新人教版选修六 Unit 1 Art单元测试卷.doc

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1、优质文档优质文档Unit 1 单元测试卷第一卷(选择题 共 95 分)第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分)第一节:单项填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)1How about Christmas evening party?I should say it was success.A. a; a B.the; a C.a; 不填 D.the; 不填2I wish I _ able to tell him all about it last night. A. should be B. were C. had been D. was 3.-Excuse me, cou

2、ld you tell me the way to the British Museum?-Sorry, Im a stranger here.-_.A. Thanks anyway B. It doesnt matter C. Never mind D. No problem.4. If you had told me in advance, I _ him at the airport. A. would meet B. would had meet C. would have met D. would have meet5. - My cats really fat.- You _ ha

3、ve given her so much food.A. wouldnt B. couldnt C. shouldnt D. mustnt 6. _that Maric was able to set up new branches elsewhere.A. So successful her business was B. So successful was her businessC. So her business was successful D. So was her successful business7. She thought I was praising her child

4、,_,in fact,I was scolding him for his bad behaviors at school.A. what B. while C. so that D. therefore8. Shelly had prepared carefully for her biology examination so that she could be sure of passing it on her first_.A intention B attempt C purpose D desire 9. He is a student at Oxford University, _

5、for a degree in computer science.A studied B studyingC to have studied D to be studying10. -Do you believe his words?-No, what he said was_.A less convincing B more convincing C less convinced D more convinced来源:学科网11-Its said that Mr. Smith will soon retire.-Really? Then who will _?A take his place

6、 B take place C takes place of him D takes the place12. -Wheres that report?-I brought it to you _you were in Mr. Blacks office yesterday.A. if B. when C. because D. before13、Does the young man standing at the gate_ the car?No. The car is _ his father.A. in possession of ;in the possession ofB. have

7、 possession of; take possession ofC. have possession of; in the possession ofD. in the possession of; take possession of14. _ is our belief that improvements in health care will lead to a stronger, more prosperous economy.A As B That C This D It15. -Can I help you, madam?-Id like to buy _eggs.A scor

8、es of B two scores of C two dozens of D three scores of 第二节:完形填空(共 20 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 40 分)优质文档优质文档阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 1635 各题所给的 A.B.C.D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。When I was about ten years old, I spotted a mouse running across our living room floor. My four younger siblings( 兄弟姐妹) heard me screaming 16 and joined m

9、e on the couch, 17 my father found us standing, yelling and pointing.Dad grabbed 18 and chased that mouse all over the place. We followed him in hot pursuit, 19 him on,“Get it, Dad. Get it!”Finally, the mouse was 20 , but when Dad pushed the broom into it, the mouse 21 a little squeal (尖叫). All 22 o

10、f us jumped our father. We 23 his arms and legs, “Dont hurt him. Let him go!”Dad dropped his head 24 .He pulled the broom away and the mouse scampered off(奔逃). “Run.” we yelled. My father looked at us like wed turned into numskulls(傻瓜). He bought a trap the next day.Ray, my husband, and I live in th

11、e country. Our garage is kept free of field mice by our outdoor cat, Snickers. Her mother was a great mouser and 25 her baby well. I was in the garage one day, 26 a mouse ran across the floor. I 27. Snickers was sleeping, so I 28 her name to get her attention. She had the mouse 29 a nanosecond.ThenI

12、 heard 30 . “Let it go,” I yelled. When she refused, I ran into the house to 31 my husband to save it.I watched 32 a crack in the door as my husband donned (戴上) a pair of work gloves, took the mouse out of the cats mouth, walked it out to the field. When he came back, he bent down to pet the cat and

13、 told her she was a good girl for 33 the mouse.Opening the door 34, I thanked him. Both my husband and the cat looked up at me. They had a 35 look on their faces. Id seen that look before. It was the same one my father had on his face, all those years ago.16、A .at the top of my lung B .at the top of

14、 my voicesC. at the top of my lungs D .at the top of the voice17、A . that B. which C. when D. where18、A. a trap B. a broom C. a stick D. a stool19、A. cheering B. urging C. encouraging D. calling20、A. caught B. cornered C. beaten D. killed21、A. left out B. let out C. sent out D. shouted out22、A. five

15、 B. four C. three D. six23、A. pulled down B. pulled away C. pulled at D. pulled off24、A. in surprise B. in disapp ointment C. with pleasure D. in defeat25、A. taught B. fed C. trained D. educated26、A. while B. as C. when D. until27、A screamed B. escaped C. froze D. stood28、 A. called B. shouted C. sc

