TED英语演讲:偏见是有道德的 我们时常将偏见和偏好视为无知的产物。但是,心理学家保罗布鲁姆试图告诉大家,偏见时常是天生的、理性的.甚至是有道德的。布鲁姆认为,最重要的是去理解我们的偏见是如何运作的这样我们就能在它出错时,提出更好的应对方式。下面是我为大家收集关于TED英语演讲:偏见是有道德的,欢迎借鉴参考。 偏见是有道德的 演讲者:Paul Bloom When we think about prejudice and bias, we tend to think about stupid and evil people doing stupid and evil things. And this idea is nicely summarized by the British critic William Hazlitt, who wrote, Prejudice is the child of ignorance. I want to try to convince you here that this is mistake