双语生日祝福语范文仅供参考,自行编辑使用双语生日祝福语1、Happy day of birth. Happy birthday.生日快乐。生日快乐。2、May your future life be full of happiness. Wish you happy everyday.愿你未来的生活充满幸福。祝你天天开心。3、Each birthday is a milestone we touch along lifes way. May your birthday be happy in more ways than one.每个生日都是我们人生之旅的一个里程碑,愿你的生日百事顺意。4、Wishing you a happy birthday! May the best and loving things be some of the joy your birthday brings.祝你生日快乐!愿生日带给你的欢乐中蕴涵着一切美好!5、Warm wishes on your birthday. I send