16、reamed D. whispered29、 A. in B. after C. with D. for 30、 A. the cry B. the shout C. the scream D. the squeal31、A. have B. let C. get D. make32、A. through B. into C. across D. cross33、A. saving B. catching C. helping D. killing优质文档优质文档34、A. in the way B. on the way C. all the way D. by the way35、A. d

17、isappointed B. surprised C. familiar D. puzzled第二部分:阅读理解(共 20 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 40 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AGU Zhaodi, 60, had taken water for granted for years. In fact, no one in the beautiful lake city of Wuxi, Jiangsu Province had bothered to spare a thought on water.But all that change

18、d dramatically overnight last month when taps in the city ran dry. Due to a blue-green algae(藻类) outbreak in Taihu Lake, Chinas third largest freshwater lake and the source of drinking water for 4 million Wuxi residents(居民),water from the citys taps became dark and smelly.“I cant believe there is no

19、 water for drinking, let alone cooking and washing,”said u.The lake was blanketed with the algae, giving off a strong smell of rotting meat. A stone thrown into it took a long tim e to sink. Experts said that algae usually boom because of hot water and rich chemicals like phosphor(磷)in the water. “H

20、igh temperature and a lack of rain in the past few months helped the growth of algae,”said Zhang Lijun, an official from the State Environment Protection Administration. “However, pollution from human activity should be most blamed for the disaster.”Taihu Lake is surrounded by many small factories,

21、which sprang up in the 1980s.Inthe 1990s,many foreign-funded(外资的) companies joined in. The industries prospered(繁荣),Wuxi has grown into one of the wealthiest cities in East China.But that came at the price of pollution. The lake was treated like a waste dump(垃圾堆),with factories emptying industrial w

22、aste and untreated sewage(污水)into it.Although, after the governments effort, life in the city has gone back to normal, the one-week crisis(危机)rang a bell for the government and local people.“Its time to rebuild the beauty of nature, or our lives will be at risk,”said Gu.“A safe environment comes fir

23、st. Economic growth will be nothing without fresh water to drink and clean air to breathe.” said China Daily.36、The following can help the blue green algae grow_A. high water temperature B. rich chemicals in the waterC. a lack of rain D. plentiful water and sunshine37、 What can we learn from the pas

24、sage?A. The one-week disaster has made the local people realize the importance of building a beautiful city.B. It is human activity rather than the algae that is to blame for the waterPollution. C. Only when the environment is safe and friendly can man live a betterand healthier life.D. Environment

25、should be taken into consideration first if a city plans to develop its economic.38、Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?A. Who is to blame, man or algae? B. Water turned offC. Water pollution troubled Wuxi D. Algae threatened Taihu Lake39、According to the passage ,Taihu Lake_

26、A. is the third largest lake in China.优质文档优质文档B. is surrounded by many foreign-funded factories and companies.C. used to be a waste dump.D. suffered from industrial waste,untreated sewage and algae.40、The underlined phrase “sprang up” in the sixth paragraph means_A. develop quickly B. produce goods

27、quicklyC. come to life D. grow upBCharles Blackman: Alice in WonderlandAn Exhibi tion at the National Gallery of Victoria (NGV), Australia10 June -12 August 2007Venue(地点) The Ian Potter CentreAdmission Free entryCharles Blackman is famous for his beautiful painting of dreams. In 1956, he heard for t

28、he first time Lewis Carrolls extraordinary tale of Alice in Wonderland the story of a Victorian girl who falls down a rabbit hole. meets a lot of funny characters and experience all kinds of things .At that time .Blackmans wife was suffering form progressive blindness. The story of Alice moving thro

29、ugh the strange situations. often disheartened by various events, was similar to his wifes experiences. It also reflector so much of his own life. All this contributed to the completion of the Alice in Wonderland paintings.Illustrator WorkshopGo straight to the experts for an introductory course in

30、book illustration. The course includes an introduction to the process of illustration and its techniques, workshop exercise and group projects.Date Sunday 17 June Jeb threw himself on the cougar, just as it jumped from the rock. They hit each other in mid-air and both fell, The cougar was on Jeb in

31、a flash, fotgeiting about Tomm, which was what Jeb wanted.Cougars are not as big as most people think and a determined man stands a chance, even with just his fists. As the cougars claws(爪子)got into his left shoulder,Jeb swung his fist at its eyes and hit hard. The animal howled(吼叫)and put its head

32、back.Jeb followed up with his other fist. Then out of the corner of his eye.Jeb saw Tom. The boy was running back to help his father.“Knife, Tom,”shouted Jeb.The boy ran to his fathers bag, while Jeb started shouting as well as hitting, to keep the cougars attention away from Tom. Tom got the knife

