【中学教材全解】(译林牛津版必修3)Unit 3 Back to the past话题功能集锦.doc

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【中学教材全解】(译林牛津版必修3)Unit 3 Back to the past话题功能集锦.doc_第1页
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1、优质文档优质文档Unit 3 Back to the pastGiving a talk about a historical event【日常用语】Describe a historical event from your country 描绘自己国家的历史事件You can say:你可以说:what the event was 事件是什么when and where it happened事件发生的时间与地点how you learnt about this event你是怎么知道的explain why you remember this event so well你为什么记得这次事件

2、Do you think the traditions in your country (or culture) are changing?你认为你们国家的传统(文化)在发生变化吗?Do you think traditions should be preserved, or is there some value in changing traditions?你认为传 统文化应该保留吗?改变传统文化有意义吗?What do you think is the value of traditions?你认为传统文化的价值是什么?How will you te ach your (cultural

3、) traditions to your children?你将怎样教自己的孩子传统文化?【情景会话】来源:学+ 科+网A: Olympics again! Been four years. 奥运会又来了啊!4 年了。B:Yes. But there are also winter Olympics, two years after the summer Olympics. 是啊。但是还有冬奥会啊,在夏季奥运会两年后。来源:学科网 ZXXKA:I was a volun teer for 2012 London Olympic Games. I came here just for the s

4、entiment of it. 我是 2012 年伦敦奥运会的志愿者。我到这儿来是为了重温当年。B:Oh? You are from England? 哦?你是从英国 来的?A:Yes. I am f rom London. 是啊。我来自伦敦。B:The next Olympics is to be held in Brazil. Are you going to go there too? 下届奥运会在巴西举行。你也去吗?A:Of course, I have plans to participate in the Marathon. 来源:Zxxk.Com当然啦,我还打算参加马拉松呢?B:

5、Thats great! In fact, I want to be a volunteer for the Olympic Games, too. 太棒了!事实上,我也打算在 奥运会做一名志愿者。A:Really? Great! Do you know where the Olympics is originated from? 真的吗?太好了!你知道奥运会的发源地在哪儿吗?B:Of course! Its fr om Greece. 当然啦!它起源于希腊。来源:学科 网A:You are clever! When I was a volunteer, I didnt know that. 你真聪明。我是志愿者时,我还不知道呢。B:What did you say if people asked you that? 那人们问你时你怎么说呢?A:Just told them the truth. 就告诉他们事实。B:Truth? 事实 ?A:The truth is that I didnt know. 事实就是我不知道。【典例】 Can you tell me how often the winter Olympics are held?来源:学科网 Every 4 years.AExcuse me.BWhos that?C And you?DOf course.答案: D


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