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1、1Pocket 英语语法(崔荣容)-视频笔记 第一讲 语序和五种基本句式He learns English every day. 他每天学习英语。(中英语序不同)英语五种基本句式一、主+谓二、主+系+表 系动词:起到联系作用的动词,连接主语与表语。表语:描述主语的身份、性质、特征、状态三、主+谓+宾主语:动作发出者谓语:作出的动作宾语:动作的对象四、主+谓+间宾+直宾间宾:通常是人直宾:通常是物五、主+谓+宾+宾补宾补:对宾语的补充说明一、主+谓The universe remains.宇宙长存中英文语序一致二、主+系+表2The food is delicious.这个食物很好吃中英文语序一

2、致三、主+谓+宾He took his bag and left.(left 是第二个谓语)他拿着他的包离开了中英文语序一致四、主+谓+间宾+直宾Her father bought her a dictionary. buy sb sth(双宾语)她爸爸给她买了一本词典 (her 与 a dictionary,两个宾语,一个是人、一个是物)中英文语序一致五、主+谓+宾+宾补We made him our monitor.我们选他当班长 (him 与 our monitor,都是指同一个人,our monitor 是对 him 的补充说明)中英文语序一致Nothing is impossible

3、 to a willing heart!有志者事竟成!第二讲 be 动词的形式和用法一、be 动词的形式:be、am 、is、are、was、were 、being 3、been1、 The man is back.2、 They are back.3、 He was back.4、 They were back.5、 They have been back.6、 Ill be back.上述“back”是副词,构成主系表结构。二、be 动词的用法:起到联系前后的作用(一般翻译为“是” ,或无实意而不作翻译),多用于主系表结构。后面接名词、形容词、地点副词或短语作补足语成分。1、 The ma

4、n is a teacher. a teacher 是名词2、 Marys new dresses are colorful. colorful 是形容词3、 My mother was in the kitchen. in the kitchen 是地点副词。4、 I am 20. 数词也可做表语5、 Its me. 代词也可做表语三、be 动词的练习1、 他们是老师They are teachers.2、 他曾是一名老师He was a teacher before.3、 他已经当了 3 年的老师4He has been a teacher for 3 years.第三讲 be 动词的否定

5、/提问/回答一、be 动词的否定在 am、is、are、was、were 后面加 not缩略式 am not,isnt,arent,wasnt,werent1、 The man isnt back.2、 I am not back.3、 They arent back.4、 He wasnt back.5、 They werent back.二、使用 be 动词提问和回答Is he a teacher?Yes,he is./No,he isnt.Are you a teacher?Yes,I am./No,I am not.Were they teachers?Yes,they were./N

6、o,they werent.三、be 动词的练习:1、 他是医生吗?Is he a doctor?5不,他不是No,he isnt.2、 他们昨天在教室吗?Were they in the classroom yesterday?Yes,they were./No,they werent.3、 他们昨天不在教室They werent in the classroom yesterday.第四讲 代词的主格和宾格主格代词:I he she it you we they1、I am a teacher.2、He is a teacher.3、You are teachers.宾格代词:me him

7、 her it you us them1、 He likes me.2、 We like her.3、 I like them.练习1、 我喜欢它I like it.2、他们认识他They know him.6第五讲 名词性/形容词性物主代词形容词性物主代词:(后接名词)单数形式:my your his/her/its ones复数形式:our your their1、 This is my book.2、 We love our motherland.3、 Those are your socks.名词性物主代词:单数形式:mine yours his/hers/its ones复数形式:o

8、urs yours theirs1、 The book is ours.2、 The apple is hers.练习1、 我的老师是中国人My teacher is Chinese.2、 这个电脑是他们的This computer is theirs.3、 我们的书在书架上Our book is on the shelf.主格 宾格 形容词性物主代词名词性物主代词反身代词I me my mine myself7you you your yours yourselfhe him his his himselfshe her her hers herselfit it its its itsel

9、fwe us our ours ourselvesyou you your yours yourselvesthey them their theirs themselves第六讲 反身代词单数 myself yourself himself herself itself复数 ourselves yourselves themselves反身代词的用法:(指某人自己,通常是主语的“自己” )1、 Please help yourself to some fish.请随便吃些鱼吧yourself 在动词 help 后作宾语。2、 We enjoyed ourselves last night.我

10、们昨晚玩得很开心ourselves 在动词 enjoyed 后作宾语。3、 The thing itself is not important.这件事本身不重要反身代词 itself 在名词 The thing 后作同位语,起到解释、说明名词的作用。练习1、 Take good care of(yourself ) 照顾好2、 She gained control of (herself ) 控制住了8第七讲 实意动词的特征实意动词 come go read watch play fly1、He comes from Shenyang.实意动词 comes 作谓语,后接介词短语 from Sh

11、enyang 作宾语动词 come 有一般现在时“单三”的变化2、She is reading story books.实意动词 reading 作谓语,后接动词 story books 作宾语动词 read 有现在进行时的变化3、They went to America yesterday.动词 go 有一般过去时“went” 的变化4、We have watched the game for three times.动词 watch 有现在完成时 “watched”的变化现在完成时:动作已经发生或对现在造成影响5、My mother will fly back to China next

12、month.一般将来时:will+动词原形总结:实意动词有时态与数量(三单)上的变化练习:91、他昨天来上海了He came to ShangHai yesterday.2、我们正在写作业We are writing homework.3、他们读这本书已经读 3 遍了They have read this book three times.第八讲 实意动词的否定/提问/回答(一般现在时与一般过去时)使用助动词进行否定在助动词 do does did 后面加 notdo not/dontdoes not/doesntdid not/didnt例句:1.I dont go to school by

13、 bus.2.She doesnt watch TV everyday.3.They didnt swim last night.使用助动词进行提问1. He often plays golf.Does he often play golf?Yes,he does./No,he doesnt.102. They go to school by bus.Do they go to school by bus?Yes they do./No,they dont.3. Sam had breakfast yesterday.Did Sam have breakfast yesterday?Yes,he did./No,he didnt.练习:1. 他每天都学英语吗?Does he learn English everyday?是的,他每天都学英语Yes,he does.2. Tom 昨天没吃早饭Tom didnt have breakfast yesterday.第九讲 使用疑问词进行提问和回答(1)(一般现在时与一般过去时)使用疑问词进行提问when,where,who,what,how时间、地点、人物、干什么、怎样例句He bought three books yesterday.1 2 31. Who bought three books yesterday?


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