八年级英语下册 Unit2《I’ll help to clean up the city parks》习题精选2 (新版)人教新目标版.doc

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1、优质文档优质文档Unit 2 Ill help clean up the city parks.Section A知能新视窗本节主要学习提供帮助的表达的语句;学习运用 clean up, cheer up , give out, put, off ,set up 等动词短语。名师开小灶1-Id like to work outside .我想到外面去做点事。-You could do sth. 你可以帮助打扫城市公园。(1)help 后所跟动词不定式可带 to 也可不带。如:I help (to)cook after school. 放学后我帮忙做饭。(2)clean up 动词短语, “打扫

2、干净,清除” 。如:The waiter hurried to clean up the pieces of the broken plates.服务员赶快把盘碟的碎片打扫干净。拓展有关 clean 的短语:clean down 把刷洗(或擦洗)干净;彻底打扫clean out 把打扫干净;把清空;把清除出来clean up on 胜过 Cleanup Day 清洁日2.Id like to cheer up sick kids.我想让生病的孩子高兴起来。(1)本句早一个简单句。Id like=I would like=I want,后常加名词或不定式作宾语。(2)sick kids 意为“生

3、病的孩子” 。sick 作为形容词,即可作定语,也可作表语。当 sick作定语时,可意为“生病的,有病的” ;当 sick 作表语时,还可意为“恶心,想吐;厌烦,讨厌” 。如:Jane is taking care of her sick mother.(sick 作定语,意为“生病的”)简正在照看她生病的母亲。The boy always feels sick when he travels by car.(sick 作表语,意为“恶心,想吐”)那个男孩坐汽车旅行时总是想吐。John is sick of his job.(sick 作表语,意为“厌烦”)约翰对他的工作感到厌烦。3You c

4、ould give out food at a food bank.你可以在食物救济站分发食物。(1)本句是“情态动词+动词原形”合成作谓语的简单句。give out 在此意为“分发” ,它还可意为“发表,宣布;精疲力尽” 。如:The date of the election will be given out soon.选举的日期很快就会宣布。The horse gave out.马跑不动了。(2)本句中 could 是情态动词,意思是“可以” 。如:We could put up signs.我们可以张贴标牌。4.We cant put off making a plan.Clean-U

5、p Day is only two weeks from now.我们不能推迟做计划。清洁日从现在起只有两周了。(1)本句 put off 是短语动词,是“动词+副词,相当于及物动词,后常加动名词。如:Dont put off until tomorrow what can be done today.今天可以做的事情不要拖到明天去做。He decided to put off going to Beijing.他决定延期去北京。(2)put off 也可意为“敷衍” 。如:优质文档优质文档He tried to put me off with vague promises.他企图以含糊的允诺

6、来敷衍我。5.He looks sad.Lets cheer him up.他看起来难过。咱们让他高兴起来吧。(1)本句 look sad 意为“看起来难过” ,look 在此是系动词,其后接形容词,作表语,类似的词还有 smell“闻起来” ;sound“听起来” ;taste“尝起来” ;feel“摸上去” 。如:The cake tastes good.蛋糕尝起来很好。The voice sounds sweet.这声音听起来很美。(2)本句中 cheer up 是个短语动词。在英语中一些动词与介词或副词等连用在一起构成固定词组,叫做短语动词。关于短语动词的用法请见后面的语法讲解部分。6

7、.Were going to set up a food bank to help hungry people.我们准备建立一个食物救济站来帮助饥饿的人们。(1)本句用的是一般将来时态“主语+be going to+动词原形+宾语” 。不定式 to help hungry people 在句中作目的的状语。set up 在此是个短语动词,由“动词+副词”构成,意为“创立,建立” 。如:They needed money to set up a special school for blind children.他们需要资金为肓童开办一所特别学校。(2)set up 也可意为“竖立,架起,建筑”

8、 。如:Two new bridges have been set up between Pudong and Puxi.在浦东和浦西之间架起了两座新桥。7.We need to come up with some ideas.我们需要提出一些建议。(1)come up with 是个短语动词,由 “动词+副词+介词”构成,相当于及物动词,意为“提出,提供” 。如:I hope you can come up with a better plan than this.我希望你们能提出比这个更好的计划。(2)come up with 也可意为“赶上” 。如:We have to work har

