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1、第二辑 Test 1Topic A: WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN ?Entertaining clients Types of activities Cost 思路点拨 【词汇短语】促销赠品 Complimentary presents 迎宾室 Hospitality room招待费 Entertainment allowance 定制 Customize针对个人 Personalize 有目的的 Purposeful商业目的 Business objectives 客户需求 Customer demand包间 Compartment 舒适的 Cozy【句型点击】 间歇、停顿

2、How shall I put it? 怎么说呢?Well, what I trying to say is. 我想说的是.Id like to begin by 个人想法In my opinion, Id say that.The point is that.Well, we should.【参考范例】Entertaining clients is not an easy job and should be handling appropriately and enjoyably. It contains more than just a wonderful meal, a sightsee

3、ing tour or a shopping trip. Good hospitality events can impress clients in a unique manner in and outside of the office. When entertaining clients, we should decide the types of activities according to their interest and favorites. Moreover, these activities should help us achieve our business obje

4、ctives, for example, we can 主题 陈述要点 原因/结果 Entertaining clients已给要点补充要点Types of activities 活动类型Cost 花费Business objectives 商业目标Clients feelings 客户的感受Background of clients客户背景Customized activities 为客户制定活动 Clients demand 客户需求 Personalized services 个性化服务 have an intimate discussion about business with ou

5、r clients during a meal in a cozy compartment where both where both sides tend to be more relaxed. In addition, we have to mix business with pleasure effectively so our clients wont feel that we are too purposeful.Cost is anther important factor when designing activities for clients. Higher expenses

6、 dont necessarily to greater satisfaction, and in some cases, the clients will be overwhelmed with our kindness. Therefore, when entertaining clients, sincerity appears to be more important, upon which a long and a steady business relationship is based. Topic B: WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN ?Choosing reta

7、il premises to rent Location Length of contract【词汇 your job will be safer. Furthermore, opportunities for further promotion also play important roles here. Promotion means more salary and therefore better living conditions. Therefore, we are strongly attempted to choose it, and for some people, this

8、 is even the ultimate goal of their job. But it is only half the story. You have to consider about the best development of your potential. In other words, you have to be very clear about your personal interest is and try to enjoy your work and find joy in it, I believe due to different value systems

9、, people may make different choices upon the same thing. As long as I am concerned, I will choose a career that I can fulfill my dream. I mean, if it is not highly paid, I dont care, I will choose a career I like over opportunity of promotion.Topic C: WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN?Planning an advertising c

10、ampaign Market research Select appropriate media【词汇 sales promotion advertising; billboard advertising; outdoor advertising; audio-visual advertising, or whatever it is. You know, you have plenty of choices. On the other hand, they have a professional team to design an innovative advertisement for y

11、ou. If an advertisement is full of creativity, it will earn brand preference and loyalty of the consumers and maintain a sustainable market. Last but not the least, no matter how flexible your promotion methods are, the credibility of the product is the most important. 第二辑 Test 3 Topic A: WHAT IS IM

12、PORTANT WHEN ?Choosing transport for a business trip Convenience Cost-effectiveness【词汇&短语】一揽子交易 package deal 出发时间 departure time优待票 excursion pass 途中转机、转车 stop over宾馆预订 hotel reservation 晚点 delay【句型点击】other things being equal 同等条件下It is not uncommon to . 很常见 to seal the deal with 与.谈妥某事 without any

13、doubt. 【参考范例】When choosing a transport for a business trip, convenience should come first. I mean, other things being equal, you should choose the one that takes your minimal effort. In business world, time is money. You dont want delayed departure time or unexpected stop-over on the way. At the sam

14、e time, it is not uncommon to refund a ticket or change a one-way ticket to a round trip ticket, if the transportation company can deal with these things effectively, undoubtedly we will choose it. Secondly, cost-effectiveness is also important. If a transportation company can offer us excursion pas

15、s, why not make it our choice? Thirdly, the quality of the transportation should also be concerned. A good rest during the trip can make you in a good shape to seal the deal with your business partners. Lastly, if the transporter can offer some package deal such as hotel reservation, it would be a w

