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1、1项目建议书表格申请机构基本信息机构名称登记证号组织机构代码成立日期负责人联系人地址、邮编电话、传真、手机电子邮件机构网站申请机构简介:2项目概要项目名称项目起止时间项目总体预算(人民币)申请 GEF 小额赠款(人民币)配套资金或其他赠款(人民币)项目实施地点(省市县镇村)项目所涉及利益相关者项目参与者 男性人数: 女性人数: 儿童人数:请选择项目涉及的 GEF SGP 重点领域 (可以选择一项或多项 ):生物多样性减缓气候变化土地退化国际水域持久性有机污染物适应气候变化项目简介(1500 字以内,应包括背景/项目地点的基本信息分析,要解决的问题,解决方案/创新的方法、目标、活动内容、预期效果

2、、推广和复制的可能性分析,如需要,请另加页。)34Detail of Proposal 项目建议书细化Project Title:_项目名称:_Project start and end date (not exceeding 31 December 2010): _项目起止日期( 结束时间不超过 2010 年 12 月 31 号) _ Budget: 1. Requested from GEF SGP:_ 预算: 从 GEF 小额赠款申请的经费: 2. Contribution from others including from communities as follows: 其他资金来源

3、包括社区的捐赠Total In cash: _ Total In kind: _现金形式: 非现金形式:51. Targeted Location and Population :(Briefly Describe location ,geographical details and livelihoods context of target population, with relevant maps attached) 目标位置和人口:(简要描述目标人群的位置,地理信息和生活状况, 请另加一页附上相关的地图)No. of households: _ No. of population: M

4、ale _ Female_ Cultural group _多少户居民: 男性人数: 女性人数: 民族或宗教组成:Annual average income/person: _ No. of participating households: _ 人均年收入: 参加项目的家庭数量:2. Introduction: (Describe main problems and issues requiring perusal and solutions)背景介绍:(描述需要研究的主要问题和解决方案)63. SGP Focal Areas and GEF Operational Programs 小额赠

5、款计划重点领域与 GEF 业务规划What GEF focal area does the project fall into? Please check one or more boxes as appropriate这个项目属于 GEF 的哪个重点领域 ?请在方框内勾出一个或多个适合的选项。 生物多样性OP1 Arid and Semi-arid Zone Ecosystem 干旱半干旱地区生态系统 OP2 Coastal Marine and Freshwater Ecosystem 海岸海洋淡水生态系统 OP3 Forestry Ecosystem 森林生态系统OP4 Mountain

6、 Ecosystem 山区生态系统 OP13 Agricultural Ecosystem 农业生态系统 减缓气候变化OP5 Removal of Barriers to Energy Efficiency and Energy Conservation 消除阻碍能源效率和节能的因素OP6 Promoting the Adoption of Renewable Energy 推广可再生能源的使用OP7 Reducing the Long-Term Costs of Low Greenhouse Gas Emitting Energy Technologies降低温室气体低排放能源技术的长期成本

7、OP11 Promoting Environmentally Sustainable Transport 推广环境可持续的交通73. SGP Focal Areas and GEF Operational Programs 小额赠款计划重点领域与 GEF 业务规划What GEF focal area does the project fall into? Please check one or two boxes as appropriate这个项目属于 GEF 的哪个重点领域 ?请在方框内勾出适合的选项。 国际水域OP8 Waterbody- based Operational Progr

8、amme 有关水体的项目OP9 Integrated Land and Water Multiple focal area Operational Programme 综合性土地和与水相关的多主题项目OP10Contaminant-based Operational Programme 有关水污染的项目土地退化OP15 Sustainable Land Management 可持续的土地管理持久性有机污染物OP14 Operational Programme on Persistent Organic Pollutants 有关持久性有机污染物的项目84. Specific objective

9、s in this project 项目的特定目标 1. _2. _3. _ In planning proposed activities, take into consideration time availability of target population and major stakeholders. Seasons and climatic conditions are also important factors. Some activities may readily be carried out using pre-existing community resources

10、, without having to wait for cash transfer from GEF SGP.在设计项目活动时,请考虑目标人群和利益相关方的时间有效性以及季节、气候条件等因素。一些活动利用社区已有的资源更易开展,不必等 GEF SGP 的汇款到达就可以进行。Proposed activities to achieve the objectives为达成目标而建议的活动Descriptive anticipated results including indicators预期的成果包括衡量的指标Activity1.项目活动Activity 2.项目活动Activity 3.项目

11、活动Activity 4.项目活动Activity 5.项目活动Activity 6.项目活动95. Project Workplan and Monitoring Schedule 项目工作计划及监督时间表Project Number: Project Name 项目名称 :Name of Grant Recipient 受款单位名称:Brief Description of General Objective of Project:简要描述项目的总体目标GEF Focal Area:GEF 重点领域GEF OP:GEF 业务规划Project Start and End Dates:项目起

12、止日期Brief Description of Specific Objective #1:简要说明特定目标 1List the activities necessary to fulfill this objective. Indicate who isresponsible for each activity and an indicator of activity accomplishment.列出实现上述目标的必要活动,每项活动的负责方及活动成果的指标Duration of Activity in Months (or Quarters)活动开展的时间(按月或季度)Activity 活

13、动 Responsible Party负责方Indicator 指标 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Description of Specific Objective #2:简要说明特定目标 2Activity Responsible Party Indicator 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 persons responsible for monitoring and progress reports: 说明负责项目监督和进展报告的人Monitoring Frequen

14、cy / Reporting 监督/报告的频率Monitoring andRecord-Keeping 监督和存档Progress Reports 进展报告此表可以根据每个项目的具体情况进行修改。也可另加页以包含所有的项目目标及活动106. About the Proponent:申请者简介Name of Organization 机构名称:Address 地址:Responsible staff 负责人: Coordinator 联系人:Phone 电话: Fax:传真E-Mail 电子信箱: Brief history of organization 机构的简要历史 :Relevant experience of organization 机构在所申请项目领域的相关经验:


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