9、d to come up with them.我们必须努力工作,赶上他们。(3)need 在本句中作为实义动词,后常跟名词或不定式,特别在肯定句中,注意时态、人称和数的变化。如:We need some teachers.我们需要一些老师。We need to wear warm clothes.我们需要穿上暖和的衣服。8.Being a volunteer is great!当一个志愿者是伟大的!(1)本句是个简单句。being a volunteer 是动名词短语在句中作主语。如:Getting up early is a good habit.早起是个好习惯。(2)volunteer 在

10、此作为可数名词,意为“志愿者” ;volunteer 也可作为不及物动词,意为“自愿” ,常与 to do sth 或 for 连用,也可作为及物动词使用。如:They are the Chinese peoples volunteers.(名词)他们是中国人民志愿军。I volunteer to help you.我自愿帮助你。(动词)本文出现的句子还有:These three students all volunteer their time to help other people.(动词)这三个学生都是自愿帮助别人的。This volunteer work takes each of

11、them several hours a week.(形容词)这种志愿工作花费了他们每个人一周几个小时的时间。The three students plan to set up a student volunteer project at their school.(名词)优质文档优质文档这三个学生计划在他们学校启动一个学生志愿工程。9.she puts this love to good use by working in the after-school care center at her local elementaryschool.她把这种爱好很好地用在了当地小学的课后辅导中心工作中

12、。(1)本句是个比较长的简单句。put.to 意为“放在” 。Use 在此作为名词。介词词组 by working 在此作方式状语。In the after-school care center 与 at her local elementary school 两个介词短语在句中作地点状语。(2)在词组 care center 中,care 作为名词,充当 center 的定语,即名词作定语。除man,woman,sport 外,其他名词作定语时,无论它们所修饰的名词是单数还是复数,作定语的名词只能用单数形式。而 man,woman 的单复数常与后面的各词保持一致。sports 作定语总以复数

13、形式出现如:an apple tree 一棵苹果树banana trees 香蕉树two men doctors 两名男医生a woman teacher 一位女教师sports shoes 运动鞋10.Pei loves animals,and plans to study to be a veterinarian when he leaves school.培喜欢动物,并打算毕业后学习当一名兽医。(1)本句是复合句。从句 when he leaves school 是由 when 引导的时间状语从句。leave school 意为“毕业” 。plan to do sth 意为“计划做某事”

14、 。如:We are planning to start next week.我们打算下周出发。(2)plan to 意为“打算” 。如:I plan to go to Beijing next week.我打算下周去北京。11.He spends every Saturday morning working in an animal hospital.他每个星期六早晨到一家动物医院工作。本句是简单句。spend 作为及物动词,意为“花费”,它的主语必须是人,常用句型:Sb spend+时间或金钱 on sth/(in)doing sth“某人花费时间或金钱在上/做某事” 。如:He does

15、nt spend much time on his homework.他在做作业上没有花多少时间。12.Not only do I feel good about helping other people, but I get to spend time doing what I love to do.帮助别人我不仅感觉好,而且我还能花时间去做我喜欢的事。(1)本句是由 not onlybut(also)连接的两个分句。其中 not 为否定词,位于句首时句子要部分倒装。并且只有连接两个分句时,才能倒装第一个分句。如:Not only did Mike pass the exam, but al

16、so he got good marks.迈克不仅通过了考试,而且他还得了高分。(2)what I love to do 作第二个分句 doing 的宾语从句,用陈述语序。实战演练场夯实基础一、选用方框内所给的短语完成下列句子。clean up, set up , put off, think up , come out1.Do you have to do it right away?Yes, we cant _it _.2.I hate doing this kind of work.Well,_! Well finish it soon.优质文档优质文档3. Whats the last

17、 thing we have to do ?We have to _ after the party.4.What do we have to do for the party?We have to _ some new ideas for games.5What are you going to do help the hungry people?Were going to _ a food bank to help them.二、根据中文意思完成英文句子,每空一词。1 野餐过后你一定要收拾干净。You should always _ _ after a picnic.2 当他们听到这个好消

