2中国流行词英语表述 B to B (B2B) business to business B to C (B2C) business to consumer BP 机 beeper, pager B超 type-B ultrasonic北美自由贸易协定 NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) 本草纲目 Compendium of Materia Medica 伯尔尼公约(有关保护文学和艺术作品版权的公约) Berne Convention 不见不散 Be there or be square. 搬迁户 a relocated unit or household半拉子工程 uncompleted project 半脱产 a partial sabbatical from work半边天 half the sky半成品 semi-manufactured goods; semi-finished products半决赛 semifinals巴黎证券交易所