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1、17A Unit1 This is me!一、单词二、词组或短语序号 Chinese English1 读/看这本书 read this book照顾 look after2怎样照顾你的电子狗 how to look after your e-dog3 (与)某人交朋友 make friends (with sb.)4 第一天 the first day5 向某人作自我介绍 introduce oneself to sb.6 在七年级一班 in Class 1, Grade 7= in Class One, Grade Seven热爱读书 love reading 7喜爱踢足球 love pl

2、aying football8 喜欢听音乐 like listening to the music9 喜爱玩电脑游戏 enjoy playing computer gameslove/like/enjoy doing sth.喜爱做某事10 来自 come from = be from11 努力学习(工作) work hard12 擅长于;在主面做得好 be good at = do well in13 在阅读兴趣小组/参加英语兴趣小组 in the Reading Club/ in the English Club14 戴眼镜 wear glasses15 开始认识这些学生 get to k

3、now the students早上好。/下午好。 Good morning./ Good afternoon.晚上好。 (晚上见面) Good evening.16晚安。 (睡前告别) Good night.17 做笔记 make notes 18 出生 be born19 踢足球/打羽毛球 play football/badminton20 在足球场 on the football field21 在羽毛球场 on the badminton court22 在游泳池里 in the swimming pool23 去游泳/跑步 go swimming/running步行回家 walk h

4、ome = go home on foot乘公共汽车回家 take the bus home = go home by bus24乘公共汽车去上学 take the bus to school = go to school by bus25 在周末 at the weekend26 放风筝 fly a kite/ fly kites27 在上午/下午/晚上 in the morning/ afternoon/ evening带某人去散步 take sb. for a walk28遛狗 take the dog for a walk2与某人谈话 talk to/with sb.29谈论某事 ta

5、lk about sth.30 为黄河足球队效力 play for Huanghe Football Team31 为我们校足球队进球得分 score for our school football team32 进球得分 score goals看起来很强壮/高兴(系表) look strong/ look happy33听起来很好(系表结构) sound great34 在下一次世界杯 in the next World Cup35 和他人合作 work with others用英语说(某事) say sth. in English36说英语 speak English37 的答案 the

6、answer to 38 半小时 half an hour39 将某物遗忘在某地 leave sth. sp.40 练习做某事 practice doing sth.41 需要做某事 need to do sth.三、重点句子 1. Whats your name? My names/ Im 2. I love reading./ I love playing football after school./She loves dancing.3. I was born in Shanghai but I live in Beijing now.4. She works hard. 她学习/工作

7、很努力。5. I like listening to music.6. She is good at swimming. = She does well in swimming. 她擅长于游泳。7. She wears glasses.8. He enjoys playing computer games.9. I talk to my classmates at lunchtime.10. I take my dog for a walk every day. 我每天带有的狗去散步。11. At the weekend, I usually go running for half an ho

8、ur in the morning.12. He plays for Huanghe Football Team. 他为黄河足球队效力(踢球) 。13. He is good at scoring goals. 他擅长于射门得分。14. He wants to play in the next World Cup.15. The more English you speak in class, the faster you will learn. 你在课内说英语说得越多,你将学得越快。16. How well do you know your new friends? 你对你的新朋友有多了解?

9、17. If you do not know the answer to something, you say, “Im sorry, I dont know.”318. Can I borrow your pen?四、语法带有 be 动词和 do 动词的一般现在时。一般现在时:阐述一般的客观事实;目前存在的事实;经常的习惯性的动作。(1)当主语是第三人称单数时:肯定句:主语+is+其他主语+动词的等三人称单数形式+其他。如:He is kind Nancy lives in Nanjing否定句:主语+isnt+其他主语+doesnt+ 动词原形+ 其他如:He isnt a student

10、 Nancy doesnt live in Nanjing疑问句:Is+ 主语+ 其他Does+主语+动词原形+其他如:Is she your mother? Does Nancy live in Najing?(2)当主语不是第三人称单数时:肯定句:主语+amare动词原形 +其他如:I am a boy. They like apples否定句:主语+am notare not+其他主语+dont+动词原形+其它如:They dont like apples They are not friends疑问句:AmAre+ 主语+其他 Do+主语+动词原形+其它如:Do they like a