33、and ran over to Jeb.The cougar was moving its head in and out, trying to find a way through the wall Jeb was making out of his arms. Tom swung with the knife, into the cougars back. It howled horribly and ran off into the mountains.The whole fight had taken about thirty seconds.45. Why did Jeb pull

34、his jacket open when he saw the cougar?A. To get ready to fight B. To frighten it awayC. To protect the boy D. To cool down46. What do we know about cougars?A. They are afraid of noises B. They hesitate before they hitC. They are bigger than we think D. They like to attack running people47. How did

35、Jeb try to hold the cougars attention?A. By keeping shouting and hitting B. By making a wall out of his armsC. By throwing himself on the cougar D. By swinging his fists at the cougars eyes48 .Which of the following happened first?A. The cougar jumped from the rock B. Tom struggled free of his fathe

36、rC. Jeb asked Tom to get the knife D. Jeb held Tom across his bodyDBelow is a web page from Google.优质文档优质文档OlympicModern Olympic GamesThe completer results archive of summer and winter Olympic Games, with winners lists, statistics, national anthems and flags of all countries since 1896.Www. Olympic.

37、 it/english/home-16kEnvironmentBeijing steel plants to run at the lowest level of cost during 2008 Olympics 2007-03-11 Beijing able to treat 90 pct of waste water 2007-02-05 Air quality in Beijing has improved over the past six years 2007-02-01Green Olympics dream coming true en. B announces planned

38、 route of Olympic torch relayBeijing announced the 2008 Olympic Games torch relay route and set off the Olympic Games torch on Thursday. Green Olympics is one of the three concepts of the Beijing Games. Symbol of Beijing Olympics Green OlympicsEnvironmental Symbol of Beijing Olympics Green Olympics

39、, officially announced on Saturday, 24 September 2005. The symbol, created using a calligraphic art form, is composed of human and tree-like shapes, Olympics Forum In Beijing 2004On behalf of BOCOC, Wang Wei, executive vice president of BOCOC, gave a presentation about Green Olympics, introduced th

40、e environment protection work of BMC and BOCOC, and answered several questions such as protection of cultural relics Games Quizzes and Olympic Games TriviaWho was the founder of the Modern Olympics? In which cities were the modern Olympic Games due to be held/ scheduled during the war years, i.e.,

41、1916, 1940, and 1944? In which three years of the Modern Olympic Games were More questions olympic_games.html-12kOFFICIAL WEBSITE OF THE OLYMPIC MOVEMENT aimed at young researchers engaged in scholarly research on the Olympic Movement, its history and values, and the impact of the Full story SPORT

42、ACCORD2005-01-23www.olympic.orgAncient Olympic Heritage and Modern Olympic Games in Athens 2004As put forward in the various official texts, the Olympic symbols of ancient Olympia, the Olympic flame and the Marathon race are bridges between the ancient and the modern Olympic Games, www.c2008.org/ren

43、danews/knowledge_detail.asp?id=911-106k来源:学科网49. When was the environmental symbol of Beijing Olympics made public?A. On January 23, 2005. B. On September 24, 2005.来源:学科网C. On February 5, 2007. D. On March 11, 2007.50. Which of the following websites is designed for young researchers interested in t

44、he Olympics?A. Env ironment来源:学。科。网B. Green Olympics Forum In Beijing 2004C. Olympic Games Quizzes and Olympic Games TriviaD. OFFICIAL WEBSITE OF THE OLYMPIC MOVEMENT51. Which website provides a complete list of the winners in the Olympic Games?A. OlympicModern Olympic GamesB. Green Olympics Forum I

45、n Beijing 2004C. Environmental Symbol of Beijing Olympics Green OlympicsD. Ancient Olympic Heritage and Modern Olympic Games in Athens 200452. What do we learn from the above web page?A. Beijing has made efforts to improve its air quality.B. The Olympic torch relay route has not been planned.C. The

46、Olympic flag will be on display in Athens.D. A quiz on the Olympics will be held in Beijing.E优质文档优质文档ECO-friendly technology was the hottest trend at the 39th Tokyo Motor Show, which opened last Friday.About 240 car manufacturers from 13 countries presented new models. Most were powered by hybrid(混合的),fuel cell(燃料电池) and electrical systems. Carmakers are championing more environmentally models amid increasing oil prices and environmental concerns.“Its now carmakers social responsibility to protect the environment,” said Mazda president Hisakazu


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