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1、1成都市七中育才学校 19 届初一上英语复习题三Made by Deng Xuhong&Checked by Zhang JieClass_ Name _ NO._Unit4-5 基础知识梳理部分一、重点句子翻译。1. 我的书在哪儿? - 在沙发上。 (keys, table)2. -钥匙在沙发上吗? - 不,没有。他们在桌子上。 (on)3. Gina 的书到处都是。(everywhere)4. 白色的模型飞机是她的。(hers)5. 我很整洁,但是 Gina 却不。(tidy)二、阅读下面的对话或短文,并梳理出重要的语言现象。Short passage My notesHello! Im

2、Wang Wei. Im from China. I like playing sports. I have a lot of sports things. I have a soccer ball, a volleyball, two basketballs, two tennis rackets and ten tennis balls. I often put my things everywhere. Look! My soccer ball is under my bed. The basketballs are under the desk. Where are my tennis

3、 rackets? Theyre on the bookcase. And you can see a baseball on my bed! My mom says I am not tidy. I have a cousin. We are in the same school. He likes sports too. But he doesnt have any sports things. He doesnt play sports. He thinks its difficult to play sports and he only watches them on TV. So I

4、 often play sports with my friends after school. Do you like sports? Lets do sports together after school. Its good for our health.习题部分一、选出下列字母或单词划线部分所含音素不同的选项。( )1. A. table B. hat C. tape( )2. A. bed B. relaxing C. tennis( )3. A. bread B. easy C. teacher( )4. A. soccer B. notebook C. not( )5. A. s

5、port B. short C. favorite二、单项选择题2( )1.- _ is Mike? - He is at school.A. Who B. Where C. How( )2. My schoolbag is _ the room, and my pens are _ the pencil box.A. under, in B. in, in C. on, under( )3. Excuse me. Where are my books? - _ in the bookcase.A. Its B. Theyre C. Those are( )4. You are late fo

6、r school, _, Jack.A. come on B. come here C. look at( )5. -Are these _ books? - No, they arent. They are _ books.A. your, their B. yours, our C. their, yours( )6. I am in Class Seven, _ my cousin isnt.A. and B. but C. so( )7. - Is your brothers room _? - No, you can see his things everywhere.A. tidy

7、 B. big C. over there( )8. I dont _ a sports collection but my sister _ one.A. have, has B. have, have C. has, have( )9. Do you have a dictionary? - _. But I have an English book.A. Yes, I do. B. No, I dont. C. No, Im not.( )10. -Lets play soccer. - _ Lets go.A. I dont like soccer. B. Thats boring.

8、C. Great!三、根据句子意思及首字母填空。1. There is o_ one telephone in my home, so we cant use the phone at the same time.2. Jim likes playing basketball, but Mike likes playing v_.3. Playing tennis is so d_ for me, but its easy for my brother.4. Bill is really untidy. In his bedroom, you can see his books are e_.

9、5. L_ your daughter get the tennis ball. She knows where it is.四、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Linda _ many sports things at home, but her friend doesnt _ any. ( have )2. Do you know _? - No, but I know _ English teacher, Miss Luo. ( they )3. Johnreallylike3s_gamesonTVandheoften_4_TVfor2hourseverydayathome. (wat5c

10、h)4. My father loves doing _ every day. His favorite _ is basketball. ( sport )5. Thegeographyclassisso_f6orthestudentsthatallofthemfeel_7_inclasseverytime. (boring)五、句型转换1. Lisa has a tennis ball and two soccer balls. (改为一般疑问句并作否定回答)_ she _ a tennis ball and two soccer balls ? _, she _.2. My books

11、are on the chair. ( 对划线部分提问)_ _ books?3. Bobs model plane is on the bookcase. ( 对划线部分提问)_ on the bookcase?4. He has a computer. ( 改为复数形式 )_ _ _.5. She does her homework first after school every day. ( 变成否定句)She _ _ her homework first after school every day.六、完形填空Hi, Im Alex Green. Im 13 years old an

12、d I go to Park School in the UK. This is my school day. I get up at 87:00 in the morning and _1_.My school is _2_ my house. I go to school at 8:00 and have classes at 9:00. we have three classes in the morning. My favorite subject is _3_. We like it because its interesting and the art teacher is fun

13、. At 11:30 we _4_ classes and I play with my friends. We play soccer, but I dont like _5_! We have lunch at school at 13:30. I like my school lunch! We have meat and rice, sometimes we have hamburgers. I _6_ milk or water. In the _7_ we have classes at 1:30. we have two classes. Then we can do _8_ t

14、hings. We can play sports, sing or dance. Then we go home at 5:00. In the evening we watch games _9_ TV and have dinner. I go to bed at ten. I like my school day. Do you like _10_?( )1. A. breakfast B. lunch C. dinner( )2. A. on B. under C. next to( )3. A. math B. art C. P. E.( )4. A. have B. dont h

15、ave C. can have( ) 5. A. it B. them C him( )6. A. eat B. likes C. drink( )7. A. morning B. afternoon C. evening( )8. A. the same B. one C. different ( )9. A. on B. in C. at( )10. you B. my C. yours七、阅读理解。A)阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,判断正误。正确填 “A”, 错误填 “B” All students need to have good study(学习)habits. When you h

16、ave good study habits, you can learn things quickly (迅速). And you can also remember them easily.Do you like to study in the sitting room? This is not a good place because it is usually not very quiet (安静). You need to study in a quiet place, like your bedroom. A quiet place can help you to think. Wh

17、en you study at home, do not think about other things at the same time. Only think about your homework. If you do, you can do your homework more quickly and make fewer mistakes. ( 少犯错误 )Good study habits are very important. If you dont have them, try to learn them, if yours are good now, try to make

18、 them better. (更好)( )1. Every student needs to have good study habits because they are important.( )2. The sitting room is a good place for us to study.( )3. The quiet place can help us do homework more quickly.( )4. Good study habits can help us to learn things quickly and remember easily.( )5. If

19、we dont have good study habits, we can make fewer mistakes.B) 阅读短文,并选择正确的选项补全短文My name is James and I live in Los Angeles in America. 1._ They are Sam, Lucy, David and Tony. They live in different cities. Sam lives in London, Lucy lives in Moscow, David lives in New York and Tony lives in Beijing. I

20、 often send postcards (明信片) or e-mails to them. 2._.Now people in different places are doing different things. 3._ I am starting my lessons. It is nine oclock in Los Angeles. 4._ Sam is leaving work and going home. It is five oclock in London. Lucy is having dinner at home with her parents. It is ei

21、ght oclock in Moscow. They are having many kinds of good food. David isnt working. 5._ It is afternoon in New York. Tony isnt having dinner. It is one oclock a.m. in Beijing. He is sleeping in bed.A. My math teacher is teaching us.B. He is drinking coffee with his friends.C. I have four friends.D. S

22、o we are doing different things, too.E. And I often get postcards or e-mails from them.F. We dont go to school today.八、补全对话,一空一词A: Yeah, we finish this term now. What do you want to do in the winter vacation (寒假)?9B: I want to go to England to see my 1._.A: 2._ great. Your uncle and aunt must be ver

23、y happy to see you in England.B: Well, they are back to China now. But their daughter is in England. She is studying there.A: Oh, I 3._.B: Her birthday is coming. I want to 4._ something for her, but I have no idea.A: When is her birthday?B: Its in 5._.A: ItsJanuarynow. Soherbirthdayisin10thenextmonth. Ithinkyoucangethersomeboo


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