11、pples? Are they good students?7A Unit 2 My day序号 Chinese English醒过来;叫醒 wake up1叫醒某人 wake sb. up2 是该做某事的时候了。 Its time for sth. = Its time to do sth.是该 某人 做某事的时候了。 Its time for sb. to do sth.3 打算做某事 be going to do sth.4 去睡觉;入睡 go to sleep5 玩得开心 have fun =have a good time = enjoy oneself6 开心地做某事 have f

12、un doing sth. = enjoy oneself doing sth.= have a good time doing sth.7 一个新的网友 a new online friend8 记日记 keep a diary9 做早操 do morning exercises10 上课 have lessons11 做课外活动 do after-school activities12 在操场上 in the play ground413 彼此聊天 chat with each other14 对某人友好 be nice/kind/friendly to sb.15(某人)花(时间或金钱)

13、做某事 spend .(in) doing sth.= spend on sth.16 每逢周二和周五 every Tuesday and Friday17 中的一个成员 a member of 18 给某人发电子邮件 e-mail me = send an e-mail to me19 发送某物给某人 send sth. to sb. = send sb. sth.20 一周两次 twice a week21 听收音机 listen to the radio22 做飞机模型 make model planes23 看太多电视 watch too much TV = watch TV too

14、muchtoo much + 不可数名词24 太多too many + 可数名词复数25 太 much too + 形容词或副词26 总是;一直 all the time = always27 约见某人,会见某人 meet up with sb.28 了解很多关于电脑(的知识) know a lot about computers29 舞蹈课 dancing lesson(s)30 没有时间做某事 have no time to do sth.31 和某人在电话上谈话 talk to/with sb. on the phone32 教我们英语 teach us English33 向某人问好

15、say hello to sb34 去旅行 go on a trip35 因为做某事而感谢你。 Thank you for doing sth.36 期待做某事(to 为介词) look forward to sth. / look forward to doing sth.37 你认为怎样? What do you think of .? = How do you like?38 需要做某事 need to do sth.为某事做(好)准备 get/be ready for sth.39准备做某事 get/be ready to do sth.40 对有好处 be good for41 .对

16、我来说很困难 .be hard for sb.42 了解更多关于这个世界的(事情) learn more about the world三、重点句子 1. Is it time for breakfast? = Is it time to have breakfast? 2. I want to go to sleep. 3.Some dogs just dont know have to have fun. 4. My classmates are all nice to me. 5. All my friends are really great. 56.I spend about two

17、 hours a day doing my homework. 7.She is very busy and doesnt have much time to talk with her friends. 8. She meets up with Simon and they do their homework together. 9. He knows a lot about computers. 10. Each student can spend ¥10. = Each of the students can spend ¥ 10 11.Thank you for organizing

18、the class trip. 12. The price for each student is ¥ 5. 13.We are looking forward to a great day out. 14. Maybe you need to practise it more. 15. What do you think of your new school ? = How do you like your new school?16. Theyre good for us. They help us get ready for the day. 17. I love reading bec

19、ause I want to learn more about the world. 四、语法人称代词分为两种:主格和宾格。(1)主格一般在句中作主语。如:I am a teacher. You are a student.(2)宾格在句中作及物动词或介词的宾语。如:He is giving us his books.第 三 人 称 单 数第 一 人称单数第 二 人称单数 阳 性 阴 性 中 性第一人称复数第二人称复数第 三 人 称 复 数主格I(我)you (你) he(他)she(她)it(它)we(我们)you(你们)they (他们,她们,它们)宾格me(我)you (你) him(他

20、)her(她)it(她)us(我们)you(你们)them (他们,她们,它们)7A Unit 3 Lets Celebrate一 单词二 词组序号 Chinese English化装;打扮 dress up1化装成一个鬼 dress up as a ghost2 给某人穿衣服 dress sb.穿着.(衣服) be/get dressed in.= wear = be in = have on3 感谢某人做某事 thank sb. for doing sth.64 告诉某人关于某事 tell sb. about sth.5 举行一场特别的晚会 have a special party6 玩一

