配套中学教材全解工具版—Unit 19 Language 话题功能集锦(北师大版版选修7).doc

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配套中学教材全解工具版—Unit 19 Language 话题功能集锦(北师大版版选修7).doc_第1页
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1、优质文档优质文档Unit 19 Language用英语谈论国家及其语言常见国家及其官方语言:中国(China):汉语 Chinese来源:学. 科.网 Z.X.X.K美国(USA): 英语 English 英国(UK):English澳大利亚(Australia ): English 来源:Z&xx&k.Com加拿大(Canada): English,法语 French法国(France): French 德国(Germany):德语 German意大利 (Italy) :意大利语 Italian 来源:学,科, 网俄罗斯(Russia):俄语 Russian西班牙(Spain): 西班牙语

2、Spanish 埃及(Egypt ):阿拉 伯语 Arabic 来源:Zxxk.Com印度(India):印度语 Hindi,English 常用句式:1. Judging from his accent, he is from. 从他的 口音判断,他来自2. I am a stranger here. I speak.in my country. 在这里我是陌生人。在我们国家我说3.A: Can you speak any other languages? 你还会说别的语言吗? B: I speak French and German. 我会说法语和德语。4.A: Do you think

3、it is difficult to learn a foreign language? 你觉得学一门外语难吗? B: Yes, I think it takes a lot of hard work. 难,我觉得学外语要花很多工夫。【情景会话】A: Which language do you spea k?来源: 学+科+网 Z+X+X+KB:Well, I studied French at school, but Ive forgotten most of it. I learnt some Russian while I w as studying there and now I st

4、udy Spanis h in evening classes. Do you speak Japanese at home with your pare nts? A: Yes, I do. Im learning Chinese now on the internet. B: How do you find studying a language on the internet? A: Its not easy, particularly with listening and speaking, because sometimes the con nection isnt too good

5、. B: I bet you find the character difficult to write!A: Actu ally, many of the characters a re the same or very similar in both Chinese and Japanese, so theyre easy for me. B: So, you can read and write much better than you speak and understand other speakers, right? A: Yes. How are the Spanish classes going? B: In a way, its similar to your experience of learning Chinese. Some Spanish words are very similar to English ones. But I need to practise listening to native speakers and saying the words myself.


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