TED英语演讲:你该如何面对艰难选择 人生的选择无处不在,有的选择很简单,有的选择则很艰难。而艰难的选择并不都是大的抉择,甚至中午吃什么也会变得很艰难。所以面对艰难选择,我们应该如何抉择本期TED演讲者Ruth Chang将告诉我们,面对艰难选择,我们一开始的方向就错了。下面是我为大家收集关于TED英语演讲:你该如何面对艰难选择,欢迎借鉴参考。 How to make hard choices 演讲者:Ruth Chang | 中英对照演讲稿 | Think of a hard choice youll face in the near future. It might be between two careers-artist and accountant-or places to live-the city or the country-or even between two people to marry-you could marry Betty or you could marry Lolita. Or it