精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上地铁盾构始发反力架支撑结构设计 王松海摘要:在地铁盾构始发过程中,反力架支撑起着举足轻重的作用。其结构的稳定是确保盾构机不发生变形的关键,同时也是隧洞轴线不发生偏移的决定性因素。下面以济南地铁R1号线某一盾构区间为例,通过详细的力学分析,介绍反力架支撑的结构设计方式。Abstract: Shield machine in the subway during reaction plays an important role in supporting frame. The stability of the structure Is the critical to ensure shield does no deformation, but also a decisive factor to ensure the tunnel axis does no shift. The following example is Jinan Metro Line R1. Th