精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上| You have to believe, there is a way. The ancients said: the kingdom of heaven is trying to enter. Only when the reluctant step by step to go to it s time, must be managed to get one step down, only have struggled to achieve it. - Guo Ge Tech幼儿园教师各项管理制度 认真贯彻国家幼教法规和未成年人保护法。努力做好班级工作,使幼儿在体、智、德、美各方面得到发展。 一、师德 1、教师应树立正确的教育观、儿童观,热爱、尊重幼儿,坚持积极正面教育,禁止任何形式的体罚和变相体罚。严禁打骂孩子,树立与孩子平等的观念:蹲下来和孩子说话,抱起来交流,牵着手教育。 2、全体教职工必须严格遵守作息制度,不迟到、不早退、无大事不随便请假。 3、教师要把全部精