中国谚语英文翻译互助娱乐论坛 - READY TO(饭) - 午(饭)Q惊弓之鸟/ 谈虎色变07WA burnt child dreads fire.o=见微知着/ 一叶知秋s#tX7pA feather shows the way the wind blows.G+s意外之财/ 一笔横财Cdx&a financial windfall;急风知劲草J,:3|LA friend in need is a friend indeed.6J;h千里鹅毛yA gift is cheap, but love is dear.0,ObZS钱能通神f6&A golden hammer breaks an iron door.Y,H w小不忍则乱大谋V#m*A handful of patience is worth more than a bushel of brains.mU-忙中有错D2uZZA hasty man drinks his tea with his fork.8QXWv少壮不