18、息时,他们都欢呼了起来。They all_ _ when they heard this good news.3 我们不能拖延制定计划了。We cant_ _ _ a plan.4 你能想出一个解决这个问题的方法吗?Can you _ _ _ a good idea to solve this problem?5 他们在城市中心建了一个大广场。They _ _ a big square in the center of the city.三、根据汉语意思完成单词。1. Chinese people have got rid of _(饥饿).2. Many children became _(

19、无家可归) after the flood.3. Cant you see the_ (标牌)”No parking ”at the corner?4. I cant stand the _(广告) that suddenly appear when the TV plays are on.5. We have decided to_(建立) a new department.四、单项选择。( )1.I want to help hungry people. You could_ food at a food bank.A . give out B. take out C. work out

20、D. check out ( )2.You could visit _ children in the hospital and _ them_.A.ill, set , up B. sick, clean, up C.sick, cheer, up D.ill, give ,up ( )3.Jim, could you help me _ my homework?A.on B. in C.about D. with( )4. We cant put off _ a plan .A.make B. to make C.making to making ( ).5.Not only Jim bu

21、t also Mr Wang _ very happy today.A. feel B.feels C. is feel D. are feeling能力提升五、情景交际。在空白处填写单词,使对话意义完整。W:Would you like to _1_ the school volunteer project?M: Yes. _2_is great! But Im not _3_ what I should do.W:What about helping _4_ people in the hospital?优质文档优质文档M:Thats a good idea.Not only can I

22、_5_them up , _6_also I can have a good experience.W: Now lets have breakfast _7_.And then lets go together.M: What shall I bring?W: _8_,oh , no .You can get some flowers.Section B知能新视窗本节重要熟悉并运用上节课所学 set up, cheer up, put off ,clean up 等动词短语。训练听力和阅读技能。名师开小灶1.I take after my mother.我与我妈妈相像。take after

23、是短语动词,即“动词+介词” ,意为“(在外貌、性格等方面)与相像” 。如:The girl takes after her father, she has the same black hair,big eyes and quick temper.这女孩很像她父亲,她有着和父亲一样的黑头发、大眼睛和急性子。He take after his father in mathematical ability.他有着和他父亲一样的数学才能。2.I dont have any more of it.我不再有它了。句中 notany more 意为“不再”(=no more)。如:The tiger f

24、eels full now.It doesnt eat any more.现在那只虎感觉吃饱了。它不再吃了。3.I fixed it up.我修理它。在本句中,fix up 意为“修理” 。它还可以意为“解决;安顿,照应” 。如:He fixed up a dispute.他解决了争端。We were fixed up for the night in a hotel.我们被安顿在招待所过夜。4.Last week everyone was trying to cheer up Jimmy the Bike Boy.上周大家都尽力使自行车男孩吉米振作起来。本句是简单句,the Bike Boy

25、 作 Jimmy 的同位语。cheer up 是短语动词,意为“使振作” 。try to do sth 意为“尽力做某事” 。如:You must try to say it in English.你必须尽量用英语说。5.On Monday he told a radio interviewer that he had run out of money to buy old bikes.星期一他告诉一家电台记者,他为了买旧自行车把钱都花光了。(1)本句是复合句。On Mondayinterviewer 是主句,thatbikes 是由 that 引导的宾语从句。主句用一般过去时,从句的动作发生

26、在主句之前,即过去的过去,用过去完成时,谓语部分由“had+过去分词”构成。如:He said he had finished his homework.他说他已经完成了作业。(2)不定式 to buy old bikes 在从句中作目的状语。如:He came to visit his aunt.他来拜访他的姑姑。(3)run out of 是短语动词,由“动词+副词+介词”构成,意为“(某物)用完, (非正式)把(某人)逐出” 。如:The tractor operator said that he was running out of fuel oil.拖拉机操作者说他的燃油快用完了。T

27、hey ran him out of the town.他们把他逐出了该镇。拓展run out 与 run out of 优质文档优质文档6.He also put to up some signs asking for old bikes and called up all his friends and told them about the problem.他还贴了一些征集旧自行车的告示,并给他所有的朋友打电话告诉他们这件事。(1)本句是简单句。and 连接三个并列短语动词:put up, call up ,tell sb about sth。分词短语 asking for old bi

