Unit17 Great women 随堂检测(必修1,含2013年模拟试题,含答案解析).doc

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Unit17 Great women 随堂检测(必修1,含2013年模拟试题,含答案解析).doc_第1页
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Unit17 Great women 随堂检测(必修1,含2013年模拟试题,含答案解析).doc_第2页
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Unit17 Great women 随堂检测(必修1,含2013年模拟试题,含答案解析).doc_第3页
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1、.选词填空around the corner;put up;come to terms with;die down;at thetop of ones voice;in good condition;s truggle to ones knees;within reach1Our daughters birthday is just _;what do you want to give her as a present?答案:around the corner2The lecturer waited for the laughter to _ before he could speak aga

2、in.答案:die down3The wounded soldier _ _ in the muddy earth,dragged his legs and moved forward slowly.答案:struggled to his knees4When we finally reached the top of Mount Tai,we all shouted _.答案:at the top of our voices5They were glad to learn that their mother aged 80 was still _.答案:in good condition6A

3、 notice was _,saying that we would have 3 days off because of A(H1N1)答案:put up7Losing both his l egs was a great blow to him.He needs time to _ the cruel reality.答案:come to terms w ith8As long as we study hard and seize the opportunity,success is _ for us.来源:学科网答案:within reach.易错模块1Robert is indeed

4、a wise man.Oh,yes.How often I have regretted _ his advice!Ato make BtakingCnot to take Dnot taking解析:选 D。据后面 regretted 可知第二个说 话人未接受 Robert 的建议。regret doing sth.后悔做了某事。2How I regretted_the hours in the forest, _I should have studied hard in the classroom.Ato waste ;when Bto waste;where 来源:学科网Cwasting

5、;when Dwasting;where解析:选 C。regret doing“后悔做了” ;后半句是一个定语从句。3I regret_ _you that we are unable to offer you employme nt.来源:学科网 ZXXKAinforming Bhaving informedCto inform Dto informed解析:选 C。句意:很遗憾地通知你,我们不能雇用你。4Mr.Jenkins regretted_his secretary for the mistake,for he later discovered it was his own faul

6、t.Ato blame Bbeing blamedCblamed Dhavin g blamed来源:学| 科|网解析:选 D。regret having done sth. 后悔做了某事。5Id like to find a job in the kindergarten.I regret_you that we dont need anyone else at pre sent.Atelling Bto tellCto have told Dhaving told来源: 学。科。网解析:选 B。regret to say/tell/inform 意为“很遗憾地说/告诉/通知” 。.语法专练

7、本单元语法 主谓一致1(2013安徽师大附中模拟)The man as well as his horse _ crossed the river _ from Tokyo.Awhich;come Bthat;comes 来源:Zxxk.ComCwho;came Dwho;come解析:选 B。考查主谓一致及定语从句。第一空考 查定语从句的连接词,因先行词既有人又有物故用 that;第二个空真正的主语是 the man 故用单数。2(2013安徽泗县双语中学摸底)Mom used only half of the money,the rest of which _ saved for othe

8、r purposes.Ais BareCwas Dwere 解析:选 C。从句主语 the rest 指的是 money,故谓语用单数且需用过去时。3(2013广西玉林、南宁二中联考)Between the two mountains _ the factory where my father used to work.来源:学*科*网 Z*X*X*KAstand BstandsCto stand Dstanding解析:选 B。地点状 语位于句首要用全部倒装,句子的主语是 the factory,所以谓语要用单数。 4(2013陕西省镇安中学高三月考)In fac t,not only Ma

9、ry and I but also Jane _ having one exam afte r another.Ais tired with Bare tired with 来源:Zxxk.ComCis tired of Dare tired of 来源:学#科#网解析:选 C。考查主谓一致。此处考查就近一致, Jane 是主语故用 is。5(2013湖南雅礼中学月考)More than one student in our class _ to Shanghai Expo.Ahas been Bhave b eenCis Dare 来源:学科网 ZXXK解析:选 A。考查主谓一致。 , “more than one 名词”作主语时,谓语动词常用单数。


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