高中英语 Unit 1 Festivals around the world 背景知识拓展 新人教版必修3 .doc

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高中英语 Unit 1 Festivals around the world 背景知识拓展 新人教版必修3 .doc_第1页
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高中英语 Unit 1 Festivals around the world 背景知识拓展 新人教版必修3 .doc_第2页
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1、优质文档优质文档Unit 1 Festivals around the worldThe Spring FestivalThe first day of the first lunar month is the New Year in the Chinese lunar calendar. Among the traditional Chinese festivals, this is the most important and the most bustling . Since it occurs at the end of winter and the beginning of spri

2、ng, people also call it“the Spring Festival”.New Years Eve is the time for a happy reunion of all family members, when they sit around the table to have a sumptuous New Years Eve dinner, talking and laughing, until daybreak, which is called “staying up to see the year out”. When the bell tolls midni

3、ght on New Years Eve, people eat dumplings. In ancient times, midnight was called zishi. Dumplings (jiaozi) are eaten because it sounds the same as “change of the year and the day” in Chinese.From the first day of the lunar year, people pay New Year calls on relatives and friends, which is an import

4、ant custom for the Spring Festival. Setting off firecrackers is the favorite activity of children in the Spring Festival. According to legend, this could drive off evil spirits. The continuous sound of firecrackers can be heard everywhere, adding to the atmosphere of rejoicing and festivity. Many pl

5、aces hold temple fairs. The wonderful dragon lantern dance and the lion dance performances, along with various handicraft articles and local snacks attract thousands of people.With the development of the times, some changes have taken place in the customs of spending the Spring Festival. For example

6、, to prevent environmental pollution, many cities have banned firecrackers. But this does not have an impact on the happy atmosphere of the festival. On New Years Eve, family members still get together to have dinner while watching TV programs.For Chinese at home and abroad, the Spring Festival is a

7、lways the most important festival.春节农历的正月初一,是中国的农历新年。在中国的传统节日中,这是一个最重要、最热闹的节日。因为过农历新年的时候,正是冬末春初,所以人们也把这个节日叫“春节” 。除夕之夜,是家人团聚的时候。一家人围坐在一起,吃一顿丰盛的年夜饭,说说笑笑,直到天亮,这叫“守岁” 。除夕零点的钟声一响 ,人们还要吃 饺子。古时候叫零点为 “子时” 。人们吃饺子,是因为它听起来与汉语中“更岁交子”一样。从大年初一开始,人们要走亲戚、看朋友,互相拜年。拜年,是春节的重要习俗。放爆竹是春节期间孩子们最喜欢的活动。传说燃放爆竹可以驱妖除魔。到处可以听到接连不断的爆竹声。阵阵烟花,声声爆竹,给节日增添了喜庆的气氛。很多地方举办庙会。庙会上精彩的舞龙舞狮表演,各式各样的工艺品和地方小吃,吸引千千万万的人们。随着时代的发展,过春节的习俗也有了一些变化。比 如,为防止环境污染,很多城市已禁止燃放烟花爆竹。但这并不影响节日的热闹气氛。除夕之夜,家家户户仍然团聚在一起,一边吃年夜饭,一边看精彩的电视节目。优质文档优质文档在中国和 世界各地华夏子孙的心中,春节永远是最重要的节日。注 bustling adj. 繁忙的;热闹的 reunion n. 聚 会sumptuous adj. 盛大的;丰盛的rejoicing n. 欣喜


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