【优化方案】2014届高考英语(大纲版)一轮复习配套课件:Unit2 Crossing limits(必修3,共42张PPT).ppt

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【优化方案】2014届高考英语(大纲版)一轮复习配套课件:Unit2 Crossing limits(必修3,共42张PPT).ppt_第1页
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【优化方案】2014届高考英语(大纲版)一轮复习配套课件:Unit2 Crossing limits(必修3,共42张PPT).ppt_第2页
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【优化方案】2014届高考英语(大纲版)一轮复习配套课件:Unit2 Crossing limits(必修3,共42张PPT).ppt_第3页
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【优化方案】2014届高考英语(大纲版)一轮复习配套课件:Unit2 Crossing limits(必修3,共42张PPT).ppt_第5页
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1、目录Unit 2 Crossing limits 跨越极限本讲目录基础盘点自测自评 考点串讲讲练互动 强化训练知能闯关目录基础盘点自测自评1 It is difficult to get _(精确的 )figures on population numbers.2 Look at the expensive car she drives; the pretty girl must come from a _(富裕的 ) family.3 Its wrong for the teachers to _(评 价 ) students ability only by their examinatio

2、n results.4 There is no _(证 据 )that he is guilty.5 In my opinion, new difficulties will_(出 现 , 发生 )from such situation.accurate核心核心 单词单词wealthyevaluateevidencearise目录6 The universitys work in cancer research has been highly_(赞扬 ,表 扬 )7 A lazy man would never_(完成, 实现 ) anything.8用 equip的适当形式填空:(1)Wel

3、l_with modern weapons, the soldiers set out to fight the enemies.(2)The basic_you need for hiking is simple:good shoes, comfortable clothes and a backpack.praisedaccomplishequippedequipment目录1 _ the name of 以 的名 义 ;代表2 _ exchange for 变换 ;互 换3 _ sail 起航4 _ return 作 为 回 报5 _ up 培养;提出6 _ from 除 都;除 外 (

4、尚有 )7 _ to 提到; 查询8 run _ 耗尽;用光高高 频频 短短 语语inin setin bringapartreferout目录1 _that Africa had contacts with India and the Red Sea civilisations from the earliest times.众所周知,非洲从早 时 开始,就已 经 同印度和 红 海文明有过 接触。2 When their oxygen_, they _.当他 们 的氧气用尽 时 ,他 们 就没有了活下来的可能性。3 _, they were praised as national heroe

5、s.他 们 返回后被誉 为 民族英雄。典型句式典型句式It is well knownran outhad no chance of survivingOn their return目录4 The New Zealander Edmund Hillary and the Sherpa Tenzing Norgay, as members of a British team, were the first to _ to the summit of Mount Qomolangma.新西 兰 人埃德蒙得希拉里和夏 尔 巴人坦京挪根,作 为 英国登山 队 的 队员 ,首次成功登 顶 珠穆朗 玛 峰

6、。make it目录考点串讲讲练互动单词单词 精研精研目录 (朗文 P2063)I suggest talking to a lawyer before you do anything.我建 议 你在采取任何行 动 之前先找一名律 师谈谈。 (牛津 P2021)It has been suggested that bright children take their exams early.有人提 议 天 资 好的孩子提前考 试 。 (牛津 P2021)Who would you suggest for the job?要你 说 , 谁 适合做 这 个工作?(2)作 “ 暗示;表明 ” 解,此

7、 时 若接 that 从句,从句中的 谓语动词 不用虚 拟语 气。 Her expression suggested that she was angry.她的表情 说 明她在生气。 (牛津 P2021)All the evidence suggests that he stole the money.所有 证 据都表明是他 偷 了 钱 。目录归纳 拓展suggestion n 建 议make a suggestion 提出建 议 (牛津 P2021)He agreed with my suggestion that we should change the date.他同意我提出的更改日期的建 议 。


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