精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上印章使用管理制度 SYSTEM OF STAMPS USAGE AND MANAGEMENT1.1 印章的保管 Safekeeping of Stamps1.1.1 印章须设专人、专屉保管。各部门的印章由各部门自行保管。The stamps should be kept by specified person and in special drawer. The stamps of each department should be kept by themself.1.1.2 公司印章必须严加保管,务求安全。如不慎丢失,须立即采取补救措施,避免可能发生的损失。当公司发生损失时,由保管人承担全部责任。The coporate stamps should be strictly and carefully kept, secure its safety. If the stamps were lost carelessly, the remedy measure should be conducted immediately t