1、Chapter 4 ParallelismAccording to the principle of parallelism, comparable sentence parts must be structurally and logically similar.1. Parallel MarkersExamples of parallel markers include the following:AndBoth andOrEither orNot butNot only but also rather thanFrom to 2. Parallel ElementsAlmost anyt
2、hing in a sentence can be made parallel to a similar Parallel Elements:NounAdjectivesVerbsInfinitivesParticiplesPrepositional PhrasesSubordinate ClausesSome verbs or forms derived from verbs have more than one word: was opening, can lose, to increase. You can often split apart these expressions, so
3、that the first word or words count across all the elements.E.g.1: The division was opening offices, hiring staffs and investing in equipment.E.g.2: The railroad can either lose more money or solve its problem.E.g.3: They want to increase awareness, spark interest, and motivate purchases.3. List with
4、 “and”Correct lists obey these templates. No right answer omits “and” in a list just before the last item.The GMAT always inserts a comma before the “and” in lists of 3 or 4 items.If you join two clauses with “and”, you can put an optional comma before the “and”. Doing so is especially recommended w
5、hen the clauses are long, independent, or both.4. Idioms with Built-In Parallel StructureX acts as YAs X, so YBetween X and YCompared to X, YConsider X YIn contrast to X, YDeclare X YX develops into YDistinguish X from YX differ from YEstimate X to be YX instead of YX is known to be YX is less than
6、YMake X YMistake X for YNot only X, but also YRegard X as YX is the same as YX is good, and so too is YX, such as YThink of X as YX is thought to be YView X as YWhether X or Y5. Superficial Parallelism vs. Actual ParallelismYou must always figure out which grammatical structures are logically parall
7、el before making them structurally parallel.Be particularly careful with verbs and verbal forms.Wrong: Sal applied himself in his new job, arrived early every day, skipped lunch regularly, and left late every night.Right: Sal applied himself in his new job, arriving early every day, skipping lunch r
8、egularly, and leaving late every night.6. Watch Out for Linking VerbsInstead of expressing what a subject does, these verbs express what the subject is, or what condition the subject is in.List of Linking VerbsBe 动词 Other Linking VerbsIs Are Appear Become Feel GrowWas Were Look Remain Represent Rese
9、mbleAm Been Seem Smell Sound StayBe Being Taste TurnTreat any linking verb as a parallel marker. Make the subject and the object parallel.Wrong: The bouquet of flowers was a giving of love.Right: The bouquet of flowers was a gift of love.You must also ensure that two sides of the linking verb are parallel in meaning.Wrong: Upon being nominated, this politician represents a step further in urban-rural relations.Right: The nomination of this politician represents a step further in urban-rural relations.