TED英语演讲:别人嘲笑你的英语口音时该怎么办 艺术家Safwat从小就有口吃,但身为独立动画制,他决定用自己的声音,赋予视频中的角色生命。当网络评论者开始嘲笑他的巴勒斯坦口音,他受到到打击,他不再用自己的声音配音。且听这令人深思的演说中,如何找回他的声音及自信。下面是我为大家收集关于TED英语演讲:别人嘲笑你的英语口音时该怎么办,欢迎借鉴参考。 TED演讲:当别人都在嘲笑你的英语口音时,你该怎么办 I used to have this recurring dream where Id walk into a roomful of people, and Id try not to make eye contact with anyone. Until someone notices me, and I just panic. And the person walks up to me, and says, Hi, my name is So-and-so. And what is your name And Im just quiet, unabl