knew the Minions were going to be so popular . It just became a force of nature , ” the films co-writer Cinco Paul told the Los Angeles Times .So , what makes the banana-loving Minions a big hit ? For many , the main reason is their cute

20、ness. Their simple graphic(图形似的) looking can 45 transcend(超越)cultures and age groups “ Even children can draw them , ” Los Angeles Times reporter Rebecca Keegan wrote 46 examples of fan-made Minion art , from fingernails to Halloween costumes(服装), can be seen on global social media platforms . But t

21、heres more to the Minions 47 than just cuteness . US entertainment website HitFix 弟 5 页/(共 14 页) 弟 6 页/(共 14 页)explains that their way 48 makes people love them very much . It seems everyone can understand them through their exaggerated(夸张的)movements and 49 . More importantly , their childlike and s

22、tupid but kind , caring and funny style is a brand of humor that 50 hearts .The Minions want nothing more than to serve their most despicable master . Felonious Gru.“ Perhaps we love Minions because they remind us of ourselves , ” a web editor Sara Boboltz wrote “ Or an evil-henchman(屈从恶势力的)version

23、of ourselves .”41. A. includes B. included C. to include D. including42. A. stolen B. steal C. stealing D. stole43. A. As for B. According to C. For D. So44. A. to rush B. to enter C. rush D. enter45. A. easy B. easily C. hardly D. hard46. A. Thousand of B. Thousands of the C. Thousands of D. Thousa

24、nd47. A. succeed B. successful C. successfully D. success48. A. to communication B. of communicate C. of communicating D. to communicating49. A. expresses B. expressive C. express D. expressions50. A. wins B. beats C. buys D. losesIV. 阅读理解(每题 2 分,共 30 分)ADear customers , welcome to Rice Bowl . This

25、is our menu ! Just choose what you like sincerely hope you can enjoy the dishes and service we offer !Rice BowlTEL :023-65976635 Chicken Dish & Boiled Rice $5.5Chicken Dish & Chips $5Beef Dish & Boiled Rice $7Beef Dish & Chips $6.5Roast Pork Dish & Boiled Rice $5Roast Pork Dish & Chips $4.5Fried Lob

26、ster(龙虾) $12dumplings $2.5noodles $3Free drinks(water , cola , coffee , milk , tea , juice)20% off from menu No. 1 No. 10 every dayFree WIFIOpening hoursMonday-Friday 8:00a.m. 11:00p.m.Saturday 9:00a.m. 10:00p.m.Sunday Closed51. When can you eat in Rice Bowl ?A. 7:00 a.m. , Tuesday . B. 11:00 p.m. ,

27、 SaturdayC. 9:00 a.m. , Sunday . D. 10:00 p.m. , Wednesday .52. How much should you pay if you are No. 3 to have a Roast Pork Dish & Boiled Rice and a cup of juice ?A. $4.5 B. $7 C. $4 D. $553. Which of the following is NOT TRUE ?A. The phone number of Rice Bowl is 023-65976635 .B. Rice Bowl offers

28、free drinks and fruit .C. Fried Lobster is the most expensive in Rice Bowl .D. You dont need to pay for the WIFI in Rice Bowl .BWe all know that music has the power to comfort(抚慰)us when we are stressed out or depressed . Can it do the same for animals ? University of Leicester researchers decided t

29、o test this by exposing dairy cows to different kinds of music . They discovered that certain types of music helped cows produce(生产)3% more milk than those that only heard the noise of milking machines .In the research , what they found was that similar to humans . Cows have different tastes . Some

30、prefer soulful music while others like classical better . Based on their findings , they released(发表)two play-弟 7 页/(共 14 页) 弟 8 页/(共 14 页)lists that they believe will be welcomed by most diary cows .One list includes songs like REMs Everybody Hurts , Aretha Franklins version of What a Difference a

31、Day Makes and Simons Bridge Over Troubled Water . The other list includes classical hits like Beethovens Pastoral Symphony and Mozarts Concerto for Flute and Harp in D Major .Besides , music is not the only thing that dairy cows enjoy . A few years ago , actors in Kent , England decided to see if th