28、kes 作 signs 的后置定语。(2)put up 是“动词+介词”构成的短语动词,意为“建造,搭起;张贴” 。如:The two men put up two looms and pretended to be working very hard.那两个人支起了两台织布机假装开始努力地工作。He is putting up a notice. 他正张贴布告。(3)call up 也是“动词+介词”的短语动词,意为“打电话;回忆起” 。如:He called up his good friends just now.他刚刚给他的好朋友们打电话了。The sound of seagulls

29、called up happy memories of his childhood.海鸥的叫声唤起他对童年的幸福记忆。7.He even handed out advertisements at a local supermarket.他甚至还在当地超市发放广告。(1)本句是个简单句。hand out 是个短语动词,相当于及物动词,意为“分发、发放;聚集” 。如:He handed out some apples to everyone.他给每个人发了一些苹果。On weekends I like to hand out at the sports club with my friends.周

30、未我愿意和我的朋友们聚集在体育俱乐部。(2)even 在此作为副词,用来强调语气,意为“甚至(也) ,连(都) ”。even 可与动词、副词、形容词、名词连用。如:I havent even thought of it.这个我连想都没想过。 (even+动词)Even a child can understand it.连小孩子都明白。 (even+名词)8.The strategies that he came up with worked out fine. 他提出的这个策略效果很好。(1)本句是复合句,其中 that he came up with 是定语从句修饰先行词 strategi

31、es。关系代词 that 起连接作用,而且在从句中作宾语。(2)work out 是“动词+副词”构成的短语动词,相当于及物动词,在句中意为“结局;结果为” 。(3)work out 还可意为“消耗完(精力等) ;算出;制订出” 。如:He never seems to be worked out.他好像永远不会疲乏似的。Ive worked outour total expenses at 3 300 yuan.算下来,我们总共用 330 元。He worked out a plan.他制订了一个计划。9.He now has sixteen bikes to fix up and give

32、 away to children who dont have (1) run out“用完了” (=become used up),其主语通常为时间、食物、金钱等名词。如:His money soon ran out,他的钱很快就花光了。(2) run out of“用完了” ,表主动含义,主语一般是人。He is always running out of money before pay day.他总是发工资的日子还没到就把钱花完了。(3)run out of 还有“从流出” “跑出”意思;run out 也有“流出的”意思,但不可接宾语。优质文档优质文档bikes.他现在有 16 辆自

33、行车要修理并赠送给没有自行车的孩子。(1)本句中不定式 to fix up 作 bikes 的后置定语,定语从句 who dont have bikes 修饰先行词 children。who 在此指人,在从句中作主语。如:He has something important to say.我有一些重要的事情要说。 (不定式作后置定语)I was the only person in my office who was invited.在我们办公室里我是唯一一个被邀请的人。 (定语从句)(2)give away 在句中意为“赠送” ,还可意为“泄露” 。如:Didnt you give my s

34、ecret away?你没有把我的秘密泄露出去吧? 实战演练场夯实基础一、根据所给的汉语意思,完成下列单词。1.Look at this _ (标牌).It says “No smoking”.2.The_(策略)that he came up with worked out well. 3.Jim is _ (相似的)to his brother.4.You could _(训练) a basketball team for kids.5.Theres something wrong with my bike.Can you_ (修理) it?二、从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中找出一个意义不

35、同的选项。( )1. A set up B. look after C. establish D. set off( )2.A.take after B. be similar to C.look like D. hand out ( )3.A. give out B.put away C.give away D.no more( )4. A. notany more B.no longer Cnot at all D.no more( )5.A.work out B. mend C.fix up D. repair三、用所给词的正确形式填空。1.I _ (give )away some of

36、 my books to charities yesterday.2.Even got a toy, the little boy didnt stop _ (cry).3.Could you come up with some ideas for_ (clean) up the city parks?4.Would you please_ (hand ) out the presents at the childrens party?5. This book is very _ (help) to me. 6.The twins take after _ (they) parents.7.H

