Unit19 The Merchant of Venice 随堂检测(必修2,含2013年模拟试题,含答案解析).doc

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Unit19 The Merchant of Venice 随堂检测(必修2,含2013年模拟试题,含答案解析).doc_第1页
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Unit19 The Merchant of Venice 随堂检测(必修2,含2013年模拟试题,含答案解析).doc_第2页
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1、.翻译句子1向这位法官请求对你的儿子表示怜悯是没有用的。(It is useless doing sth.;have m ercy on)_ _来源:Zxxk.Com答案:It is useless asking th e judge to have mercy on your son.2. 就我所知 ,这次事故是由于飞行员判断失误所致。(as far as I know;judgement)_ _答案:As far as I know,the accident was caused by an erro r of judgement on the part of the pilot.3我羡慕

2、你有如此亲密的一个家庭。(envy; soadj.a(n)n.)_ _答案:I envy you having so close a family.来源:学.科.网4她指责吉姆说谎,这是没有道理的。(accuse;reasonable)_答案:She accused Jim of lying,which was not reasonable.5一听到这个消息,她就放声大哭。(on)来源:学科网_答案:On hearing the news ,she burst into tears.易错模块1Excuse me, but I want to use your computer to type

3、a report.来源:学。科。网 Z。X。X。KYou_have my computer if yo u dont take care of it.Ashan t Bmight notCneedn t Dshouldnt解析:选 A。shant 在这 儿表示警告。 来源:学.科.网2_I sit here for a while _Im wanted?ACould ;unless BCould;so thatCShall ;in case DShall; unti l来源:Z_xx_k.Com解析:选 C。考查情态动词及连词。 could 或 shall 都可以放在句首表请求。shall 用

4、在一、三人称的疑问句中表请求,希望得到对方肯定的答复。而第二个空的四个备选项中 in case最合适,表“以防万一”之意 。来源:Zxxk.Com3(2013湖南长沙一中月考)The driver tried everything he could think of, but the car just _ not mov e.A should BmightCmust Dwould解析:选 D。考查情态动词。句意:那位司机用了他能想到的任何方法,可那车还是不会动。此处 would 意为“会” 。4Can I pay the bill by check?Sorry,sir.But it is th

5、e management rule of our hotel that payment _be made in cash.Ashall BneedCwill Dcan解析:选 A。考查情态动词的用法。 shall 用作情态动词与用作助动词表达的意义不一样。用作助动词表将来。用 作情态动词用于第一、第三人称疑问句中,表征求对方意见,期望得到肯定的答复;用在第二、第三人称的陈 述句中,表承诺、命令、威胁、警告、规定等。此处表“要求” 。.语法专练本单元语法直接引语和间接引语1Mr. Green asked Lily whether she had passed the exam_.Ayesterd

6、ay Bthe day beforeCthe day ago Dbefore the day解析:选 B。直接引语变为间接引语时,时间状语 yesterday 要变为 the day before。来源:学|科| 网 Z|X|X|K2Elephants have their own way to tell the shape of an object and_it is rough or smooth.A/ BwhetherChow Dwhat解析:选 B。考查名词性从句引导词的用法。 whether 引导名词性从句有意义但不作成分,有类似用法的连词还有 if。从语法上分析,and 后面的部分

7、也应是 tell 的宾语,所以要填一个宾语从句的引导词 。3The old man asked Henry_England next week.Awhet her will he go Bwhether would he go toCwhether he is going to Dwhether he would go to解析:选 D。根据时态一致原则,从句应用过去将来时,故排除 A、C 两项;从句应用陈述语序,B 项语序不对。4This morning my father told me that he was going to wo rk by bike_.Atoday B that dayCyesterday Dtomorrow解析:选 B。today 在间接引语中要变成 that day。5You cant imagine_when they rece ived thes e nic e Christmas presents.Ahow they were excited Bhow excited they wereChow excited were they Dthey were how excited来源:学科网解析:选 B。imagine 后面是宾语从句,从句要用陈述语序。 来源:学,科,网 Z,X,X,K


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