32、e animals liked Shakespeare by performing one of his plays to the local cows . Sure enough , their milk output increased .So the next time you visit a dairy farm , dont be surprised to see the cows listening to their favorite music . After all “ great milk comes from happy cows ! ”54. Where is the p

33、assage from ?A. An advertisement . B. A newspaper . C. A story book . D. A novel .55. How many play-lists did the researchers release ?A. One . B. Two . C. Three . D. Four .56. Which of the following is TRUE ?A. The cows listening to music produce less milk .B. Cows only enjoy music.C. Singers in Ke

34、nt , England sang one of Beethovens songs to the local cows .D. Cows have different tastes to music .57. Whats the best title of the passage ?A. How cows produce milk . B. Protect diary cows .C. Cows also have favorite music . D. More cows , more milk .CWhenever I think of the moonwalk(太空步), a perso

35、n comes into mindMichael Jackson .When I was a child , my mother often bought collections of his music videos . When she took the collections home , shed ask me to watch them with her . When I first saw Michael Jackson in his sixth album-Thriller , I was frightened by his wolf-like appearance , but

36、I fell in love with him because of his voice and movements . Gradually , I began to build my own collections of his songs , until I owned all of his albums and videos .Thus , when the news of his death came in June , I felt like an important part of my childhood had died as well .I have loved Michae

37、l Jackson from the moment my mother introduced me to him , I felt sorry for the man , who , although once a wonderful performer , changed into a pitiful person who always needed a shield from the sun .So , when his death came and those rumors(谣言)that damaged(伤害)Jacksons image were thrown away and pe

38、ople turned to greatly honor(给荣誉)the late “ King of Pop ” , I was rather angry . And all these people who once thought Jackson was a child molester(骚扰者)with strange habits now consider him a wonderful man and the greatest musician who ever lived Besides , I also felt sorry for his death , and my mus

39、ic play-list showed nothing but his songs .Two months after his death , Jacksons popularity could still be seen around the world . During my stay in Beijing . I noticed that his CDs and DVDs were always put in the most noticeable places of record stores . I was really glad to see Michael Jackson had

40、 truly made his mark worldwide .58. What made the writer fall in live with Michael Jackson ?A. Jacksons appearance . B. Jacksons voice and movements .C. Jacksons personality . D. Jacksons words .59. When did the writer begin to like Michael Jackson ?A. When Michael Jackson was world famous .B. When

41、he began to buy Jacksons albums and videos .C. When his mother let him watch collections of Jacksons music videos .D. After Michael died .60. Why did the writer feel angry ?A. Because those rumors damaged Jacksons image .B. Because people think Jackson was a child molester with strange habits .C. Be

42、cause people still said bad words about Jackson .D. Because some people had quite different attitudes(态度) to Jackson before and after his death .61. What can we infer(推断)from the passage ?A. The writer wanted to forget Michael Jackson . B. The writers mother also liked Michael Jackson .C. All people

43、 loved Michael Jackson before his death . D. Michael Jackson released five albums .DLogos(标识)- We see hundreds of them every day . We see them so much that we often dont even 弟 9 页/(共 14 页) 弟 10 页/(共 14 页)think about them . But years of work and millions of dollars go into even the simplest logos ,

44、and sometimes the layers of hidden meanings can be kind of interesting and meaningful .The Amazon Logo Represents(代表)Diversity(多样性)And SmilesThe Amazon logo looks very simple . The companys name , A , in bold black letters with a simple yellow arrow(箭头) under them . But what does the arrow represent

45、 ? On the one hand , it represents the smile that customers should find on their faces after a great shopping experience on A . The position of the yellow arrow forms a visible(明显的)smile with each “ a ” in the word acting as the eyes . On the other hand , the yellow arrow , beginning at the first “

46、a ” and spanning(跨越)over to “ z ” . This represents the diversity among Amazons products “ everything from a to z ”.Adidas Logo Makes You Work Harder .Adidas makes sports T-shirts , trousers , bags etc , but its probably most famous for the shoes. The name “ Adidas ” is a combination of the first and last name of the companys creator. Adolf Dassler. Adidas is known as “ the brand with the three stripes(条纹) ” . Throughout the time, the logo has changed , but the three stripes never changes. The current logo features three slanted(倾斜的) stripes in a triangle(三角)shape. This ne


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