21、个被叫上不招待就使坏的游戏 play a game called trick or treat7 敲人们的门 knock on/at peoples doors8 给我们一些糖果作为招待 give us some candies as a treat= give us a treat of some candies9 给某人某物作为招待 give sb. sth as a treat = give us a treat of sth.10 捉弄某人/开某人的玩笑 play a trick/joke on sb.11 在万圣节 at Halloween12 穿着带有面具的奇特服装 wear sp

22、ecial costumes with masks13 为某人制作某物 make sth. for sb.14 切割出;剪出 cut out15 在十月三十一日的晚上 on the evening of October 31st16 用.制成 make out of =make with 17 在圣诞节 at Christmas18 在感恩节 on Thanksgiving Day19 在端午节 at Dragon Boat Festival20 在中秋节 at Mid-Autumn Festival21 在十月十二日的下 on the afternoon of 12th October22

23、在周一(上午/下午/晚上) on Monday (morning/afternoon/evening)23 在早饭时/午餐时/在晚餐时 at breakfast/at lunch/at supper/at dinner24 在七岁时 at 7=at the age of 725 午餐吃. have for lunch26 那个穿着一件奇怪服装的人 that person in a special costume27 去度假 go on holiday28 在度假 be on holiday29 观看狮子舞 watch the lion dance30 传统的中国食品 traditional C

24、hinese food31 是我第一次做某事。 Its my first time to do sth.32 在的另一面 on the other side of32 几秒钟 a few seconds34 努力(不)做某事 try (not) to do sth.35 用许多方法;在许多方面 in many ways36 透过眼睛发光/闪耀 shine through the eyes三、重点句子 1. Im dressing up as a ghost. 2. Which is your favourite festival? = Which festival do you like be

25、st ? 3.Thank you( =Thanks)for telling me about Mid-Autumn Festival. 4.We play a game called trick or treat. 75.What do we do for Halloween? 6.Usually, they give us some candies as a treat. = Usually, they give us a treat of some candies. 7.If they do not give us a treat, we can play a trick on them.

26、 (主将从现) 8.People do not know who we are. 9.We make our own special pumpkin lanterns for Halloween. 10.My family always have a party on the evening of October 31st. 11.You can make a lantern out of a pumpkin. 12.It is my first to see it and I am very excited. 13.At night, there will be fireworks in C

27、hinatown. 14.Which is your favourite day in the year? 15.Why do you like your birthday so much ? 16.What do you do for Chinese New Year in Beijing ? 17.Look at the picture for a few seconds and try to remember the sentence. 18.They put candles in them so the light shines through the eyes, the nose a

28、nd the teeth. 四、语法1.at, on, in 时间状语往往由于介词短语构成,不同的时间所使用的介词也不相同。(1)at 多用于某一点的时间,具体的时刻。如:at seven oclock,at that time,at the weekends,at noon,at night (2)on 多用于表示具体日期的时间前。on June 1,on Monday,on the morning of October31st (3)in 与表示一段的时间状语连用。in the morning 指的是上午的一段时间in 2004 指在 2004 的一段时间里in February,in S

29、pring2用以 wh-开头的疑问词进行提问:(1)what 的汉语句字是“什么” ,用于对“事物和活动”进行提问,另外它还用来对“哪一个或哪一些”提高,相当于 which。(2) who 汉语名字是 “谁” ,对人提问。(3) whose 的意思是“谁的” ,用来问东西的所属。(4) which 要求从二者成一群,加以选择意思是“哪一个,哪一些” ,用来对人或物提问。(5) when 对时间提问,表示“什么时候” 。8(6) where 的职责是用来对 “地点”进行提问,表示“哪儿,哪里” 。(7) why 用来对 “原因”进行提问,表示 “为什么” 。(8) how“如何,怎样 ”,用来询

