精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上INCUMBENCY CERTIFICATIONDate: XX-XX-2017(日-月-年)To: Embassy of the AustralianDear Visa officer:This is to certify that Mr/MS. XXXXXX(名字)works in our company/unit as XXXXXXXX(职务)since the year of XXXX(入职公司年份). Her/His monthly salary is RMB XXXX(月薪). He/She will have a tour to the Australia from XX XX 2015 to XX XX 2015(旅行日期).Her/His information is listed as follows, NameSexDate of BirthPassport No.XXXX(名字)M(性别)XX JUL1900(出生年月日)GXXXXXXXX(护照号码)All