国开04008-理工英语4-任务3-辅导资料国开04008-理工英语4-任务3参考答案说明:如果课程题目是随机的,请按CTRL+F在题库中逐一搜索每一道题的答案特殊说明请仔细:课程的题目每学期都可能更换,所以请仔细核对是不是您需要的题目再下载!题目1:What advice would you give to a friend who wants cosmetic surgery.: I would advise themnot to have that surgery, becausethey are very well.; Iwould tell them that there are many risks and much cost of thatsurgery.; Ihave nothing to give to my friends.参考答案:Iwould tell them that there are many risks and much cost of thatsurgery.题目2:It is hard for any