37、ave you _ (fix) up the old bicycle?8.Jimmy_ (sell)bikes every day.9.He had run out of money _ (buy) books.10.Why did he tell the _ (interview)?四、句型转换。1.The girl looks like her mother very much.(改为同义句)The girl _ _ her mother very much.2.My teacher told me.Dont be late again.(合并为同义句) My teacher told m

38、e_ _ be late again. 3.Water and food have run out. (改为同义句)We have _ _ _water and food.4.Well set up a music club in our school.(对画给部分提问)_ _ _ set up a music club?5.His father makes a telephone call to him every day.(改为一般疑问句)_his father _ a telephone call to him every day ?优质文档优质文档6. He is talking to

39、 his friednds on the phone. (改为同义句)He is _ _ his friends . 能力提升五、完形填空。Jimmy is a schoolboy. He likes old bikes very much.He _1_ all his money _2_ old bikes. He also _3_ some signs _4_old bikes and called _5_all his friends and told them about this problem.He even_6_ advertisements at a local superma

40、rket.Then his teachers and clssmates knew this and they wanted to help him.They _7_ a call-in center for people who wants to _8_ Jimmy.The strategies that he came up with _9_ fine. He now has sixteen bikes _10_ and give away to children who dont have bikes. He is very happy now. ( ) 1.A.ran out B. r

41、an out of C.give out D. put out ( )2.A.bought B.ran out of C.give out D.put out ( )3.A.put up B.buy C.to buy D.for buying( ) 4.A.ask to B. ask for C. to ask about D.asking for ( )5.A.to B.up C. with D.on( )6.A. handed in B.handed out C.gives away D.given out ( )7.A.built B.made C.start D.set up ( )8

42、. take after B.put off C.cheer up D.clean up ( )9.A.working on B.working out C.worked out D.to work on ( ) 10.A.fix up B.repair up C.fixing up D.to fix up Self Check知能新视窗本节主要复习 Section A 和 Section B 中所学的知识,训练阅读能力。名师开小灶1. Now she will be able to continue her lessons.现在能够继续她的学业。(1)continue 作为不及物动词,意为继

43、续;廷伸;依旧“。如:How far does this road continue?(廷伸)这条路全长多少?The weather continued fine.(依旧)天气仍然很好。(2)continue 作为及物动词,意为“继续” 。如:The meeting will be continued after a rest. 休息后再继续开会。(3)固定搭配:continue to do /doing sth. “继续做某事” 。如:Henry continued to live “living with his parents after his marriage.享利婚后继续与父母生活

44、在一起。2.Ive been trying to cheer his up for twenty minutes. He wont stop crying. 我花了 20 分钟竭尽全力地让他高兴,他还是没有停止哭。本句中 have been trying 是现在完成进行时。它表示 动作从过去某一个时间点开始一直持续到现在,现在可能仍在继续。它是现在完成时的一种强调形式。而现在完成时则表示动作到说话时刻已经结束。如:She has been working there for four hours.(动作可能似在继续)她在那儿一直工作 4 个小时了。优质文档优质文档I have painted

45、the room.(动作已经结束)我已经漆完了房间。实战演练场夯实基础一、根据首字母及句间思完成下列各句。1 Our Engling teacher h _ out the exam papers just now.2 He c _ up with an idea to the problem.3 His uncle t _ after his gradmother.4 Dont be sad .You should c _ up. 5 Father is still working,Lets p _ our supper off till 8:00 p.m.6 They wanted to

46、s _ up a library.7 He r _ out of money for singing lesson.8 Im sorry that I didnt o _ any food to them.9 We all v _ to plant trees for 2008 Olympics.10 Uncle Wang helped us f _ up the computer.二、选择方框中的单词或短语,并适当的形式填空。cheer up,clean up,call up,hand out,take after,put up,give away,hang out,work out,put

47、 off1. The news _ everybody who heard it.2 .The committee(委员会)has _ a plan to cut down the cxpenditure(支出)3 .I _ some of my books to the poor children.4 .My parents asked me not to _ after school.5.Our family plan to _ the apartment this weekend6. Dont _ what you should do today till tomorrow.7.The little girl _ her father.They are both clever and a bit quite


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