九年级英语全册 Unit 7 Where would you like to visit Section A 1a-2c学案1(无答案) 人教新目标版.doc

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九年级英语全册 Unit 7 Where would you like to visit Section A 1a-2c学案1(无答案) 人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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九年级英语全册 Unit 7 Where would you like to visit Section A 1a-2c学案1(无答案) 人教新目标版.doc_第4页
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1、优质文档优质文档Unit 7 Where would you like to visit Section A 1a-2c 学案学习目标: 1. 掌握下列单词和短语:adj. thrilling, fascinating, peaceful. tiring, educational, touristy ,n. jungle, fallv. trek, take it easy,2.句型:谈论假期情况,谈论你想去的地方。-Where would you like to go on vacation?- Id like /I hope / Id love to go to/visit教学重点:掌握形

2、容词和定语从句,运用 would you like sth.这一征求意见的句型进行对话教学难点: 完成听力内容并结合学生感兴趣的内容进行话题拓展二、资料准备:课本 P52-53 Section A 1a-2c , 磁带 三、学习过程:Period One(预习课) Step1:New Words1预习 1a,2a,2b,写出并读出下列单词有教育意义的_ 教育(n.) 和平的_ _迷人的_ 令人震撼的_ 从容,不紧张_长途跋涉穿越热带丛林_ 瀑布_ 游客很多的_ _去某个另人放松的地方 去度假 2翻译 Florida Beach_ Amazon Jungle _ Niagara Falls_3.

3、 完成表格教育 和平 危险 漂亮名词形容词放松的 劳累的 无聊的 兴奋的 有趣的感到-令人-1.Qufu is an _ (有教育意义的)place.2.It is _to smoke. So we should tell teenagers about the_of smoking.(危险)3.We were _ about the _ news.(兴奋)设计意图(目的):做好词汇铺垫,使下面的句型操练流畅,准确。Step 2: Do a survey优质文档优质文档Talk about places you would like to visit T: Where would you li

4、ke to go on vacation? Why?A: Id like to _, because _ B: I hope to _, because_.C: Id love to_, because_.设计意图(目的):通过造句练习展示,巩固词汇,使学生对本课时的词组充分练习。通过对话操练展示,并进行一定拓展,使学生对本单元的核心句型有深入的了解, 还课堂给学生。Period Two(听说练习课)2a-2cStep1:Revision1. Talk about places youd like to visit and why_ is a place where Id like to _B

5、ecause_设计意图:对上节课内容进行复习为听力练习做词汇和句型铺垫。Step 2: Grammar句型和语法1would like “想要” ,用来委婉地表达说话人的邀请、请求或 意愿、打算。常用结构如下:would like sth. _ would like to do sth. _ would like sb. to sth. _1)would you like sth. 常用于征求意见,意为 “你想要 - -吗?”是一种委婉、客气的表达方法,问句中常用 something 而不用 anything。肯定回答用 Yes, please. 否定句用 No, thanks.2)would

6、 you like to do sth. 常用于发出邀请或给出建议。肯定回答用 Yes, Id like/love to. 否定句用 Id like/love to, but-.练习:1)-你想要吃什么?不了,-谢谢 -What_? - _, _.2)-Would you like to go to a movie with me? - Yes, I _.A would like to B would like C like D do2. 翻译下 列句子(1)你想去哪儿度假? _ (2 )我喜欢在丛林中跋涉_(3)我喜欢人们很热情好客的地方。 (4)我希望有一天可以去看看尼亚加拉瀑布。 设计意

7、图:归纳总结语法要点分析 would like 及 hope 表达愿望的用法,同时复习定语从句。优质文档优质文档反馈达标一、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Where would you like _(visit) ?2. I hope _ (see) Niagara Falls some day .3 .Id like to go somewhere _(relax).4. I love places where the people are really _ (friend).5. Best _ (wish) to you. 6. They would like to go _ (trek)

8、 in Brazil.7. In Hawaii you have much _ (do).二、单项选择1“Would you like some more rice ?” “No, thanks. _.”A. Just a little B. It doesnt matter C. I love to D. Ive had enough2. Pairs is one of _ cities in the world .A. more beautifully B. more beautiful C. the most beautifully D. the most beautiful3. The

9、y are making too much noise here. Lets go _ .A. somewhere quiet B. nowhere quiet C. everywhere noisy D. anywhere noisy4. “Bob, would you like to come to our dinner party?” “_.”A. Yes, I would B. Yes, Id love t C. No, I wouldnt D. No, I dont go5. The work is too _ .Im _ of it.A. tiring; tiring B. tir

10、ing; tired C. tired ; tired D. tired ; tiring6. What about _ ? A. going somewhere warm B. to go somewhere warm C. going warm somewhere D. to go warm somewhere.7. I _ you a happy New Year. A. wish B. hope C. want D. think8. This is the city _ I visited 10 years ago. A. where B. / C. who D. why9. I hope _ to France some day. A. go B. to go C. going D. 优质文档优质文档gone10. I _ you to help me with my English. A. hope B. wish C. expect五、教学反思:


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