配套中学教材全解工具版—Unit 5 Canada—“The True North” 话题功能集锦(人教版必修3).doc

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配套中学教材全解工具版—Unit 5 Canada—“The True North” 话题功能集锦(人教版必修3).doc_第1页
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配套中学教材全解工具版—Unit 5 Canada—“The True North” 话题功能集锦(人教版必修3).doc_第2页
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1、优质文档优质文档Unit 5 Canada“The True North”方向和位置(Direction and Location)来源:学科网 ZXXK【日常用语】(1) 询问方向和位置的常用语Which is the way to the station?去车站怎么走?Where is the train/bus going?这趟火车/公共汽车开往哪里?Where are you going?你要去哪儿?Are you going up/down?来源:Zxxk.Com你向上游/下游走吗?Where is.?在哪里?In what direction is.?在哪个方向?How do yo

2、u get to.?怎样到达 ?How far is.?有多远?Is it nearby?很近吗?Is.close to.?与很近吗?Is.far from.?与很远吗?(2) 回答方向和位置的常用答语Go down this street,and turn left/right at the first crossing.沿着这条街,在第一个十字路口向左/右拐。The train is going to Xian.这列火车开往西安。The train is going to the east/west/south/north.这列火车往东/西/南/北开。Im going to the rai

3、lway station.我要去火车站。Im leaving fo r Shanghai.我要去上海。The office is on the right near the school gate.办公楼在校门口的右侧。The school lies about two miles east of the city centre.那所学校在市中心以东约两英里处。Its.kilometre(s) from.to.从到有千米。within.kilomet re(s) of.在 以内千米Its about.kilometre(s) northeast of. .东北方向约千米。.is close t

4、o.和很近in the north/south/west/east of.在的北/南/西/东面(在 里面)to the north /south/west/east of.在以北/南/西/东(在 范围以外)on the north/south/west/east of.在以北/南/西/东(与 相邻)go eastward/westward/northward/southward往东/西/北/南across the continent/lake 穿越大陆/湖泊through the forests 穿越森林along the coast/river 沿海岸/河流【情景会话】来源:Zxxk.Com

5、A:Could you tell me the way to the library?你能告诉我去图书馆的路吗?B:Walk along this road, and then turn left at the second crossing. The library is at the end of the road.沿着这条路走下去,然后在第二个路口向左拐。图书馆就在路的尽头 。来源:学科网【典例剖析】 来源: 学科网 ZXXKExcuse me,can you tell me where the nearest bank is,please?_ Oh,yes!Its past the p

6、ost office,next to a big market.A. Mm,let me think.B. Oh,I be g your pardon?C. Youre welcome.D. What do you mean?剖析:A. 嗯,让我想想;B.噢,请再说一遍;C. 不客气(用来答谢) ;D.你是什么意思(用来询问或质问)?句意:“打扰一下,请您 告诉我最近的银行在哪里,好吗?” “噢,我想一想。对了!它经过邮局,紧挨着一个大市场。 ”解答本题的关键就是空格后的“Oh,yes!” ,它表示恍然大悟,所以其前的空格处只能选 A。答案:A情感(Emotions )【日常用语】(1) 高兴

7、How wonderful/nice!妙极了!What a great surprise!真是一个大惊喜!Im so happy.我是如此高兴。Its well done.做得好。Im pleased to know that.我很高兴知道那件事情。Im very glad(pleased,happ y)to hear that.听到那个消息我非常高兴。Thats nice(wonderful/great)!那真好(妙极了/了不起)!优质文档优质文档Hopefully tomorrow will turn fine.明天可望转晴。How lucky I am!我真幸运!(2) 惊奇Really

8、?真的吗?Oh,d ear!( Dear,d ear!) (Dear me!)来源: 学+科+网啊!哎呀!Good heavens!(Heavens!)天哪!来源:Z,xx,k.ComGood lord!天哪!(3) 忧虑Whats wrong?怎么啦?(出什么差错了 ?) 来源:学#科#网 Z#X#X#KWhats the matter?怎么了?Anything wrong?有什么差错吗?What should we do?我们该怎么办?(4) 安慰There,there,dont be afraid.好了,好了,不要害怕。 来源:学科网Dont worry.不要担心。Its(quite )

9、all right.没问题。【情景会话】AA:How do you find your holiday in Hainan?你在海南的度假怎么样?B:Great!好极了!BA:Mr Zhang,have you heard the news?张先生,听说这个消息了吗?B:No. Whats up?没有。什么事?A:Miss Dai is getting married next week.戴小姐下周就要结婚了。B:Really?How nice!真的吗?多好啊!A:And the bridegroom is Mr Kong of the Chemistry Department.新郎是化学系的

10、孔先生。B:Indeed!Isnt that surprising?真的啊! 太令人惊奇了!A:Yes, and whats more,theyll be spe nding their honeymoon on Hainan Island.是啊。而且他们要去海南岛度蜜月呢。B:How lucky!太幸运了!【典例剖析】I have some big news for you. Youve been accepted as a member of our club. _ Thats great!A. Have I? B. Pardon?C. Congratulations! D. Good idea!来源: 学科网剖析:句 意 : “我 有 特 大 喜 讯 告 诉 你 。 你 已 经 被接 收 为 我 们 俱 乐 部 的 成 员 了 。 ”“是 吗 ? 太 棒 了 !”Have I? 的 完 整 形 式 为 Have I been ac cepted as a member of your club? B.请 你 再 说 一 遍 好 吗 ?C.祝 贺 你 ! D.好 主 意 ! 均 与 对 话 语 境 不 符 , 故 选A。答案:A


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