精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上翻译下列句子:1.有些人在感到压力大的时候往往会吃很多东西。Some people tend to eat a lot when they feel stressed out.2.我们在睡觉时,一个窃贼闯进了房子。While we were sleeping, a burglar broke into the house.3.他打算大学毕业后出国留学。He plans to study abroad after he graduates from university.4.通常,我保留对某人的判断直到我更好地了解他。Usually, I reserve judgement on someone until I get to know him better.5.我认为儿童一上学就应该开始学习一门外语。I agree that children should begin learning a foreign lanuage as soon as they start school.6.我想得到一份高薪的工作