1、优质文档优质文档Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad Reading 一、学习目标 通过对阅读课的学习,了解并能表达接受不同礼物时的不同感受;能从文章中尝到新的、有用的表达方式,并能创新使用,提升自己的表达能力。重难点 能正确表达收到不同礼物的心情。二. 知识链接中西方文化在接受礼物时的差异中国人和西方人的反应截然不 同。在中国,人们接受礼物时往往并不喜形于色,且不当面打开礼品,认为这样做非常不礼貌,而且会给人留下“贪财” 、 “贪婪”的印象,或让人感到对所接受的礼物过分在意。往往是在客人离开后,或回到家后悄悄打开礼品。而在西方,人们在接受礼物时,想到的首先是感谢。因此
2、,为了表示谢意,他们往往会当面小心地打开礼物,大呼小叫地称赞一番,激动时还拥抱你一下,与你同时分享快乐。有时在结婚庆典上,主人还将客人送来的礼物展示一番,以增加喜庆的效果。三、学法指导To learn something effectively, it is important “make it your own”. Instead of learning the example in the book, create one yourself using own experience and ideas.四. 自主预习 1请在书本中找出下列词组的正确翻译,并在书中划出。写关于_ 为sb买st
3、h_给予的艺术_接受的艺术_假装做sth_脱掉_穿上_ 宁愿做sth_ _一个紫色的钱包_ 使sb有犯罪感_更喜欢做sth_收到钱让我觉的有犯罪感_2翻译下列句子1)收到钱财使人感到不适。_2)我假装很喜欢它。_3)我不介意是否是我需要的东西。_4)所以,也许收礼的艺术要比送礼的艺术更难!_3.请写出“礼物”的两种英文 表述方式,并回答下列问题:_(1) Do you like gifts? Why? _(2) Have you ever received gifts? If the answer is “yes”, please write “when did you receive the
4、 gifts”?_(3) Have you ever given others gifts? _(4) If the answer is “yes”, please write “whom did you give the gifts to” 优质文档优质文档and why? _(5) Talk about your feelings when you received the gifts。_(6) What kind of gifts do you want to receive best? Why?_五. 合作探究1、2、根据文章标题、图片猜测阅读内容If my best friend g
5、ave me a history book, I would feel_If my grandmother gave me some home-made cookies, I would feel_Receiving a new schoolbag would make me feel_I broke my grandpas glasses, so I felt_3.Read and remember them!1) Receiving a gift can be difficult, especially when someone buys me a gift I dont want. 2)
6、 I think its hard to buy clothes or other personal things for people.3) When someone gives me money, it just makes me think theyre being lazy and they didnt think at all.4) I prefer to receive a gift that has some thought behind it.5) If someone has thought about a gift for me, it always makes me happy.