深衣Deep Clothing汉:这个衣服是来距今两千多年的汉朝,是妇女穿的,大家注意一下她的特色在于 她的,衣领,袖子,腰带。首先衣领是交叉口,袖子又称袂mei ,并且它又宽又长,体现着以袖为地,以领为天,心怀大地的思想。其次腰间的又大和长的带子有装饰性还有象征性,象征权利。Hanfu: This kind of cloth comes from Han dynasty which has more than two thousand years history and worn primarily by woman. Please have a look at her collar, sleeves and belt. First look at the collar, the main feature of it is wrapping the right side over before the left. Sleeves, we also call Mei, it is wide and long, reflecting the thinking of regardi