16、ise choice.Topic B: WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN ?Aiming for promotion Quality of performance Company loyalty【词汇&短语】由负责 be in charge of 热情的 enthusiastic重要的, 关键的 crucial 细小的工作 small errands长期的 long-range 价值 merit管理的 administrative 监督 supervise【句型点击】That is to say.It is very crucial to.is known to all【参考范例】

17、If you are aiming for a promotion, primarily, you should show a satisfactory performance. That is to say, if you want to be in charge of something, you start from small errands and show your long-range merits. You have to show people what you are capable of. This is very crucial. Secondly, demonstra

18、te your loyalty to the company, because no manager wants an outstanding but undependable to take an administrative role and supervise a department. Thirdly, show your intelligence in the field you are working, face to the challenge that others fear to take, and then, your professional skills would b

19、e known to all. The last point, try to build an easy-going and enthusiastic personality. A brilliant yet not welcomed employee is definitely not qualified for a promotion.Topic C: WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN ?Exporting goods or services for the first time Personal contacts Professional advice【词汇&短语】个人交往

20、personal contact 质量检查 quality inspection商业信用 commercial integrity 互利 mutual profit商业原则 approach to business 不变的宗旨 permanent principles【句型点击】.conclude business with. .与.做成生意.can do no harm.is the soul of an enterprise .is no exception.【参考范例】If you are in the exporting business for the first time, you

21、 have to build some personal contact with foreign importers in order to export goods or services. The two sides should have a rough idea of the approach to business and commercial integrity of each other, and then conclude the exporting business. Besides, some professional advice from experience exp

22、orters can do no harm. Personally, I believe quality is the soul of an enterprise. It is no exception with exporting. To maintain a sound reputation, you have to put quality as the first consideration. All products have to go through strict inspection before they are launched into the market. Lastly

23、, negotiating skills can help a lot. Mutual profit is the common desire of both the exporter and the importer, it is therefore preferred if contracts are honored and commercial integrity is maintained. It is a permanent principle.第二辑 Test 4 Topic A: WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN ?Dealing with complaints fr

24、om clients Offering an apology Suggesting a solution to the problem【词汇&短语】澄清、阐明 clarify 反馈 feedback训练有素的 well-drilled 不便 、困难 inconvenience客服代表 customer service representative 名声 reputation 跟踪 follow up 重视 value【句型点击】 常用小结句From the above information, it can be shown that.Before the close, let me just

25、 summarize the main points.Shall I just go over the main points?表达观点常用句In my opinion, we should.Id like to point out.Let me emphasize 【参考范例】When dealing with complaint from clients, we should always start off with an apology. A customer for us is just a master for his servant. It is unwise to argue

26、with our clients especially when they are angry. An immediate apology is what clients down quickly. Until then can we clarify the facts and suggest a solution to the problem. Clients expect their complaints to be taken seriously and look forward to speedy replies, so well-drilled customer service re

27、presentatives should insure clients that their problems will be taken care of quickly with limited time.In addition, as an important part of dealing with complaints from clients, we must follow up the solutions and clients feedbacks. We should make phone calls to clients and ask them whether their p

28、roblems have been successful solved and probably we may apologize again for the inconveniences we have brought to them clients will be happy with such calls and change attitudes towards our company. A prosperous business depends on returned customers and reputations. It is common to have clients com

29、plaints, but the key lies in our increasingly improved product quality and customer service. We must have every clients feel that he/she is valued and respected.Topic B: WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN ?Setting prices for new products Production costs Competitors prices【词汇&短语】维持 maintain 轻率地,盲目的 blindly买方市场

30、buyers market 稳定性 stability努力获取 go for 目标客户 target customer残酷的 cruel 性价比 performance price ratio对手、竞争者 rival 潜在客户 potential customer 【句型点击】 开场白Thats a rather a difficult question, but maybe/perhaps.There are two points Id like to make.By and large. 总的来说. 解释前面所说的话That is to say.To put it in another way.What I mean is.


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