30、问事情,状况如何。“怎样”用来提问方式或方法等。例如:How do you go to school? I go to school by bike.3some 和 any 的用法:(1)some 和 any 都是表示“一些”的意思,some 一般用于肯定句, any 一般用于否定句和疑问句。两个词既可以修饰可数名词,又可以修饰不可数名词。(2) some 用于疑问句中,表示希望得到对方的肯定回答。如:Would you like some tea?7A Unit 4 Food一 单词二 词组序号 Chinese English1 总是饿 be always hungry2 健身俱乐部 the

31、 Get Fit Club3 好不好?.怎么样? What about? = How about?去钓鱼好不好? What about going fishing?4 对某人来说很重要 be important for sb.5 需要做某事 need to do sth.6 需要某物来做某事 need sth. to do sth.7 变累 get tired8 保持健康 keep fit = stay healthy = keep healthy9 一日三餐之间 between meals10 太多的糖 too much sugar11 想要(保持)健康 want to be healthy

32、12 早饭吃 eat/have.for breakfast13 一个顶尖的学生 a top student14 有健康的饮食习惯和生活方式 have a healthy diet and lifestyle15 跑得快 run fast16 是该某人去做某事的时候了。 Its time for sb. to do sth.现在是该我改变()的时候了。Its time for me to change now.17 计划做某事 plan to do sth.18 你生活的方式 the way you live 19 当心某物/某事 be careful with sth.20 没有很多时间去做某

33、事 dont have much time to do sth.921 一周三次 three times a week22 坐在电脑的前面 sit in front of the computer23 去上舞蹈课 go to dancing lessons24 去滑旱冰 go roller skating25 一包盐 a packet of salt26 两袋大米 two bags of rice27 三杯茶 three cups of tea28 四公斤肉 four kilos of meat29 五盒牛奶 five cartons of milk30 这么多东西 so many thing

34、s31 少于五小时 less than 5 hours32 多于十小时 more than 10 hours32 一点也不,根本不 not at all34 少看电视 watch less TV 35 祝贺某人 Congratulations to sb.36 看两个小时电视 watch 2 hours of TV = watch TV for 2 hours37 你认为怎么样? How do you like.? = What do you think of ?38 不再 not any more = no more39 躺在长沙发上 lie on the couch祝某人好运。 Good

35、luck to sb.40祝某事顺利。 Good luck with sth41 健康的饮食 healthy eating = healthy diet42 没有变胖 without getting fat43 讨厌做某事 hate doing sth.三、重点句子 1. I walk to my bowl many times a day. 2. A healthy diet is very important for a dancer. 3.I need lots of energy to dance. 4.It is very easy for me to get tired when

36、I dance. 5.I need to keep fit. 6.I never do any exercise. 7.I plan to go swimming twice a week. 8.Kitty is careful with her diet because she wants to be healthy. 9.Sandy doesnt have much time to play badminton. 10.Daniel spends all his free time sitting in front of the computer. 11. How much TV do y

37、ou watch every day ? 12. You are not fit at all. 你一点也不健康。 1013.How do you like your new diet? = What do you think of your new diet ? 13.I love hamburgers but I dont eat them any more. = I love hamburgers but I no more eat them. 14. Good luck with your new diet and lifestyle. 15.This meal gives me en

38、ergy for the afternoon and for playing volleyball later. 16.I need vitamins to stay healthy. 我需要维生素来保持健康。 17.It is also important to drink lots of water every day. 18. There are no calories in water, so you can drink it without getting fat. 四、语法1频率副词:(1)频率副词按照其发生频率由高到低排列如下:always usually often somet

39、imes seldom never(2)频率副词用于行为动词之前,be 动词之后。2名词的分类:可数名词:a table/an apple/two tables/two stories/two watches/photos/tomatoes/knives 不可数名词:bread, water, hair, air, money, rain, tea, chicken, rice, fruit, cheese, milk, salt, sugar, soup, vinegar.3There be 句型的用法:These isare+sbsth,十介词 +some place 相当于“某地有某人某物” ,句子中的 be动词和紧跟的名词在数方面必须一致。如:There are some people in the park否定形式是:There isare not 如:There is not a person in the classroom一般疑问句形式是:IsAre there ?肯定回答是 Yes,there isare否定回答是 No,there isntarent 如:Are there some pictures on the wall?Yes,there areNo,there arent.


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